The above represents the men who were present during Bossy’s son’s Fort Lauderdale Bacchanalia By The Sea, and they are resting in the hot tub because all that infinity pooling is exhausting.
Bossy thinks it’s so cute the way her son is so committed to recycling! You know, the way he collected those beer bottles from a neighboring driveway and filled them with chocolate milk so he didn’t dirty a glass. Awww!
photo by mari
Sigh! I would be happy with just a bit of sunshine.
Your second paragraph made me smile.
Nothing like a nice cold chocolate milk in a hot tub to kick off your spring break!
College kids are such activists these days – it’s amazing to what lengths they’ll go!
Yea, chocolate milk. That’s the ticket Bossy!
What we wonder here at eclecticallyyours is why it’s just de rigeur for these young folks to make peace signs. What’s this world coming to when every college kid must make a peace sign in a photo in lieu of holding a beer.
Kids these days!
Sorry. I”m over 30.
I want chocolate milk in a hottub! WAAAAAH! Hell, I want to be 19, in college & on spring break again … can I have my 19 year old body back while we’re at it??!
Youth and perky boobs are wasted on the young.
Wow! They are so sweet, what with the recycling and all. Because we know NONE of them would drink underage-like. Nope. Not Bossy’s son.
Who is this Mari, and why can’t I be her?
I like my chocolate milk with lime.
Is it chocolate milk? Or is he hiding his penchant for smoothies?
Mmmmm, beef stew.
Any self respecting college student would do the same!
Chocolate milk from a Corona bottle never tasted better!
He’s so noble!
Thanks to exhaustion and ADD, here’s what I read after I studied the picture and then skimmed the words:
Bossy’s cute son is at Bacchanalia, where he is exhausted from pouring chocolate milk into a nearby neighbor he collected from a driveway. Something was dirty.
(I’m going to bed now.)
Are you sure that’s chocolate milk? It looks like Martinelli’s fizzy apple juice…at least, ahem, that’s what I always drank on spring break. (Are you reading this, mom?)
Bossy’s son can’t be 21, can he? I just don’t know any underage drinkers who would send this sort of evidence to their moms.
That’s the life! Ah, I miss being a twentysomething living in Ft. Lauderdale…
Well-deserved break for Bossy’s son!
Hey, you?re the goto expert. Thanks for hainngg out here.