What’s Wawa? Oh wait, I’m echoing both foolery and Grandma J. We must live in different parts of the country from you.
So let me get this in my head — you don’t make perfectly wonderfully rich at-home coffee first thing in the morning, but you do consume crappy convenience store coffee through the day? Dontcha just love that burnt 4-hours-old coffee taste.
Decaf? Say it isn’t so!
Doesn’t look like WaWa coffee. I love Wawa coffee!!
Yeah, BOSSY – where’s the WaWa love?!
This Wawa location was JUST replaced with another chain convenience store. Ah well.
Oh man, it’s Wawa? I was hoping it was your kitchen – now that’d be obsessive. I mean love.
HARR-i-ette! Come look at this. Bossy took a picture of a school of coffee pots.
Oh Harold. OH my, would you look at that. Idn’t that something? I like the blue ones.
The blue ones? Harriette, you’re the best.
I like this idea! If I ever get laid off, I will simply stand outside of a diner with a sign stating, “WILL WORK FOR COFFEE!”
This is an amazing picture. Really.
Wawa and me, we’re best friends.
how would I be able to choose when I haven’t had any caffeine yet?? Dastardly evil plot, I tell you.
I’m moving there. Now.
I need to Google WaWa coffee because clearly I’m out of the loop.
And I LOVE the Bunn coffee maker at work. I just wish that *ahem* SOMEBODY didn’t use it to make such crap coffee.
What’s a WaWa? That looks like the coffee area of my 7-11. A zillion flavors of my life blood.
What’s Wawa? Oh wait, I’m echoing both foolery and Grandma J. We must live in different parts of the country from you.
So let me get this in my head — you don’t make perfectly wonderfully rich at-home coffee first thing in the morning, but you do consume crappy convenience store coffee through the day? Dontcha just love that burnt 4-hours-old coffee taste.
Was that your kitchen??? I think you have a problem
Bossy, I never heard of a Wawa closing or switching to another chain. What is this world coming too?
What happened to hot water and lemon juice?