You are looking at a photo of Bossy and her peeps, taken at a Barack O’Boyfriend rally in early October.
It’s been quite a long road since those days when Barack O’Boyfriend first showed up in Bossy’s posts—and nearly two years since he announced his candidacy.
And here we are at Election Day.
Don’t forget to leave yourself plenty of time at the polls, and take along some folding chairs, and hats, and gloves, and umbrellas, and sunscreen, and proper photo identification—and don’t forget to study the ballot before going into the booth and ask questions if you have them—and don’t forget to visit Bossy in the Betty Ford Clinic, because surely she will need their services after tonight.
Which brings Bossy to the subject of today’s Ten-Word Challenge. In exactly ten words, can you tell Bossy about the first election you voted in?
Alternate topic: can you share with Bossy some tips for getting through today’s election? Or the alternative: do you have an Election Day vent?
In other words, Bossy is out of her mind with anxious anticipation, and anything you do down there in the comment pool will be appreciated.
And don’t forget to check back later today for the best political angst on the web.
absentee ballot late getting to me – so excited to vote, voted anyway!
(I was 18 and 2 months for my first election)
In college voted absentee for Ronald Regan. Twas the 80s.
I know, I know, this day is scary……… I am going to vote as soon as I drop Kaish off to school. I just keep trying to remember that whatever happens, God is in control! I will pray for your sanity today : )! No nervous breakdowns allowed!
First Vote? Too long ago to even remember, I’m OLD.
Today is my very first election. =]
Barack all the way!<3
Voted in 1984 for Mondale against Reagan. Stupid Gary Hart.
Voted Dukakis in the 1st grade fake school election. Ahhh memories….
Barack O’Boner!!
Freshman in college. Voted at my elementary school. Candidate lost.
Lined up 6AM outside poll. Machine broken. Fixed last minute.
Voted for my brother as Student Council president.
Nervous and excited. Cautiously optimistic. Out of my mind. Obama.
ready to vote today. couldn’t sleep last night…. at all!
Son turned 18 on Saturday; I’m so excited for him.
wine, NBC, wine, CNN, wine, not Fox news, wine, win!
Long lines, dinner will be late, dogs will be unhappy
wine while watching results, champagne (or whiskey) when it’s over!
Voted for change. Hoping the rest of Virginia did too!
Hot constable at polls…
man behind me smelled like beer.
First vote Libertarian; this vote turned off the phone.
First presidential election was for Clinton/Gore in ’92. Go Obama!
First election = first Bill Clinton run. Exciting!
Voted for interracial marriage — Mississippi 1984. 24 years later– Oboyfriend.
Even us absentee voters in Poland doing the right thing!
How to get through the results? Pizza, beer, friends, television.
Bossy my heart goes out to you and barack O’Boyfriend today, I am nervously sat here watching as many feeds as I can!!
First election – 18th birthday poll card came through – a local!
couldn’t wait to vote at 18…guy i picked lost
I can’t even write in ten word groups today. I’m a nervous wreck. I was crying last night for Grandma Obama aka Toot and I’m a bucket of nerves today. I was out there at 5:30 in line to vote. Have you see the lines in Virginia? Insane – good thing I think.
I’m at work so I can’t even drink my fears away today!
Mrs. Bossy O’Boyfriend. Barack and Bossy. B and B. Nice!
Have to work tonight-taking radio-let them fire me!
First election Gore Bush. Barack O’Boyfriend the man for me!
Missed 1992 by 3 months so voted for county librarian.
First erection? Oh, you said election! Sorry, too few words…
1976 voted for Carter – today Barak – please God- cant breathe.
Voted for Obama by mail to avoid lines. Fingers crossed.
First election: Clinton Vs. George the First. Guess who won?
Just cried leaving polls; Obama supporters singing “Stand by Me”.
I am so sad for Obama that his grandmother didn’t live to see the day….
My First Vote – William Jefferson Clinton. America’s “First Black President”
My 10 words to help you get through today’s election…
Don’t worry – Redskins lost! Incumbent OUT of the White House.
Absentee ballot vote for Clinton in ’92 during college.
It was nice to vote for the winner the first time out. It’s been a long eight years.
One more vote for Barack O’Boyfriend in Missouri!
Can’t possibly put this into ten words: although this is not my first presidential election, this morning I saw Barack Obama vote. I don’t think any other voting experience I’ll have can ever top that. Sigh. Now fingers crossed I make it through tonight with no nervous breakdown!
First vote? Hated the candidates. Voted Kinky Friedman in protest.
I’m edgy, too. My worst fear is that we have another election like the last one, with hanging chads, supreme courts, florida governors….I don’t think I could take that again, but I think it’s that’s how it will be. I’ll be sure to take my baby aspirin today, and keep some nitro close by in case I feel the big one coming on tonight.
I miss Tim Russert today. He made election days so exciting and understandable. He loved this day, and he would’ve loved to be on tv sharing that love today.
My boss split the office up and gave half of us the morning off and half of us the afternoon… i got the morning off… woo hoo… but i will be tied up at the office after lunch so will be anticipating a long night of political television watching… am I still one of bossy’s gays??? tee hee
First Election, Voted for Anderson, Couldn’t stand the other choices.
Live in Texas, my vote has never counted, Go Obama!
tip – no tv, no radio, imagine new life in australia.
Grandma Oboyfriend will be holding court in heaven today, I hope my granny is with her cheering on our boy!
I feel scared and I have no way of making a single jot of difference, I also feel sad that the voters in my country don’t get anywhere near as involved (including myself) in our own elections.
I plan to change my ways from here on in, I will be there voting at the next election – Bossy and Bossy’s readers you are my witnesses!
1. Perhaps Bossy should focus on decor for her White House.
2. I waited in line for an hour just for O’Boyfriend.
3. It is going to be a long, very long day.
Can’t remember first election. Too nervous about today. Go Barack!
1988. In college. Drove 65 miles in blizzard to vote.
1st vote, absentee, was an army girl serving in Germany.
1996 – 20 yrs old. Voted for some dude from Arkansas.
Loving that North Carolina might actually be reasonable for the first time in years :-). Go Barack! Here’s a drinking game to help you make it through the returns:
1994 – South Africa- People walked 5 days just to vote.
College sophomore, 1992, voting for Clinton! Very exciting, like today!
I dunno, whoever was a Democrat.
Forget 10 words, I have never been as excited as today!
Go Obama!
You will rest well if you vote for John McCain!
Just glad the end is in sight you guys should do elections like we do in Canada 6 weeks ONLY of campaigning and then it’s done lot less stressful ! Go Obama !
Then, Reagan. Today? McCain. Inbetween? Perot!
I am exercising my gosh all fish-hooks right to privacy dontcha know. It’s none of your gall darn business who I voted for and as a maverick resident of crisp Wasilly, I sure don’t have to stick to no gosh darn 10 words either. That is what is so cooool about America.! So. Yea.
Clinton – absentee ballot in my dorm room- felt so powerful!
First vote – local elections in ’93. Wished I could have voted for Bill in ’92, but I got him the second time around.
Yes, I know, way more than ten words, but I’m too nervous and jittery to follow rules, Bossy! Si, se peude!
Just told this story to my kids. Them: Dukakis who?
voted first thing. didn’t let kid pull the Obama lever.
So nervous I’m going to bed early. Finding out tomorrow!
Voted this morning. Already blogged about it. I’m that awesome.
Hate to say, but I bet this isn’t over tonight…
For the first time in 8 years (politically speaking) I have hope. That is what will carry me through the day.
I don’t remember my first voting experience, for I am old. However this time I got through the election by voting early. Even doing that we had to wait an hour in line. I hope you don’t have to wait too long today!
1976. American Bicentennial. Energy crisis. Jimmy Carter all the way!
Took my little gal with me this morning to watch Virginia go blue. Enough of this nonsense bring on the damn blue.
Voted for Kerry… better luck this time around! Go Obama!
The 3 voters in my household voted Obama/Biden today, as did my eleven coworkers. Love being surrounded by blue, in red Oklahoma. (Just 20 minutes in line, I admire those of you waiting much longer.)
No ‘vent here. We all vote by mail in Washington.
My dad voted for elected president 15 times. Today? Obama.
So nervous about the election. Course, could be the espresso.
We each took a son to be part of history.
Voted Gore in 2000; majority vote didn’t matter. Very disappointed.
voted for George McGovern………feeling really, really, old and Democratic.
All past votes overshadowed by TODAY. Sent 5 year old to school with Barack Obama pin.
haven’t voted, does pushing election levers for my mom count?
Once for Bill, never for a Bush, Go Barack Obama!
Bossy and I voted the same in our first elections.
Attended Obama rally last night in VA. Hopeful for America.
Nervous? Excited? Your local Obama office needs, needs, needs you and your legs – they’ll give you a list of Obama supporters in your neighborhood, you knock on their door and make sure they VOTED. I’ve been doing it all day and am going back for more. 4 p.m to 8 p.m. is the critical time – they need YOU! Be part of history – help!!!
No on 8.
That’s all I have to say about that.
South Africa’s first democrat election ’94. Our proudest moment. Yes!
18th birthday. election day. 18 yo right to drink. PARTY!!!
Voted for Clinton ’92 — FABULOUS. Will doubtless feel likewise today.
18 in 1992 – Bill Clinton and Don’t Stop Thinking About Tomorrow.
Clinton’s 2nd term. Not nearly as inspirational as today.
I will watch the election like this: beer, shot, beer shot. Drinking games as follows. States Obama wins, shotgun a beer. States McCain wins, vomit.
Today filled in the circle next to Obama. Sharpies? Really?
Clinton/Gore–I believed in them so!
Just chant
“He must win, He must win, He must win!”
He has to-there’s no other way.
You go Judy, that’s awesome!
My kid was the only one in his kindergarten class to vote for Obama (we’re in Texas) he was so upset all night.
He tells me Barack Obama is ours–yes he is son, yes he is!
Eight years ago and no idea what I was doing.
1976, Ford. Because my parents voted for him.
it was so long ago that I do not remember…
but I think I voted for Jimmy Carter
I think it was Kimi Swinehart for student body president.
Bill Clinton in Iowa for President, best darned day ever!
First voted in 1988. For Dukakis. Willie Horton be damned.
First vote Clinton in 92! Today, my lip is twitching from anxiety and my tongue is bleeding from biting it in order to maintain friendships.
Way more than 10. Sorry, I’m a wreck too…
Voted for Gore, the true winner of 2000. Damn Florida!
…. Bossy, I feel the same way about the nerves. What am I doing to calm them? Wine or beer … haven’t decided yet.
1976. Gerald Ford. I registered as a Republican. Still am.
Whoops, ballot was misaligned. Accidentally voted for libertarian. Shrugged, split.
This country needs Obama so very badly at this time.
…Voted for Gore And Bush Won By A Hanging Chad…(and the country went to hell in a handbasket from then on :o)…
…I feel your pain Bossy…today is like sittin’ on pins and needles… “GOBama Bay-bee”! ;o)
Great pic!!!!
Voted Nader instead of Gore. Been kicking myself ever since.
ps. Bossy you crack me up…but you won’t be alone in Betty Ford. This I know to be true.
Clinton Bush. Excited that year. Outa my mind now! Obama!
Does bossy have no McCain supporters? Weird. I thought bossy love crossed all party lines.
First pres. election 2000. Worst all nighter I ever had.
Can’t stand waiting. Can’t stand it!!
I’ll be dancing in my street tonight if they call if for Obama. I live in red RED RED Hamilton County, Indiana…
If he loses, I seriously don’t know what I’ll do.
Start supporting election reform, I suppose. Just as soon as I pick myself up off the floor. But that can’t happen, can it???? Please say no.
Oh no oh no oh no..
1988, voted for Bush. I have been reformed since then.
Did “Who Should I Vote For” Quiz online… still queasy.
Clinton, 1996. Bob Dole, about as appealing as unadorned rice.
Happy Voting Today.

Yes Bossy’s daughter… it DOES count. Good for you, cutie!
18th birthday ON election day 1988, freshman year, absentee ballot.
Capitol Hill church basement. Voted for Anderson – what’s the point?
My Kindergartener voted for guy with cool name: “Rock” Obama
I can’t even remember. I hope this is all over tonight. You Floridians better not screw this up again!
Voted 10 campaigns, only one candidate elected (Carter). Obama: be second!
I’m hoping I won’t jinx Oboyfriend by voting for him. As if I’m the one with all the jinx power.
Tonight: calm nonpartisan Bible Study, then wine while watching returns.
(P.S. I’m a Christ-follower who is for Obama. Yes we exist and there are more of us that some would have you think!)
2000, North Carolina, punch ballot.
Voted Pat Buchanan by mistake.
barely 18, i voted for local issues, still have sticker
First election choices: Bush, Clinton, Perot. And I voted for…
Voting is compulsory in Australia, I first voted at eighteen
First? Some Arkansasian. Arkansite? Arkansanian? Whatever. That guy in 1996.
1972, 18 y.o, george mcgovern became my first vote cast.
OMG am I the only the girl that cried after voting for O’boyfriend? Because I did. I cried and then I ran to the Democratic table and told the lady working. And she told me she did the same thing when she voted for JFK. And that made me cry harder. Who knew politics could be this emotional? God I love that man! I keep listening to the Will I Am version of his speech. Crying again. Who’s got a beer and a shot for lil miss weepy?
Don’t worry Bossy. Obama will win- how can he not with all the money, media bias, and ACORN at his back…
I voted *against* Reagan in ’84 for my first election.
Ay-yi-yi. It’s almost time for polls to start closing – I’m swinging between elation and hope and collapsing in a nervous heap in the corner.
There’s no way I can keep something like that to 10 words. Sorry.
Dukakis and his eyebrows. Lost to Bush the first. Ugh.
If it matters, today the student body of Beverly Elementary voted overwhelmingly in favor of Obama for president. I think the numbers were Obama 376, McCain 158, Nader 1, and George Washington, 1.
thank god there shouldn’t be any hanging chads today. hopefully.
first election for HHH kicked out 68 convention, wrote in.
oh, and also, I have actually enjoyed this election vicariously through you, but am also grateful that the whole damn thing is over.
1980: Less than 100 days too young to vote against Reagan
2008: My mother a citizen after 43 years in USA: first vote for president
It was 1992 and it was William Jefferson Clinton FTW!!!
1980. Voting for Carter until ambushed persuasively. Reagan. Then shame.
Wasn’t into politics, but voted for the peanut farmer anyway.
Cry after voting? I’ve been crying for two weeks!
My blog headline tomorrow? It’s midnight. Do you know where your Democracy is? Oh, yeah. It’s back in your hands!
1980. Carter conceded before California polls closed. Voted Carter anyway.
First time I voted? So proud, so very, very proud.
First election: Bush vs. Clinton in 1992. Was so disappointed!
Augustus in AD 14, Go, GO Barack Obama in 08.
My best advice is to take a book. You might have a little time on your hands. Me? I voted early. No line. No reading. No fuss. No muss.
Yo, Mama!
looks like you and all your foxes changed things up a bit!!!
President Elect Barack OBoyfriend! Woo Hoo
my daughters can say their first vote was for obama!
-proof here:
The 4 sweetest words I’ve heard in a long time: President Elect Barack Obama!
God has spoken——Barack!!!! Woohooo!!
voted for mr. clinton, thought he was cuter than Bush.
1972 Boulder Colorado George McGovern and Gary Heart. Nixon won.
Votes are in. It’s a new damn day. Hugs and kisses from Seattle.
i keep voting for nader. every damn time. nader nader nader.
Yeah, Nader for me too, previously, but I couldn’t couldn’t couldn’t couldn’t take the chance of Palin after my Hillary was defeated, so am still still still nervously awaiting North Carolina’s choice. I am an emotional wreck waiting to see whether my red, then purple, state can turn itself blue. And my husband gets to go to Chicago on business first thing in the a.m. I am so jealous. Ten-word Tuesday to the wayside. This is an amazing moment in history. (And I am now fine with Hillary not winning b/c McCain wouldn’t have chosen Palin and then, ayayay.) What an incredible night! (But I still feel a real need for NC to go blue for once. Helms’ seat finally was taken by a dem, and we just elected our first female gov. tonight. The hat trick would be awesome.)
yes we can
My husband looked at me funny as I kept refering to him as Barack O’Boyfriend all night. I blame Bossy!
…Big {{{{{{hug}}}}}}} and high5’s to you Barack O’Bossy! WE WON! I was cleaning up the kitchen last night when I heard Brian Williams announce that Barack Obama was now the President of the United States…I spun around and looked at the kitchen tv and screamed…the dog thought I went nuts! Which I did, but (*whisper*)shhhh, don’t tell anyone… ;o)
…Anyway, I just had to come and share my enthusiasm with Barack O’girlfriend!
…Blessings… :o)
Last night was amazing. I called my friend’s cell phone who lives in Chicago, and reached her… at Grant Park! It was awesome to turn the tv down and hear the prayer over the phone instead of the tube. The excitement in the crowd was palpable over the phone. Thanks, Jenny, for sharing that with me!
He did it!!!! Barack O’Boyfriend is President Elect!!!!
Yes we can!
8:50 am flight from CA. to NY. rush to polls, NO LINES, end up flipping coin……………..glad it’s over!
Dear President Reagan, stop trying to ruin my life, a$$hole!
2000- College. Bush v. Gore. Stayed up all night, bewildered.
Just eighteen, campaigned for returnable bottle bill, no more litter!
1968, Richard Nixon v. Hubert Humphrey. I was barely 21.*
*No 18-year-old vote then.
John F. Kennedy, my first vote for hope and change.
Voted for Carter, because John Anderson never could have won.
Bossy’s dad always provided Bossy a cheat-sheet for local elections.
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