Well hello Daily Poverty Post, funny seeing you here! And by the way, love the name Daily Poverty Post; very catchy, especially the Daily part — who gave you such an unrealistic name?
It’s been quite a few days since Bossy has had anything to say about her debt, so this morning she thought she’d climb online to see what kind of advice financial experts are giving as we swerve into a new year.
Jamie Golombek’s article from the Financial Post was the first thing to catch Bossy’s eye, because it should come as no surprise that a Bossy in debt is also the same Bossy who has not been taking advantage of tax code.
The following ten tips are lifted straight from Jamie Golombek.
- Open a tax-free savings account (TFSA), a concept which was launched the first of this year. But wait, does this mean Bossy’s other withdrawals are taxed? Confusion.
- Maximize RRSP contributions. Hey Jamie Golombek — what are RRSP contributions?
- Set up a spousal RRSP. Hey Jamie Golombek — what’s a spousal RRSP?
We Interrupt This Bossy In Progress For An Emily Litella Moment: upon further inspection, Bossy is quoting Jamie Golombek, who is quoting Canadian tax code.
So for Bossy’s Canadian readers, have at the TFSA and the RRSP! For the rest of you, Bossy suggests a bed and covers pulled over head. That’s where you’ll find Bossy.
Dear Canadians, this is the whole article.
Never mind.
I think a RRSP is like a Roth IRA.
HA HA. Isn’t that how a lot of things are ..when we start trying to deal with the unknown..we simply don’t know what we don’t know..like recognizing Canadian Tax stuff. LOL. thanks for the giggle BOSSY.
And he looked so credible too!
Um, yay, thanks!
Throws an “eh” and an extra “u” in there for good measure
Crap. I already had all my RRSPs in order. Do over.
What’s all this fuss I hear about Romanian Fax Mode?
Why do Romanians have a special Fax Mode?
It’s what?? Canadian TAX CODE?
Oh. Never Mind.
Taxes make me cry. Canadian taxes make me want to cry, and then play hockey.
Damn – and I was SERIOUSLY getting ready to google “Tax Free Savings Accounts” too.
Eh? you americans don’t have that stuff? We pay higher taxes but we do get some hedging in…and free health care…
I have my very own poverty post today – although it is not NEARLY as informative as this one. Nor does it feature any men in suits.
I wish I was Canadian sometimes. And then I remember how much I hate the little bit of snow that we get in Portland. And then I think I wish I was Mexican.
Of death and taxes I only fear the latter.
I’m already there, Miss Bossy…what they don’t tell you when you’re a little kid afraid of the monster under your bed is…it’s an IRS agent!
I’m pretty sure that confusing acronyms are why Canadians haven’t managed to take over the world. If it weren’t for the acronyms, all nations would be seduced by their nice manners and universal health care.
Darn those Canadians! They get everything. Higher alcohol in their beer, 2 OFFICIAL languages and they got rid of William Shatner by sending him here. What’s not to love about Canada??
Is it just me or does he look a little like Stephen Colbert?
LOL! Bossy you crack me up
RRSP = Registered Retirement Savings Plan…so although some of the rules don’t apply down here, the advice could still be useful…eh