Over the weekend Bossy watched one of the Netflix movies that stream for free straight to her computer except Bossy doesn’t have to watch it on her computer because she can watch it through her X-Box on the television screen and Bossy doesn’t understand even one word of what she just wrote.
The movie was Broken English, which was released in 2007 and stars the impossibly cute Parker Posey:
In the movie, Parker Posey wears a pair of sandals that make her walk weird:
But we don’t feel sorry for Parker Posey and her weird walk, because on a hotel management salary, she can afford a New York City apartment with an actual living room and an actual bedroom and an actual hallway, which in Hollywood movie terms is called Special Effects.
In the movie, Parker Posey has a couple of friends:
For instance, Drea de Matteo plays a drug-addled informant. On The Sopranos. Here she is not that. Broken English also stars Gena Rowlands as Parker Posey’s mom:
Later in the movie, Parker Posey stands next to a few different guys. Like him in a lobby:
And him in a movie theater:
And Gwen Stefani’s husband in an elevator:
And then Parker Posey goes out to lunch with her mom and her mom says, “You know what I heard about your liver? You should not have any alcohol to drink two days a week.”
And then who knows about the rest of the movie, because Bossy was too busy trying to find proof of the liver thing on the internet.
Broken English gets five stars, where five equals the amount of days per week Bossy will now be drinking. Rent today!
Please don’t leave us in suspense. Is the liver thing true?
I’m not going to believe the liver thing until I have concrete proof!
I love Parker Posey, her (or my) liver be damned. Love Party Girl, love The House of Yes, love The Daytrippers, and love all those crazed Christopher Guest / Eugene Levy movies. So thank you. For a movie for my list. Which the public library will probably get in stock in 2037.
Waddaya mean free? It’s free because you have a membership, or can I also get free movies?
Ummmm, sorta off-topic here, but does Parker Posey have SIX toes?? Go back and look at that “sandals” shot, and count the toes on her left foot. Not sure about the right foot, though. We now return to your regularly scheduled “Bossy”….
I would follow Parker Posey anywhere, especially when she is Fay Grim, but those shoes look like a Bible camp project and they are not at all cute.
Gena Rowlands is the mother of Zoe Cassavetes,who wrote and directed the movie! Her father,of course,was John Cassavetes,one of the most imaginitive actors and directors in the last century!
Rorrington, I think you are correct. Six toes. Eeewwww. But I still love Parker Posey, six toes or not.
I love her. Even if she has six toes.
I’ve seen that ‘oh mom’ look before, wasn’t it on your kids? Are they taking PP acting classes?
I was SO rooting for Parker Posey in the end.
Five? I’m going for seven!
With a name like Parker Posey, she has to be good (or really, really terrible — but she’s good). And I was surprised to find out it’s her real name.
Her character and acting in “Best in Show” were hilarious . . . and scary.
Huh. I was under the impression that alcohol PRESERVES your liver, but ONLY if you have it 7 days a week.
I’d stand by that guy in the movie theater any day. Yes please!
Poor Parker Posey…she had to wear the same sandals I wore for a friend’s wedding when she insisted we all dress alike and look like pink powder puffs. Those awful shoes were little torture chambers for bridesmaids who weren’t married yet. (I probably walked weird, too…oh wait…that was because I drank all those refreshing Orange Stoli & Clubs)….In any event- now I can’t stop thinking of that hideous dress and the affliction my feet suffered that night…..
Every time I see the title Broken English, I think it’s going to be this one movie that came out in the late 90’s that contained VERY racy sex scenes. Perhaps Bossy could watch that for free, too?
Dude, EVERY SINGLE TIME you post a movie review, I spend the rest of the day scratching my head: “??? Did Bossy actually LIKE this film? Does she REALLY give it five stars, or is she recommending that I only watch this film after I DRINK for five days in a row?” You can probably imagine how maddening it can be.
Please bring back Headless Ken as soon as you can. His absence is a tremendous empty void in my life.
After I stopped howling at the last part of that first/opening sentence, and by the way Bossy’s Monday posts usually start off with something that makes me howl with laughter and I know this because I”m usually ready to murder somebody by Monday night, and Bossy is the only person who can make me not want to murder someone and laugh instead…but ANYWAY. After that, then this:
Holy Crap.
That liver/drinking statement caused me to gasp and inhale wine into my lungs because I of course was drinking my nightly–I mean five times a week–glass or several of wine.
I thought it was that you didn’t drink two days out of the YEAR not the week? I always was bad with numbers and details.
Somebody really needs to research this and report back. Where report back equals, don’t tell us if it doesn’t say daily drinking is like sipping from the fountain of youth.
The End.
p.s Thanks to Bossy for a really good Monday night laugh.
i don’t know about the liver thing, but I loved this movie. I kept trying to get my sisters to watch it. I love your movie reviews.
Gena Rowlands and Parker Posey! Two of my favorites- I feel like it’s already Christmas again. (WIthout the brutal hangover, of course.)
I’ve missed BOSSY. I don’t even know why. Oh that’s right, my husband moved out of town for a job, and I’m mom, dad and carpool.
The liver can process a drink an hour. If you indulge consistently, drinking to excess all the time, then you may have a problem. A couple drinks a night is alright.
As yes, I’m merely a nutrition student and not a medical expert, but I can totally quote my textbook!
Does that navigation bar go away if you hit the red B button? (I couldn’t really read the post cuz I was distracted by the nav bar … I did like the part about don’t step on the rewind button, it made me giggle, but when I tried to explain it to my husband he told me about the red B button and didn’t laugh at all.)
Mmmmmm…..Gavin Rossdale!
Oh yes. I watched this film with the Frenchman and was convinced that we would have the same fate. Well, we did minus the romantic end scene where they find each other. I think this one should be on Barbie Theatre. I ride the metro enough to do the photos!
Hi folks,

Does anyone know where we can find these gorgeous sandals worn by Parker Posey?