Bossy’s daughter isn’t allowed to have a cell phone. So she trash-picked one.
At first Bossy thought Bossy’s daughter had a Men category on her cell phone. But it’s Menu. Phew — another disaster averted — so now full energy can be applied to why she pretends to text all day long.
I love you. Cell-phones + children = disaster. Hurray for Bossy.
I hope that isn’t the RNC on speed dial on her trash picked phone. Or maybe it is, and she just talks trash to them!
Too cute. My kids just make them out of wads of paper. And they make little blue tooth thingies out of pipe cleaners.
Whew indeed. I also thought it said men and then I thought for sure there’d be a list of multiple husbands and boyfriends.
Thank goodness it wasn’t that.
My nine year old has a cell from her grandmother which she loves loves loves…. It doesn’t matter that it doesn’t do anything, it is berry pink and real. Inoperable, yes, but real.
Thank you Bossy for bringing this matter out of the closet!
I believe this is mis-categorized. Shouldn’t it be under a favorite thing?
This way she’ll be ready when she does get a real phone. Being a texting diva requires mad skillz. If she needs help my Social Butterfly could teacher her a thing or two.
This just may be my favorite thing of the day. Yes, indeedy. I particularly like the elephant. That’s a girl with style.
Bossy’s daughter is streaming Yellaphant from her fake cell phone? She is SO SWEET!
LOL @ her texting all day long……Mine does that too! Oh, and talks to no one…..The cell my daughter uses doesn’t even have the battery pack on the back. She just carries it around, answering mysterious calls~
All too familiar
I’m still back on the Bluetooth made out of pipe cleaners. That is really striking my fancy — using a craft material from MY childhood (we used them to make s of mastodons that we saw outside the cave) to completely common everyday items in these kids’ lives. I love this.
Just heard an NPR discussion about the pressure that phoneless kids get, not only from peers but from their friends’ PARENTS. Hang in there, Bossy and Bossy Husband!
My daughter must resort to the same. She things we’re very cruel. Oh well!
I’d say not so much “averted” as “postponed.” It is only a matter of time.
This is like the urban legend where the boy, whose mother forbid toy guns, bit his PB&J sandwich into the shape of one at the breakfast table. Or used a banana. My 6 yr old daughter ressurects cast-off cells as her playthings, too.
Hippie begged for a cell phone for Christmas 2 years ago and in that time, I bet she hasn’t used it more than three hours and maybe 20 texts. She refuses to carry it to school because it went off once in class(wrong number, of course) and she got detention. I still have to pay the $10 extra line charge a month, of course.
That is so cute. I gave my kids our old cell phones. They don’t have service, but when they are charged up, they still take pictures and can call 911-
When I was her age I BEGGED for a phone in my room. I took the phone from the den and stretched the wire almost to my room. That plan was discontinued when 5:00 rolled around.
I can totally relate to wanting that phone and being saddled with cruel spiteful parents……
Aww, buy the poor kid a cell phone.
My 6 yo DD came home with a prize from the Teacher’s “Prize Closet” today that is a calculator that looks like an iPod Nano. She has decided it is an iPhone too. So she was making those mysterious phone calls too.
Of course she makes those, and texts, on her Disney Princess play cell phone too.
Bossy’s Daughter, I have a slightly used cel phone for you, yup I do, one problem it was drowned in the toilet, and I couldn’t stop peeing on it to get it……… but it is pink and flips and flashes crazy lights sometimes.. I only have 8 weeks till eligible for my new one…
Each of my girls has one of those (scrounged from various places/family friends) – I get such a kick out of listening to them “call” each other in the house. Sometimes I answer the “call”, and they give me the ol’ “No Mom! I wasn’t calling YOU.”
Love that she made her own screen – ingenious!
When someone invents a phone that will send a text ONLY if it is properly spelled and punctuated, then MAYBE I’ll get them for my kids.
Wait, that gives me an idea — be right back —
I was the opposite as a kid – didn’t want any of it.

My parents were into gadgets and control freaks tho, so I had a pager in the late 80’s, and one of the first cell phones when I was in high school (it was the size of a brick and had a shoulder strap!). And sure enough, they could keep tabs on me.
Now that I’m all grown up, I’m a gadget freak too, but the only person I know that never turns her cool cell phone on!