Welcome to Bossy’s Featured Gay, where every week Bossy will, right, feature her favorite gays! If you’d like to be one of Bossy’s Gays with your blog, er, featured, please email Bossy today! Because linky lurve is the New Safe Sex!
Meanwhile: this is Bossy’s friend VUBOQ. And this is his blog.
ooh! look! it’s me! i’m featured! on BOSSY! i really should go put up a more interesting post …
Is it possible to email you later? I mean, my current top post is crap. I need to write a very pandering, outrageous and possibly funny post before trying to get some publicity!
Little Miss Sunshine State also loves HER gays. Even if they are all under 35 and call me Mom!
Will you feature any lesbians? Because LMSS also LOVES her lesbian friends.
Love VUBOQ! I’ve been reading him since your Road Trip.
Don’t you love those *smooches*?
I second gigi!
VUBOQ is a way kewl guy who makes wonderful pottery!
check him out, guys and gals!
I’m 40% gay. Does that count?
Do you even have to ask? You know where to find me.
Um – am I the only one who thinks this is somehow icky?
Are you featuring a gay because you’re beyond beyond political correctness?
Because you like to categorize people? (What’s next – my favorite fat chick? Jew? Crack whore?)
Because your gays are better than other people’s? (Not like all those boring gays at YOUR cocktail party, dahlink.)
I dunno – seems to border dangerously on “freak show” to me.
I LOVE this category! And what I NEED to know now is….how did VUBOQ get that ticker sliding across his posts….hmmm something I’m going to have to google later.
Thank you for featuring us Bossy! This gay loves you! California bossy fans – PLEASE Vote No on Prop 8.
OOOOOOH me, pick me, my hand is in the air really really high. Ooooh ooooh oooooh I want me some Bossy love!
If you find any in the Mass. area who are looking to be friends with a housewife who used to be a lot more fabulous than she is right now, could you send them my way? I need a gay friend more than I need my roots done. And that’s saying a lot.
Fer chrissake.
Sadly, no blog. But a gay-girl long-distance crush on Bossy! Does that count? Except I did notice once or twice that straight people love to have gay friends a lot more than they love to have gay lovers. What is up with that?
Oh, and PS: Bossy is also on my list of favorite Butch Straight Chicks.
VUBOQ is one of my favorite IRL people. I’m even seeing him Saturday. How jealous are you now?
xoxo, SG
1. I almost wish I was gay, just to get featured here, sigh.
2. Even though I’ve got “Remember Me” checked, it doesn’t.
3. He’s not old, but I suppose VUBYQ doesn’t quite scan.
4. A gay that likes his pussy? I guess it does take all kinds.
Looks like I’m not the only one jazzed about checkin’ out Bossy’s Posse!
Vuboq is very photogenic and has a second career in modeling.
I’m not gay, but I know art and beauty when I see it.
Plus he leaves great comments on Bossy’s site.
Yea, VUBOQ! He’s the reason I began reading Bossy. He’s the greatest!
Wow, this is my fave feature ever!! And I’m straight!
I’ve always wished I had a gay friend! So lucky to have so many, Bossy!
Now let me check out vuboq’s blog… love your pic, vuboq!
the other lisa needs to get a sense of humor. I love the new category. Keep on truckin’, Bossy!!
It was funnier when Dave Chappelle did it with “I Know Black People.”
I think you should stick with what you know…
For some reasone this urks me, sorry.
I meant to type ‘reason’ not ‘reasone’, darn my big fingers.
Still enjoy your blog, keep it up!
I love this…
Aw, I love this. And to those who get “urked”… it’s just tongue and cheek. And cute. Lighten up!
And I think VUBOQ is great and I would never have gotten to know him if it wasn’t for this site.
VUBOQ must be using your fave face cream, Bossy, cause he don’t look so old to me. Or, maybe it’s all that gin?
Could you next link to your favorie chubby stay at home mama….?
I love his blog!!
Good choice for the freatured gay!!
featured too!!!!
Best feature idea, EVAH!!
Awesome feature, Bossy. Anyone who thinks it’s icky obviously doesn’t have any gays of their own, or they’d totally get it.
Oh my God….this is like one of my favorite features on y9our blog now!
Bossy! Quit it! You keep stealing all my gays and I had them first! *cackle*