From left to right you are looking at Mari, Lizzy, Bossy’s son, and Becca. Much of last week, their spring break, was spent in this infinity pool in Fort Lauderdale — an infinity pool and beautiful house belonging to Lauren, one of Bossy’s son’s best friends.
There were twelve of them, guys and girls, all friends from the same floor of their Columbia University dorm, and throughout this week Bossy will be posting more photos of their fun, so stay close.
photo by lauren
Do they have to looks so happy?! Please ignore. I’m GREEN because I’m so cold.
Yes, central NY state is in the teens this week, and yet quite windy. Maybe I am BLUE with envy. And your son in the pool with 3 girls? Seems like he is having a NICE vacation…
Is it just me, or does that look like a publicity shot for one of those teen t.v. shows set in Cali? Like “The O.C.” or something?
Not that I’ve ever seen any of those shows, since I am Old (all of 29), but it just looks too good to be true . . .
They work SO HARD! What a WELL DESERVED break.
WHERE is Bossy’s son’s girlfriend in all this???
And Bossy’s son could do better in the swimwear department. He needs to step it up.
It’s supposed to snow here Saturday. I hope you’re happy.
I hope Bossy’s son’s GF back home is too occupied at her own travel destination to notice.
This may be Florida, but is sure makes me miss the OC coast in CA.
To quote Bette Davis in All About Eve, dipping with sarcasm, “How nice for you.”
Jealous? Yes, still wearing layer on layer here, and cooollld..
Wish I were that age again? Sorta. Well maybe not. But sorta.
Okay, now I’m going to mop up the pity and bitterness and be cheerful cause those kids are having a great time AND they give their mom photos to post about it.
I so don’t need this today Bossy.
bossy’s son surrounded by beautiful females?
Very cool.
Virtual spring breakers!
How that photograph makes me nostalgic for my own misspent youth in Ft Lauderdale. I’m pretty sure based on the view in the background I’ve skinny-dipped not too far away from there. And by the way, skinny-dipping in the Intercoastal is never a good idea.
Oh, to be young and on spring break with my college peeps again!
The importance of having friends in the right places….
Some people got it rough…
Enjoy life… Bossy son…. I so remember…. Enjoy… Enjoy..
Oh man – I used to live in Fort Lauderdale – one of the best places to spend your 20’s on earth (if you’re into partying and playing in the sun, that is)! Now I’m in Omaha and so very jealous! This is making me think it’s time to move again…
Hey, they are having a much more affluent break this year than last. Isn’t the economy affecting them????
Holy cocisne data batman. Lol!