Bossy’s lunch.
Speaking of Bossy’s lunch, Christ on the cross, Bossy doesn’t know if there’s anyone with less of a gift for food photography than Bossy herself, but anyway: you are looking at an apple with peanut butter and flax seed, baby spinach leaves, blueberries, cherry tomatoes, and a handful of Bossy’s obsession.
The central characters in Bossy’s lunch are always shifting, but usually involve greens, nuts, a little pile of supper leftovers if there are any, maybe a hunk of cheese, etc. The deal is, Bossy leans toward hypoglycemia, and it took her nearly four decades to figure out that most of the lunches she consumed were responsible for a huge afternoon blood sugar crash, which resulted in epic Bossy naps.
These days Bossy works 16″ from her refrigerator, and so the draw to eat the worst things all throughout the day is right under her nose — but the benefits of staying on track far outweigh the sacrifice of foregoing bread-heavy, complex lunches with melted cheese. Luscious melted cheese.
Oh, and Bossy still naps. Go figure.
No wonder Bossy is so chic skinny! That’s one healthy looking lunch.
Eat low carb. It’s the only way. No blood sugar worries, no fat worries.
And don’t worry about melted cheese!! Eat all you want!
Wait, those are apples?
I thought they were turkey cutlets.
I couldn’t give up cheese. It would depress me.
P.S. Do you use salad dressing? If so, what kind, please?
You know what Nanny Garcia is going to eat for lunch today? Probably some ham off of Trixie’s leftover sandwich, maybe a few Cheetos that Dash leaves on his plate and both of their pudding because Nanny forgot that they only eat pudding with cartoon characters on there. Geez.
That beige stuff on the apple is flax seed? I bought some once, but it was black and…seedy. Did I buy the wrong stuff?
Yes, Bossy, do tell…I’d like a tutorial on your delicious salad dressings.
Wow. Bossy is strict about lunch. That’s way too boring for me. Of course, I’m a size or two larger than Bossy.
It looks like Bossy is living her best life.
Giving up cheese? Surely you jest. That is almost as funny as giving up potatoes! HAHAHAHA!!!
Actually, there IS someone with less of a gift for food photography: me. Though that’s mostly because I only grudgingly take photos for my site, and I do it really fast because isn’t the point of food to EAT IT and not let it sit around getting cold while you photograph it? Yes.
Whew. Before I read the ingredients, I thought the sprinkly stuff was parmesan and just about gagged. Not that flax seed makes me gag any less.
The photo problem may be the blue bowl. With a few berry exceptions, there are no blue foods. It just ain’t natural.
This looks a lot *less* fun than a barrel full of monkeys. Maybe Bossy naps because she is bored with her lunch? Where exactly are the Twinkies?
I am eating a Miracle Whip sandwich with turkey and lettuce, heavy on the Miracle Whip. It is delicious. Bossy’s lunch still looks pretty good to me, though as a side dish. Yes I AM plumper than Bossy, why do you ask?
Also: I have bigger hands. My handful is larger than that.
You’re assuming I have any idea what good food photography looks like. This photo looks perfectly fine to me. If you can explain what is wrong with it, then in the future I can properly disdain your efforts. I just feel under-qualified to give the photo the diss you seem to be seeking.
Oh my Bossy! That looks like 600 calories just in pnut butter (it’s a 100 calories a tablespoon, unless you get Trader Joes Better than pnut butter and it is 100 calories for two table spoons). Plus 100 calories for two tablespoons of cashews. Plus flaxseed is 30 calories a tablespoon. How do you stay so slim?!!?!?!
Wait. I never realized napping could be related to cheese eating. I thought it might be due to wine drinking the previous evening. But oh hell, I’m not giving any of those things up.
Looks tasty and full of fruits, veggies, and protein. At that point, who cares about the calories?
My coworker here is on a raw diet. He’s 5 days into it. I think he’d kill somebody for that peanut butter right now.
I see you’re getting your protein. (That IS a worm poking its head up in the background, isn’t it?)
I could no sooner give up cheese than stop breathing. Besides, the protein in it has really helped me some mornings.
I’m glad you titled this page lunch SNACK because that would keep me from raiding the fridge for about…12 seconds. Very healthy and delish, though. Good for you Bossy!
And let me scold you in the same breath, for now Bossy’s obsession has turned into MY (VERY expensive) obsession and I polished off a bulk bag this morning. Poverty schmoverty!!
Bossy is chock full of antioxidants!
Bossy! Get out of my head! We must be soul twins because Im having almost the exact same lunch, except I’m having chicken fried steak and french fries with cream gravy. Stop copying me.
(still laughing at sugarpie)
Where is the protective layer of preservatives? I’m gonna live to at least 147 with my protective layer of preservatives. Your poor bunny.
That IS your rabbit’s lunch, right?
More hypoglycemic lunch-recipes please! This looks very do-able and delicious!
Maybe Bossy naps because she isn’t eating enough??? Seriously, that is like what, 150 calories ?
I know I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed, but I am confused by this lunch. Please don’t take offense, but at first I thought I was looking at a compost pile. I’m not knocking your lunch, in fact, it’s the opposite. I’m sort of in awe. But I don’t know what you do with it. Do you eat it all at once? Is this various courses of lunch all in one place at the same time. I don’t even know what utensil I would use with this? Other than maybe a sharpened snickers bar, of course. Seriously…help. Is this what I’m supposed to be eating. If so, it would certainly go a long way towards explaining why my ass is so wide these days. I need lessons!
I’m with Well Read Hostess.
It looks like somebody had some great ideas for lunch, ate the good parts and then tossed their leftovers onto a sandy beach. Then they reassembled these leftovers onto a plate.
That looks dryer than I don’tknowwhat. Wait, yes, I do know what. It looks dryer than sand-covered sand with extra sand on the side.
The person who ate a processed Tysons fried chicken breast on a Martins potato roll smothered in Louisiana hot sauce for lunch. Not one antioxidant to be found unless you count that one that’s in the chocolate syrup I had for desert, which was on top of the calcium-laden vanilla ice cream.
Oops. I mean dessert instead of desert. Coldn’t shake all that dry sand I guess.
Gahhh. Apples and peanut butter and cashews, okay, but with spinach? and tomatoes? Isn’t it illegal for them all to be on the same plate?
And flax seed still sounds to me like something you plant if you want to harvest some nice dinner napkins.
Are you out to live forever or something? Dr. Oz would love your lunch.
So, you like raw cashews at breakfast, lunch and snack. Do you also eat the cashews at dinner? What does the Bossy house like for supper? I am jealous you get to shop at TJ’s. Since moving from CA to MT, no more Trader Joe’s for me. I have my mom send me TJ’s nuts. I love the CA walnuts. Will have to try the raw cashews next.
I finally got a job that will be full time. Not common at my age. 51. I can tell you, that lunch or dinner looked god to me. I would like to take something like that to eat at work.