Is it just me, or has Miss Sunshine aged like 5 years since she turned 12? She looks SO grown up! Stella is trying to tell her not to go off to college too soon.
How do you sneak up on them and get them so casual and the lighting right and all? Oh yeah, I suppose everyone in your fam is used to the Bossy Papparazzi by now. Bossyrazzi?
Bossy, can you please, PLEASE create a collection of Stella photos and put them all in one spot? I love to look at them again and again, but I don’t have time to go back through every guess and press for the past two years.
My dog does this too! Puts a paw on you just to say I’m here.. let’s bond. I love it.
I thought she was asking to have her nails painted black just like Bossy’s daughter!
I envy your ability to capture the everyday stuff around you. Great photo.
I love the chin tucked down too… such a sweet tableau!
P.S. Bossy’s little sunshine sure looks like she’s growing up with her big hoop earrings and messy bun!
Pardon me, sister, could you spare a blankie? I’m freezing down here….
“Stop. Writing. Pay. Attention. To. Me.”
Aww. I love that – how sweet!
“Can’t we PAW just get along”…..
My Leo does that.
“Hellooo. Stop with the internets and love on me!”
Is it just me, or has Miss Sunshine aged like 5 years since she turned 12? She looks SO grown up! Stella is trying to tell her not to go off to college too soon.
How do you sneak up on them and get them so casual and the lighting right and all? Oh yeah, I suppose everyone in your fam is used to the Bossy Papparazzi by now. Bossyrazzi?
I <3 Stella. She’s such a charmer.
Bossy, can you please, PLEASE create a collection of Stella photos and put them all in one spot? I love to look at them again and again, but I don’t have time to go back through every guess and press for the past two years.
Pretty please with a stella on top?
My guy does this, too. “Ahem” “AHEM” “HELLO, you realize I’m SITTING RIGHT HERE, DON’T YOU?”
awwww stella!! you can come give me a hand ANYTIME