Bossy wants to remind you to go to this website for last minute information about your voter registration and individual polling places and specific state rules, and go here for other local tips and suggestions for the voters by the voters.
But Bossy has her own last minute voting tips, as represented by the following photo:
- Be prepared for a long wait. As a matter of fact, bring a folding chair or two for you and/or any seniors in line who may need to take a load off—and Bossy’s friends in the graduating class of ’09: this does not mean you.
- Bring all kinds of identification with you. Even if you are not a new voter, why not be prepared?
- If your right to vote is challenged, do not accept a provisional ballot, which deposits your name at the bottom of a very long list of problem ballots. Instead, demand adjudication from the poll judges, who are always present in each voting location, as well as a poll lawyer.
- Be careful about voting a straight party ticket. Double-check that all of your intended candidates are chosen, and all of the appropriate checks or tabs are selected. Or better yet, consider your ballot decisions individually, don’t push one button.
- Stand there and study the sample ballot that is taped to the wall before going into the voting booth. You do not lose points for admitting that ballots can sometimes be confusing. Make sure you understand which levers or tabs match which candidate, and ask the poll workers for information if you don’t understand any ballot questions.
- Volunteer to help—provide election day rides or information. Unless you are a Republican, in which case Bossy hears there’s going to be an all-day Top Chef marathon on Bravo you won’t want to miss!
Perhaps even write your name on your folding chairs and return later in the day to pick them up, where later in the day according to Bossy equals after a few hours of warming a bar stool.
GoBama! GoBossy! GoVote!
Voted last Friday (in my witch costume), no ID required (I did have to sign something as an early voter), took about 12 minutes in total. Go vastly unpopulated states like OK
I’m a nervous wreck. I need this to be over!
Oh and may I suggest to those that are of strong mind and body – take your kids with you. The sooner they get involved with voting the more likely they are to do so as soon as they turn 18. My two have taken to polling their friends! Obama is winning among the elementary school set in Virginia!
Now Bossy, you don’t want to get lumped in with those jerks that are distributing flyers in poor neighborhoods telling people they’ll get arrested at the polls if they have parking tickets.
Republicans should still go vote–they should just vote for Obama!
Nice check list, Bossy.
I’m a nervous wreck, too. I’m thinking about camping out in front of my polling place tonight so I can get a really, really GOOD vote. Nevermind that my polling place is in my elderly neighbors’ garage, I’m there.
Why, Bossy, I heard that Democrats were supposed to wait to vote on November the 5th.
OMG – I am a nervous wreck for tomorrow… just a mess.
Also, drooling.
Vote. That’s all. Don’t talk all your political smack and then neglect to walk your lazy ass into your local polling place to put your preference into play. Vote.
That’s the best! Yeah, Top Chef marathon–Republicans be there (unless of course you’re switching teams!)
I Baracked the vote early here in Ohio, and luckily missed the lines, but I’ll still be outside of the polling places, waving my sign.
Obama is speaking tonight about 30 minutes away from where I live. How sweet will it be to spend Election Eve hearing him in person?
Gates open at 5:00!!
Yankee and I waited for 1 hour to vote on Thursday. In Georgia, we have touchscreen voting without any paper trail, and I hate it. I’m very afraid my vote won’t count.
Tried to vote early on Friday, and there was a 2.5 hour wait. But I will stand in line on Tuesday for however long is necessary.
Nervous wreck here in CA too. Prop 8 is essentially a statistical tie. Why, oh why, is it so easy to amend our state constitution? How can a simple majority not only decide the fate of a minority (cause that’s always worked out so well) but amend our constitution at the same time? I guess that’s my next cause…it should require a 2/3 majority or something!
In any case, i agree. GAH! Go VOTE. GO Obama and NO on 8!
What time is it OK to begin cocktail hour on Election Day? Is today at noon too soon?
you need this.
And you know that little button that allows you to vote all one party – DO NOT PRESS THAT BUTTON – press each button SEPARATELY. It may mean you are standing in that booth an extra 30 seconds, so what.
I am bringing some food to share too. Mind as well make friends and eat, right?!
I am so looking forward to casting my vote for Obama. While I still wish it were for Hillary, we girls are going to break the glass ceiling next time! Until then, anything but the third term of Bush!
And I am not kidding!!!
Am I the only person in America left who genuinely isn’t sure who to vote for?
Asthmagirl still has not found her new voter’s card. She hopes to be able to vote with her old voter’s card, her driver’s license and a sweet smile.
And she really hopes her state decides to do early voting someday because she anticipates some very long lines tomorrow.
@Kristin: rick-roll alert!
Great tips Bossy and thanks for getting the word out there. Democracy requires participation so let’s all get out and do our part!
My handsome and lovely husband
(mailman) took our ballots straight to the post office today. God damn county went to mail in ballots, I kinda wish I was standing in line with you all, I think it makes all the difference in the world to go to a polling center..even if it takes hours and hours.. come check me out, I did a little posting about it, boss..
Interesting how we are are all so nervous! (biting my nails)
Go Vote!!!!
coastal nest
I know when I voted, I didn’t fully understand, but after I voted, I realized that I had made a decision that didn’t support a strong America. When I voted, I realized I voted for someone who would “do it for me” where I don’t have to be responsible for myself. After I made that decision, I now realized what a huge mistake that was because I didn’t make a decision based on creating a strong and independent minded America.
I want a candidate in office that will support me being self reliant, an entrepreneur. This is the idea that this country was founded on. This country is not about having the government being responsible for you, its about being entrepreneurial in nature and having that self reliant spirit. Imagine a country where everyone expected someone else to be responsible for them? I don’t agree with everything McCain does, and how he campaigned, but he does know a little bit more about what it means to have that entrepreneurial spirit. And that is what this country needs right now, just a little bit more of that. So if you haven’t voted yet, vote for the candidate who will support us in being responsible for ourselves. The health of this country does depend on it.
I voted absentee this year, and given that EARLY voters in Ohio were standing in line for over seven hours yesterday, I’m pretty happy that I did.
Oy!! Bossy, I can’t wait till this is over. Good or bad, the dang suspense is killin’ me!
Last night I sat at the dining room table with my husband and son and we plowed through our ballots together, one candidate and ballot measure at a time…we’ll drop them off in the ballot box this morning. As much as I miss standing in line at the polling place (Oregon elections are all by mail now) I don’t miss the performance anxiety and stress of wondering if I messed up.
And thanks for the voting tips…I’m afraid my post for today was considerably more cheeky and less helpful!
Bossy, I have to STRENUOUSLY disagree with point #3 about not accepting a provisional ballot. 90% of people who are offered a provisional ballot are offered so because they are not registered to vote at that specific polling place, or because they have not provided ID as first time voters (which is a federal law, through HAVA.) And no amount of adjudication is going to offer that voter anything OTHER than a provisional ballot. Their choices are to vote provisional, or not vote at all.
This is an issue I feel extremely passionate about, because my husband is the County Clerk of our county and runs our local election. The number of folks who refuse a provisional ballot, or act like complete asshats about the process, is staggering. Don’t like the process? TAKE THE TIME TO UPDATE YOUR VOTER REGISTRATION WHEN YOU MOVE!
And the lies about how provisional ballots are only counted “if it’s close” or “depending on how you voted” are just that– conspiracy theorist lies. The provisional voter process is there to protect the voter, not swindle them. At least that’s the case in my county. My husband walks through broken glass to make sure everyone gets to vote, and the fact that so many people, ignorant of the process, are threatening and intimidating him, makes me so angry.
All righty then. Off my soap box.
Please encourage people to be patient, non-asshat voters tomorrow.
I voted already, so I have NOTHING to do tomorrow. Because I won’t set foot around any of that voting craziness!
One additional piece of advice….No PDA while waiting to vote. It just makes others uncomfortable and there is no need for it. Obama is very hot, but still. Keep.It.Together.People!
Nice going, Bossy.
Bottom line: VOTE!
And try your level best to make sure it is counted.
PS. Be proud of your vote! Self reliance, entrepreneurial spirit, and personal responsibility are very much supported by your choice!
And now for something completely different: I went to a polka festival this entire past weekend (musician husband was a hot Polka Star!?) and it was so refreshing to be silly with thousands of strangers and to NOT hear a lick of political ads or talk the whole weekend. Now I’m ready for tomorrow’s marathon of reports, reviews, and more analyses. Not to gloat but boy was it nice to be away from all that for a bit.
Mailed the ballot last week. Clueless about some of the more local races but I certainly knew in the pres race who to O-vote for.
I am trying not to lose my shit over this whole election. Prop 8 MUST fail! Obama must win!
Plus the party I was going to attend tomorrow night fell through and I so don’t want to be alone for this. I don’t think I’ll be able to handle it.
I have heard of people waiting in line for hours to vote but my husband and I were in line for about 45 SECONDS. We aren’t in a swing state though, and Texas will go Mccain, ugg, but we put our vote in for Obama anyway. I am happy to see more Obama signs this year than there were Kerry signs in ’04.
Bossy, before I start, I love your blog! Please don’t be offended!!
2. I think that you need to add that every state handles their voting areas differently. Like we do not have poll lawyers available at every location. Most judges are not authorized in adjudication. You need to get your facts right before you send people to demand and yell at the poll VOLUNTEERS who like I do spend dawn to dusk working. I have worked in every city /primary / election for the last 5 years. We attend countless classes on our own time to do the best job possible. Your volunteers work so very hard! Give them a break and thank them for serving in your communities!
I already voted by absentee for the great state of California since I just moved to Washington, since there is a little prop I don’t want passed. Anywho, I believe I have an ulcer and have begun muttering to myself about what can happen after tomorrow.
BTW, totally voted for Obama and No on prop 8 in California.
Wait a minute, what’s this about only Republicans watching Top Chef marathons??? I beg to differ!!!!
Here I must politely disagree with The Other Dawn as I did at my own place and hers.
Plenty of provisional ballots are not counted – a full 1.1 million of them in 2004. There’s a 1/3 chance yours won’t be either.
I go into it more here
(sorry for the creepy self-love)
The idea is to call 866OURVOTE if you are handed a provisional ballot so that you can get adjudication on the spot and not just cross your fingers that everyone who comes in contact with your ballot is good and honest. In the process however, do not be an asshat. I agree with Dawn there.
Awesome post Bossy.
(Oh and you might want to mention that it’s a bad idea to vote “straight party” with a single button. There are already reports of those votes being counted for the other side. Speaking of asshats.
Wait, this is so informative, but can someone explain how a straight party vote could be miscounted?
Now for something completely different — Bossy, thanks for giving me a great idea for the folding chairs that I bought for an outdoor event but did not use! I live in a part of the city which is populated mostly by seniors and I was wondering if there was anything that I could do to make tomorrow easier or more pleasant for them as they vote. If my silly $20 chairs help out a little bit I will be very proud of them!
Folding chair, a good book, fully charged iPod. Check. Are martinis allowed?
Vote people! Or shut the hell up.
As far as provisional ballots are concerned, they should be a LAST RESORT. Sometimes they are pushed on people before all other options have been exhausted. There should be poll watchers at your local polling place who can give you the appropriate telephone number for finding your correct polling place. If you are new to the precinct where you vote (at least in PA), bring identification that HAS YOUR CURRENT ADDRESS on it. It should be the same address as when you registered.
Meh. Vote, don’t vote, whatever.
But if the wrong guy gets in, don’t start whining about it because you couldn’t be bothered voting.
That is all.
I need to add a few things to Mel @ A Dramatic Mommy’s list, for us folks up here in freezing Maine…
Parka, Mittens, feet warmers, hot coffee spiked with Irish Creme.
I’m going to have to take something to help me sleep tonight, otherwise, all my excitement is going to keep me up all night long.
I’m definately voting…I’m not baRocking the vote, though. I am voting to keep our country and our unborn children safe.
Good luck to you all.
I voted on Saturday. My 4 year old daughter and I waited 2 hours 43 minutes. We got done about 6:41pm. All I can say is my daughter was so GOOD she got to eat her Halloween candy for dinner that night!
Go Obama!
Tomorrow I’m doing the voter protection program thing at one of the precincts. Anyone mess with a voter… I call the Barack O’Boyfriend hotline.
Tomorrow we make history, my friend.
I can’t wait.
I voted early because I have to work at our local election commission answering phones and directing people to their correct polling places all day. Not willingly, mind you, but doing my civic duty.
I will be checking the news clips and freaking out all day until I am off at 8p and will then come home to drink heavily while awaiting results. I wonder how many people will call in sick on Wednesday.
It looks pretty here. I like the makeover.
I’m SO excited about this election, and so are my kids! (My husband, not so much… but fortunately, since he’s not of my party/beliefs, and has chosen not to vote. YAY — that way he can’t cancel me out!)
I am taking my two kids with me to vote, just so they can be in (to some extent) on this historical event. I have a feeling they’ll remember it forever!
Good luck with this, you guys!
(From a Canadian neighbour)
Totally got my absentee ballot in today. For Barack. For No on 8. For the unborn children who will have to live with this #$#@)# mess the Repubs have made over the last 8 years, if the planet survives, forget about the country. When I think that McCain has a shadow of a chance, I feel utter despair.
In response to “ME,” I’m still debating also. I like bits and pieces of both candidates, but actually neither candidate does much for me.
Dearest Bossy,
I stepped into blog poo today and ruffled some eagle feathers… as a Canadian, I should have kept my big, polite mouth shut but felt the need to shoo a few votes towards Obama if I could. I’m taking lots of flack for it… help me Bossy… can rocks and molotov cocktails get thrown this far north?
A gift for Bossy:
Watch it. And go vote!
Great post, Bossy! I couldn’t even turn on the news yesterday. I was in full-on Kid-on-Christmas-Eve excitement mode, so I had to dial it back a bit by catching up on Grey’s Anatomy & Gossip Girl.
Today? *It’s on*. I’m watching a bunch of races around the country and *of course* the big one. There will probably be tears from me, either way this thing goes.
All done!! I got there at 6:50 a.m. – there were maybe 15 people in line. I had my sticker and was out of there by 7:30.
Yay democracy!!