This past weekend, Bossy’s friend Martha threw a Murder Mystery dinner party for eight of her closest friends. OK, they aren’t her closest friends — but rather the eight suckers who would willingly pass a Saturday night dressed in stuff like lederhosen:
In the above photo, Bossy’s husband is dressed as a German wine merchant. And Bossy’s friend Martha’s husband is playing the part of an old man vineyard worker. You see, Murder Mystery parties typically center around a theme, where typically means hellsa balls if Bossy knows what’s typical since this was the first Murder Mystery party she ever attended.
In the case of this party, the theme was wine and a vineyard and more wine and Bossy has no idea why her friend Martha chose such a far-fetched theme:
Bossy’s friend Martha was dressed as the spry wife of a vineyard owner. And Bossy’s friend Danielle played the part of a competing vineyard owner. She was supposed to dress like a hippy earth mother:
Next we have Bossy’s friend Danielle’s husband, who was playing the part of Bossy’s friend Martha’s husband, and welcome once again to Apostrophe S Anonymous:
And lastly we have the requisite private detective and yet another vineyard field worker:
Bossy lied. That wasn’t lastly at all, because Bossy forgot herself. She played the part of a Hollywood starlet, Marilyn Merlot:
Bossy doesn’t know about the Marilyn bit, but she had the Merlot part down:
Soon the party guests retired to the dining room where the stage was set:
As the eight suspects consumed shrimp cocktail and Cornish hens and multi-grain rice and asparagus and sorry, was Bossy saying something about a murder mystery? Right. As the guests ate, the questioning began. Each player received their own booklet of known information and suggested questions and possible retorts:
To keep track of everything that would be revealed, Bossy’s friend Martha provided each guest with a notepad and pencil:
The following is a real sample of Bossy’s carefully considered notes:
And then Bossy’s friend Martha said, “I’d like to respond to hades’ challenge,” when she actually meant Hedy’s challenge — which was only slightly funnier than when the character Papa Vito was referred to as Papa Zit, but in whatever case, this is when Bossy’s notes became unintelligible due to the incessant giggling.
And no, the wading pool of wine had nothing to do with it.
Oh, Lord, Bossy. You sure do put a fun spin on life. xo
So, who dunnit, and who got done in?
Our anthropology club did that at a professor’s house. It was set in the 20’s. But mostly, we got dressed up in flapper outfits and did tequila shots with said professor’s wife.
Bossy, you have the most interesting life!! I have nominated you for an award, though you are not required to participate, I just appreciate getting to read your hilarious blog!
Bossy cleans up real well.
vuboq would like to know who played the Rasta and why you thought he (or she!) was innocent. And why Otto had wet thoughts …
Your notes are identical to the ones I took in college at my 8 o’clock lectures, except that wine wasn’t involved. As far as you know.
One of the times I fell in love with my husband was at a murder mystery party. He was all dashing in khaki and riding boots/leather jacket looking all aviatorish…thin mustache too. I think he liked me too, except that at the end of the night we found out that I was the murderess. Put a damper on our relationship for awhile. But I totally looked as hot as bossy.
I went to a party like that once, but I never will again because I get very competitive in games and wanted to murder someone myself just so I could be the winner and finally concentrate on eating.
Danielle’s husband did it, right? He’s hunky but a bit defensive.
Tell Bossy’s husband the Liderhosen would look perfect for April 17 MOS gig! Hah! What was in that wine?
And Herr Lederhosen took Marilyn Merlot home at the end of the night because she was looking might FINE!
My husband was in a Mystery Dinner with his friends a few years ago. It involved beer.
I would gladly play any games for wine…………..
(well, almost any)
Otto=art thighs? Huh? Is that the new math?
I think my favorite part is the German wine merchant drinking Yuengling. Out of a can.
The hippy earth mother looks like Jodie Foster. The acting at this murder mystery must’ve been incredible!
FINALLY! Something to do with all those corks spilling out of my utensil drawer. Great idea, Bossy’s friend Martha!
It clearly says, “Rum = Innocent”, which we all know is not true. Not true at all. For just about everything that’s gone wrong in my life, I can blame Rum.
Your murder mystery dinner looks like a lot more fun than the one I attended a few years ago. Perhaps, it was the wine.
I’m jealous!
Audubon Ron is absolutely positive he did NOT receive an inviataion in the mail to this gather, even if everyone knows he’s the one who done it.
I’ve always wanted to go to a murder mystery party but I can’t get my friends interested. Maybe lots of wine would help.
Hugs, Susan
Bossy’s friend Martha looks fabulous as a spry and stylish vintner’s wife. Sort of Parisienne-just-liberated-by-WWII-GI’s (!!!) combined with moderne chic, cause I’m thinkin’ they didn’t have snappy leggings. Or pink hair, even though it looks demure-yet-glam in its vineyard wife updo.
Looks like a fun party, made more fun by participants willing to go the whole distance. I’d be blurting out who knows what, with all the wine it sounds like was involved.
The angle of that self portrait in Martha bathroom made me feel like I was right there with you, Merlot-ing!
I too have never done a Murder Mystery… methinks I would have a hard time keeping my guests on track. Specially if there was rugby on the telly!

PS Bossy?? Your commenters are the funniest lot ever…
How come Bossy has all the fun? Maybe I should have a murder mystery theme at aqua aerobics here at the compound. Since half the participants can’t really swim, it would involve sabotaging their noodles.
The Mardi Gras beads on the fireplace are a nice touch, and Martha sets a beautiful table, but I’m wondering what the coffee cups were for?
Murder Mystery + Wine + More Wine + Dear God, Even MORE WINE = WIN. Also? Bossy, you are very pretty – and that’s not the wine-goggles talking.
I’ve done these a few times. I don’t like the way the murderer doesn’t know they are the murderer until the end. So when I did it once with a bunch of actor friends, I mailed them their booklets ahead of time, and told them to real all the way through, memorize as much as possible, and we did it like a play. So much more fun.
So who dunnit?
I’m just stuck on the idea that someone was rude enough to bring their kid to a dinner that was clearly for adults!
We hosted a Roman themed party years ago. I have our toga pictures on my fridge. We keep saying we want to host another and never get around to it. I think I need to change that this year.
Vuboq: it’s RALPH that’s innocent, silly. And Otto had CART thoughts.
Sheesh. Can’t you read Bossy drunkenese?
; )
My friends — who I really, really, do love — would be a little too dumb to do this whole thing.
I need to party with Bossy and her commenters.
Yes, clearly Ralph is innocent. But I believe Otto has art thighs. Between that and the upheaving floor, I’m not sure this is a party a child should have been exposed to.
ah man bossy, i never get invited to the fun stuff – dinner and murder – my two favorite things…
I love watching Bossy spend an evening with wine, I mean friends! Sounds like a great time was had by all! Next time invite us. I’ll bring wine.
I love this! But who did it! And who died? Hmmm, maybe that’s in the wrong order?
Martha, you home is beautiful, and I love the idea of corks for place card holders. I hate the idea of my Two-Buck Chuck corks holding up my place cards, but since I don’t have parties, no sweat!
And Bossy, you are clearly very lucky that it wasn’t a pharmaceutical-themed murder mystery.
Bossy’s friend, Danielle’s husband looks like Manic Mommy’s secret boyfriend, Matt Lauer.
Bossy’s husband is the best sport ever to pull on a pair of suspenders and short pants.
you forgot one essential element of the murder mystery party blog post. the big reveal. who in f did it?
also…who in f did BOSSY’s makeup? because hellza yes she looks great.
the only reason that young child would be their would be as a decoy, you know a place to hide the gun. Did the baby do it?
I’m like so slapping myself on the back for solving this mystery!
These are fun games. We did the Star Trek one… I was Deanna Troi. I have no recollection of who dunnit, but much Romulan ale was consumed before, during, and after the murder.
I’m so jealous- I’ve always wanted to go to one of those! And you look sooo vampish – definitely the femme fatale of the mystery!
I can’t get over D’s husband with the gold anchor necklace…. and Martha’s hair up in a …. just one…. up in a …. in a NEAT Tight BUN! And Bossy, you so match the wine…. and how much do you love the mantel at her house… and the orange chair? Look and find the Poppy Martha painted… well she started to painted it…
I wonder if there is a way to do an online version of this.
Which I guess is a video conference call of us all taking shots together.
Who died and who dunnit?
And by the way, Ms. Merlot’s dress is to die for! She looked FABULOUS!
It wouldn’t be a mystery if Bossy revealed whodunnit.
It was the kid, right?
We had a murder mystery game growing up, only instead of murder, it was “WHO STOLE MONEY FROM MOM’S PURSE?” It lasted for years. It wasn’t me!
We love murder mysteries! My sister’s family and my family have done one each year for about 5 or 6 years. I have a photo album just for that! What fun
I have a wee little hangover after reading about this dinner party.
Come ON. Bossy must reveal the murderer. Or is it still an unsolved mystery?
Smart fun, I love me some SMART FUN!
My guess, is the leiderhosen guy…totally out of place, what was he doing there? probably just came to strangle someone with his strappy things (the name of the things that hold up your pants…name is escaping me…..should I come back and comment later when I remember, naw, you know what I mean.)
AND, I was in Lancaster, PA recently….was I near you????
Aw man! I always wanted to do this and now I think I’ve been ruined, cause THAT looks like the party I should have been at and missed and, well..I just dont want to do it now damnit.
Oh Please. I think it was FabU Lous that these friends GET how important it is to expose kids to real life events. As IF being among loving adults could possibly be bad.
Look how cool BOSSY’s kids turned think THEY were banished for every party? NOT. …Ok. I’m done ranting.
Besides…the Poverty party would say…bring your kids..don’t pay a sitter!
I’m with #40 up there. We did the Star Trek one YEARS ago still have a cool little prop someone made for it in the kids’ toybox. I can’t remember if we made Romulan ale or Saurian brandy, though…maybe both.
Did Bossy’s friend Martha’s vineyard wife costume include purple feet from stomping grapes? Just askin’ ’cause her right leg looks a little tinted…
The dress – yess – looks like Merlot. Very good acting there. And it sounds like fun (or just a lot of wine, which is also fun)
Sounds like a blast!
I did a murder mystery party when I was a teenager– I am so going to do one– SOON. That’s hilariousl
I had one of these parties once, and just to mix things up, I had a male friend play a woman’s role – an opera diva. And wouldn’t you know it — in the course of the evening, one of the ‘clues’ that came out was that the diva was really a MAN, baby! Other similarities between ‘actor’ and role were subsequently revealed — for instance that the crazy character was played by a truly crazy person, and the virgin really was… well, you know! That fact, by the way, was volunteered by her mother, who you can probably guess played the crazy character. For the last course, when the murderer is revealed, we left my house in costume (I thought the diva was going to actually murder me right there) and sashayed up 110th St. to a cafe on Broadway – where we were immediately invited, even begged, to sit with quite a few other parties, I guess ’cause we looked like we were having FUN! I’d LOVE to do it again!
I bow down humbly in the pesrence of such greatness.