There it is in black and white: Eighty dollars. That’s how much it cost for Bossy and her husband to sit across the desk from their new accountant/financial advisor and get thousands of dollars’ worth of good advice.
Actually, as a loose guide, Bossy’s new husband Brian Dennehy the accountant charges $130 an hour. But despite the fact that Bossy took up nearly two hours of his time, he only bills for time commensurate with the amount accomplished during an appointment.
And although there were a lot of questions raised during the meeting, there are limited actionable solutions at this time and hi, welcome to Bossy’s financial situation.
Bossy can’t say enough about the value of hiring a financial professional, but you have to do your homework. This accountant came highly recommended by Bossy’s friend John who has his poo totally together and that’s all the high water mark referral Bossy needs.
If you’re thinking about finding an accountant or advisor, mine your resources, contact friends, ask those people who have a tendency to over-research.
Anyone else got tips for finding the Finance Guy?
I married one.
Our accountant served time for embezzelment, apologized, restituted, and still holds a license and practices. Must know something…
I always look for someone who grins a lot and slaps me on the back.
–>We use my brother. He keeps a straight face when reviewing our finances and doesn’t share any details with the rest of the family.
Here is what I learned (and I actually made my financial advisor cry when I came back a year later in much better shape. “I did everything you told me!” I said, and she said, “That’s the stuff I tell everyone, but almost no one actually does it!”): Pay your financial advisor by the hour. Do not trust your money to someone who gets commissions according to where/how you invest. Those people do not have your best interests at heart.
I would say, ask the person who has the most money in your life who they use (they may not be who you think they are, as million dollar homes, fancy schmancy cars = spending money not having money.)
I’m sleeping with my finance guy (OK, we’re married, but it sounds much more interesting to say sleeping with). The thing about him is that he is an electrical engineer by training and a transportation worker by career, but he is amazing with money. I’m very lucky on that front.
Nope, just The Family Guy – most weeknights after 11PM on Cartoon Network.
A finace guy would laugh if I came in. I think I may need some finaces first
My finance guy is my Dad. Daddy taught me all kinds of good things about finances. I wish I’d listened harder when I was younger.
I found my financial advisor thusly: I asked the richest person I knew who helped her. It worked. I love my advisor and will actually be able to live and eat when I retire. (And I CAN retire, someday.) It’s money well spent to get the help.
And your advisor is Brian Dennehy(ish)! Who doesn’t love Brian?!
I’m guess I need money before I can hire someone to tell me how to manage it.
Right now, Bossy needs to get out of DEBT. Go to the library and get Dave Ramsey’s books or CD’s for FREE. When you have dug yourself out of the pit you are in, then feel free to give your new husband Brian 80 bucks for advice. You will then start to accumulate wealth. The end.
If Bossy takes notes when she visits her financial advisor, she can jump into the fast lane and start charging people $130 an hour for sound financial advice too….or maybe even discount it down a tad