The photo above is perhaps the worst ever taken, but it represents three of Bossy’s Favorite Things which she will tell you about one at a time.
Pan-roasted garlic.
Bossy and her family couldn’t love garlic more if you paid them, which come to think of it would be an amazing job that Bossy will now Google to see if it exists and if so, how she can arrange it.
Nightly the family enjoys raw garlic cloves chopped chunky and dumped in their salad, but lately Bossy has been making this roasted garlic snack and here’s how she does it:
Peel garlic and smash with the back of your knife blade, and drop into a skillet containing a scant of olive oil and a pinch of salt and cook on all sides until light brown and crunchy.
While working at the dining room table, Bossy sits with a little dish of her garlic friends and pops them in her mouth like candy, much like you’d expect from an episode of the Addams Family.
That’s thing one of the three Favorites represented in the photo above.
I love pan roasted (anything) garlic, too!! But, it don’t love me so much, if you know what I mean.
Is wooden spoon thing two? I heart my wooden spoon and use it for EVERYTHING.
I’m w/Dara, I love garlic too, but the last time I had a bunch (and we’re talking a BIG BUNCH) I could tell for days. If you get my drift….
Thing 2 and Thing 3 are your wooden spoon and your cast iron pan?
Wooden spoons give me an anxiety attack. I keep thinking “splinters”
Doh! Tease! I thought I would hit the continued link and I would get to know #2 – #3 today…but I have to wait! Or, you told us #2 – #3 and I’m just too slow to figure it out? Either way, that isn’t the worst picture ever. What is? Welcome to Every Single Picture I’ve Ever Taken. Period.
Beautifully seasoned skillet.
My wooden spoon is quite worn down on one side. It was like that when it came with Husband lo these many years ago. I would rescue it first if there were a house fire.
I adore garlic. But if I ate it like Bossy does, I’d have to be sure I had no contact with another human for DAYS afterward. Seriously. How evil is garlic that it is so yummy but seems to SEEP from my skin when I eat quantities of it? And is there a way to stop that from happening? Because I’d eat garlic with every meal if I could.
We like to press a bunch of fresh garlic, drown it in olive oil, sprinkle heavily with dried basil (or, if I haven’t killed it, fresh basil from the garden) and eat that on EVERYTHING!!
Wooden spoon! Wooden spoon!
I am in love with my cast iron skillets and my wooden spoons, too. I have a heaping pile of wooden spoons from Williams-Sonoma (wedding presents), and I recently discovered the local restaurant supply has kick-ass ones for $1.50. How’s that for Bossy’s poverty party?
Ewww to the Garlic … but hurrah to the cast iron skillet and wooden spoon.
I know….Bossy loves her gas stove!
How is your breath after all that garlic?