Meet Bo, the First Puppy. He’s a slightly used 6-month-old Portuguese Water Dog — a gift to the Obama family from Ted Kennedy, who purchased him from a Texas breeder after Charlie Bo was returned.
Portuguese Water Dogs are spaniels known for their superior ability to herd cod into fishing nets while acting as ship to shore couriers in the frigid Atlantic waters off Portugal — skills that will no doubt come in handy in Northwest Washington D.C.
Portuguese Water Dogs are highly independent and intelligent, with a fierce drive for work and the ability to follow complex commands, which reminds Bossy of someone she can’t put her finger on.
If Bo is true to breed, he will be very sociable and gregarious, but will look to bond with one family member in particular. Bossy wonders who that will be.
What is it about this particular Portuguese Water Dog that makes Bossy want to play The Name Game?
Oh, how I wish I could my finger on Bo’s master. Oh, how I dream.
Oh how I love the Portie and our new President.
Rikki likey Barack. He’s yummy (not to mention SO smart).
Bo’s baby daddy is from my home town…that makes me giggle!
I do love my doggies. Cute Bo. Cute Bama. Yummy, yummy…
I didn’t know that was a trait of this breed, but when I first saw this picture, I knew who bo was going to pick.
I don’t know who is cuter, Bo or O!!! I love, love, love them both. (Don’t tell Michelle though, with her arms, I know she could take me).
I love, love, love this post! Well done Bossy, well done.
Screw one finger, I want to put BOTH MY HANDS ON HIM. Yum. Is it wrong to have lustful thoughts about one’s President? If so, then he needs to stop parading around in a dampened swimsuit. It makes my heart go pitter-patter.
I don’t get how anyone could think someone that chain smokes is hot- I don’t dig ashtray smell…. Blech !
As a woman and a Democrat, I am embarassed by the previous comments, and saddened that it was this type of voter who chose our candidate, rather than ones who think with their brains. When were 13 year olds given the right to vote?
Please keep Bossy’s blog friendly.
I appreciate your HUMOR blog, Bossy. Keep at it.
(note: one can find the President HOT and vote with their brains at the same time)
That photo is instantly iconic.
Thank you Joie for explaining humor to the humorless.
Cute dog, and so much like my last dog, Charlie! I don’t think changing his name was wise…he’s had four homes in six months.
Now who is cuter? Big BO or little Bo. And don’t use the command, “No” because it will confuse Bo.
He needs to be fixing things, not picking and choosing the perfect dog right now- he should have time for a dog actually. Why do we not see pictures of Saha and Malia with THEIR dog ??? I don’t mean to take this out on Bossy. But,Our country is hell in a handbasket right now and people seem to be more opinionated about the First Dog than the issues that actually effect us. THIS is a big problem in our society right now- we are not focused on real issues, we are happy with letting “others” deal with it while we worry about insignificant facts…
We need to dig deep and get involved and stop ohhing and ahhing over what the media is feeding us.
What REALLY happened yesterday in politics and government- some know, MANY don’t because all they are talkig about (here anyway) is the darn dog….
That dog reminds me of those chimney sweep brushes that Dick Van Dyke pranced around with in Mary Poppins.
What a sweetie! And the dog ain’t bad, either!
(Stodgy Democrats make me cringe. Lighten up, psjdp. We come to Bossy for a bit of fun.)
Ugh typos… That should read he shouldn’t have time for a right now because he should be 100 % focused , especially this early in his game.
By here I meant my area in the U.S., not here in Bossy’s blog.
i so love your blog!! your president o’boyfriend post today made me laugh out loud. thanks for making me smile!
Sister Mercy, if your going to play the name game, do it right!
“Let’s do Bo ‘Bama!
Bo ‘Bama, Oh ‘Ama, banana fanna Fo ‘Bama, fee fi Mo ‘Bama, Bo ‘Bama!”
“Let’s do Bossy!….”
It’s been proven that having a dog, playing with a dog, having a dog in the same room, even, is therapeutic and stress-reducing. I say he should play with the dog MORE. AND there are plenty of studies that show time OFF is vital for productive time ON. Lighten up. Let the man play with his dog.
Then we’ll have more swoon-inducing pics like that one – for us 13-year-olds.
That photo of him running down the hallway with the pooch. Love.It.
oh, he is super curly cute.
GAH, I love Bo’s little white paws!!! What a fine dog for the finest-looking first family evah!
Srsly, people really need to lighten up a bit! Dogs are not either/or, they can combine with life and work really well! It’s not EITHER a kid OR a dog, it’s not EITHER a dog OR a well-run country…they can be combined and can actually add value to a life and a home. Geez.
Why not go to the animal rescue?
They did not go via animal rescue (speaking as a long-time shelter volunteer, so my bias is always pro-rescue) because they needed a specific breed to not make his highly-allergic daughter ill. And with smaller children, rescue dogs are often not advised – they can have behavioral issues better suited for bigger people.
And just like the President gets to stop for a sammich and a pee break now and again, he also gets five minutes to walk his new frickiin’ dog. Jaysus. All you critics please crack a smile already. The guy hasn’t even been on-board 100 days. It takes at least 102 days to turn around an entire world!
Just who are these women who cannot stand that the leader of this great nation, is easy on the eyes??
Seriously, he is smart, hot, not bad on the eyes and he is a family man.
Although I was quite bummed that the pup didn’t come from a rescue or pound as was originally planned. Hopefully this doesn’t spark an increase for breeders. =(
Yes Barbara, however it only takes a few short weeks to put the our kids kids in deep deep debt , he put the country in more debt than all the other presidents combined so I expect him to be able to turn things around faster since he seems to “go big”….
And no I don’t think he needs to be taking a lot of time off right now to play- or flitting to talk show to talk show. He is new on the job and needs to be proving himself worthy of the huge job he was handed.
Is Obama good looking, maybe, but people need to stop looking at his face and start concentrating on his actions.
Really, who cares about his dog- why should anyone care ? Do you care about you boss or neighbor playing with his dog- then why put so much emphasis on the leader of the free world pooch- isn’t that
What I really can’t figure out is why anyone cares about his dog… If everything where going great in the US we probably wouldn’t even be hearing anything about the Obama’s pooch.
Media is putting stories about insignificant things like this out there as a distraction to the real stories and people are taking the bait hook, line, and sinker….
Sista 2 , unfortunatly for the most part the presidents that have been easy on the eyes have been historically the largest flops, But given a pass… KInd of like the busty women that gets the job because people like to look at her body.
If men were talking about a female president this way we would probably be turned off by it. No different just because the president is a man and commentor is a women.
holy cow!!! Bossy’s blog takes a catty and political bent in comments! The fur will fly! The claws will come out! Wait…this was about dogs, not cats…let’s see…
I don’t think the last question in the last photo got answered. The answer is: No.
(Pssssssst, BOSSY, just between you and me, did you ever dream THIS post would evoke angry-ish responses? Sheesh! You just never know!)
We got a dog last year! I’m just saying…
Do you people not see the government’s lies?!?! This is not the first dog. I saw several dogs before this one. At least 3 in my lifetime alone! It’s a conspiracy!!
Even in hard times, we need to remember the wonderful, small things in life that bring happiness and joy to our lives. Yes, there’s been more media attention on the dog the past few days than most other issues. But believe me, there will be plenty more time to think negatively over the next couple years. Let’s just enjoy the cute-ness and give the country a break for a few days.
Thanks, Bossy!
Elizabeth (#26): To add to Elizabeth’s answer, Portugese Water Dogs are very rare (their population was down to something like dozens in the 1970s). So even finding them outside a shelter is very difficult. The First Family tried but couldn’t find any rescues.
Thanks for the sweet post, Bossy! Made my day!
and the hits keeps coming! oh bossy, you’ve outdone yourself. an innocuous (but enjoyable!) blog that spurred all this debate. i love it.
and for the record i don’t care about the first dog, i do think the media feeds us crap as news, i’ll take O’Baby over McDreamy any day of the week, i voted for his policy, and that pic of O’Baby and the dog running down the hall is the stuff legendary photos are made of.
No disrespect intended here, but… screw the pooch. I WANT TO KNOW ABOUT SISTER MERCY. You invoke her name regularly these days, Bossy O’The Blog, and I WANT TO KNOW WHY. Who is she? Where does she live? Why do you talk about her in alternating tones of awe and horror? WHAT HAS SHE DONE???
Oh, the comments section of this blog! I arrive to say “thanks” for falling in love with MY new pooch (a Dane sorta like Bossy’s) and a dog post seemed the perfect spot to say it. Then it has Mr President in it, and I’m thinking “oh, maybe that would be disrespectful” and then I see Bossy is ogling him again and I’m thinking “oh, geez, is THAT allowed?” and then the comments start up with the “yeah me too” and I think “heck, those Yanks sure share a lot” (and part of me is thinking, ‘wish WE had a leader you could swoon over’) and then the political stuff starts up…
So I just scrolled til I found Caroline and I laughed again. I was sure I was in the right spot then. A bit exhausted, but sure.

PS Glad you liked my puppy – he is chewing a hardware catalogue at my feet as I speak!
Bossy, I respect you and your blog too much to get into some rough and tumble with a few haters. Actually, its taking all my strength, and most of my tooth enamel to keep from frog marching a couple of ’em outback for a little dab of sugarpie’s old school. Peace and Love!
I am sooo angry too. That Bossy got the Name Game wrong. David (commenter #21), thanks for getting it right. (Not easy to do with “Bo Bama”). I can only guess you must be older than Bossy too!
I look forward to Bossy’s blog everyday. What is planned for tomorrow.
bossy…I really liked this post a lot and it has been a really really LONG time since I was 13…and I was like 24 or something before I got to vote in a presidential election, and I had three kids (children for the purists) by that time and there were only weirdos for whom to vote by then. Oh well, I did get to vote for Obama and his family that is so cute it hurts.
Bossy should have called this post Foxy News.
Also, are you not entirely sure O’Boyfriend didn’t name his dog after you? Bo, short for Bossy?
My goodness. I keep scrolling back up to the last picture. Excuse me while I wipe the drool off my keyboard.
So glad Bossy is Bossy.
Man, I don’t think the debates got this heated during the actual Presidential debates! Holy Snikes, even the pres deserves to have a little fun once in a while. I’m sure he was running down the hall to fix the world problems so get your panties out of a bundle.
Nice post Bossy, keep it up.
Tomorrow let’s talk about how Bill Clinton is still hot, too.
Because he is.
Yes, he is.
Why is it that the negative posters rarely have links to their e-mails or Web sites?
Sheryl W, can you site your source for, “unfortunatly [sic] for the most part the presidents that have been easy on the eyes have been historically the largest flops, But [sic} given a pass… “? Just curious from whence that statistic came.
Dee, here’s a great shot of the Obama girls with Bo.
Kim, what newspaper are you reading? Every morning when I open the paper the coverage is about the struggling economy, unemployment, failing companies, foreclosures, cop killings, war, piracy … so, what are these stories distracting us from?
Bossy … you just keep on being Bossy.
I agree with you #49 .
wow, if you can’t lighten up and just have a good time reading bossy’s blog, when CAN you? but for moments when my sense of humor, fun, or play eludes me, i find midol helps.
Dang Bossy you sure stirred up the crowd today. Hahahaha.
I love the O’boyfriend picture with Bo.
I am completely serious when I tell you that my first thought when I saw this magical photo on the internet was “I wish I could be Bo if just for one day.”
um. i think it’s really interesting what people can find to grump about. my kids are like that sometimes. also? my kids are 7, 9 and 12, so, ahem.
Oh mai gah, if we like the dog, the terrorists will win!
(To clarify because it can read the wrong way…) I meant that O’Boyfriend thinks so much of Bossy that he would name his pet after her.
It’s all good. That’s one very lucky dog.
He’s the flippin’ President of the United States.
He’s NOT a rock/movie star.
He was barely “known” up until a year ago.
Get over him already.
You are a complete riot!!! i esp. like the Bo’Bama song line!
Glad I found your blog thru P Dub’s guest-post on the photog blog.
Amen, Barbara!!
While some rescue dogs turn out nicely and are heaven-sent, others can be behavioral nightmares. With small children who will have small children friends over to play AND considering the allergy-factor, a rescue dog would have been a bad choice.
Lighten the frick up, people! I mean, jeez — he coulda gone with a CAT, for frick’s sake…
I think, at some point, there has to be a Cusak vs. Obama smackdown for Bossy’s #1 spot.
Frank it is obviously opinion as not all will agree on what is good looking.
But MANY thought Bush was hot and well …
Clinton, need I say more with him having the record # of convictions of crimes, horrible corruption in office and pushing in play the laws that started the prop up of the the “artificial $ bubble” .
Reagan was swooned over even at his age and although I liked him, he is considered by many a flop .
JFK- Cuban Missle Crisis handled very poorly and other things, eventhough in office for a short time was great looking but not a good president.
My youngest daughter was very excited that the Obama girls named their dog Bo, because that’s our dog’s name. We’ve had him almost 10 years now. Now she thinks that because their dog and our dog have the same name, that they are brothers. She’s six, that’s why she thinks that.
Wow, I posted before I read all the comments. kj and SherylW sound like angry sour grapes, indeed. I come to read Bossy because she makes me smile and I love her obsession with Barack O’Boyfriend AND John Cusack, because it’s funny. She’s funny. And all you bitter people who finally have to let somone else be in control for a while because the other administration failed MISERABLY, really just need to lighten up.
I’m gaming to get my dog over to the White House for a playdate.
I seriously love the photo of them running. They both have their left foot up, and OBaby’s feet aren’t touching the ground, which shines a lot like water to me. Sigh.
Caroline (#40) for President!
Lots of people down South also know Sister Mercy. She gets around. ALOT.
Dear God-a-mity, how can it be that the funniest woman in the world has some of these dour readers? I refer them all to the many blogs on attachment parenting or eco-shopping if they are seeking an uber-conscientious, holier-than-thou community to one-up. Bossyland is for fun.
Some readers need to lighten up!
O’Boyfriend and Bo are just soo cute together! I love your pictures and lines Bossy. Keep it up!
The reason a person should get a dog is because they have an abiding need to have a pet and a longing in their heart to share all the ups and downs of giving their love to a dog. But not because it is “politcally correct” and a source of many endearing “photo ops”. If these people were pet lovers, they would have had a dog long before now, there are plenty of non-allergenic breeds out there.
These people refuse to stop — and none of them have an email address or web site.
Is it me or is there something strange about Ted Kennedy picking a dog that works in water and can follow complex commands. For instance, you take the dog every time you go in the car so if the car goes off a bridge into a river the dog can be trained to save the passengers. I’m all for it, one less Secret Service agent on the payroll.
Porties rock! My Rosie was fantastic and smart and funny and the most excellent dog ever. Good for the Obamas! Good for Bo!
Bossy, I love your site, but who knew you had so many trolls?
Bossy, you complain about your ratings a lot, yet keep bringing up things that float around politics….
Either move it to a political blog or don’t get suprised if you irritate 50% of your readers when you bring up your boyfriend and things that relate to him.
Haven’t you ever heard, don’t talk politics or religion ?
Bossy – please don’t change a thing! Can we all take a deep breath and say “agree to disagree”? Post your political opinions on a political website and let us laugh!
Love the dog, love O’boyfriend. And btw don’t worry about irritating 50% of your readers, because President O’boyfriend won by more that that. And I think the majority of your readers are for your politics and O’boyfriend. So from an anylitical standpoint you may be irritating 15%-20% of readers with political crap. Although you may want to capitalize on the political crap. i.e. jon stewart… Apparently Neill, #74 wants to see some wag the tail, so why not!
That being said, I agree with Lori, #75. People love this for what it is and enjoy the easy going nature. Maybe another site about politics, news, world events would be welcomed. Could launch Bossy to the national stage!?!?!?
OK, how do we get Bossy on Jon Stewart or Stephen Colbert.