For everybody’s information, Those shoes are not taps!
Those are my new high heels that i got at Payless…
Aren’t they cute?
P.S. I would like it if they were taps, though…
Holy crapper, how did that go so fast? That pic of you and the car and the full length mirror is the best photo I’ve seen in awhile, anywhere. Can’t stop looking at it!
My 5 year old has the same black and gray bedspread….in his room that is painted black (he’s 5 going on 15). I can’t even imagine him coming home from his 1st year of university.
I’m sorry. Did I miss something? Did you NOT just get him set up in that dorm? Did he not just start school. Clearly I have been in a fugue state. And I”m not talking music.
Bossy, not sure if you caught it, but in one pic there is some lady taking a pictures of the car. Wow, isn’t the weird? Why would anyone want to take pictures of the car? Huh?
Bossy’s Daughter, how can that POSSIBLY be you in those beautiful heels?! Yowza!! Next thing we know she’ll be telling us you too are heading off to college. Aieeeeeeeee!!!!
Yay! The entire Bossy clan is back together again in their well decorated home looking extremely long-legged, cute and happy. May I join you? Would that make me have long legs, too?
I just picked up my “daughter” from Cornell, it was so sweet to be able to do this when her mom and dad had things come up. It brought back tender memories and thoughts of true friendships. Welcome home bossy son!
Peace! ps bossy i am feeling REALLY good! REALLY!
He may as well have a wife and six kids and a mortgage and AARP because GAHHHHHH I have not been paying attention to the time! No way a school year has gone by. Enjoy these days, Bossy Family. : )
That first dorm-room photo brings to mind the post you did, oh about 2-3 weeks ago, showing it all barren like that as you were moving him in.
Need a link directly to the move-in stories. I remember the bit where Columbia firmly invites the parents to NOW LEAVE as they drop off their darlings.
Welcome home Bossy’s son!
And he didn’t even pack on those nasty “Freshman 15!” Have a good summer Bossy’s son!
He sure looks like an upperclassman! Congrats Bossy’s son.
OMG! Way to go, Bossy’s son!
Also, Bossy’s son’s room back home is awesome. He must have died having to go into the jail cell dorms. I did. Arg.
Awesome son, awesome room, and all because of an aswesome mom. Truly, I would have killed to have a mom like you — and those yellow Converse.
I like the smile on Bossy’s daughter … not to mention her shoes!
Did all that fit in one vehicle ?
Is he able to store stuff on campus for next semester ?
Yeah…he’s come home.
Mine finishes his Freshman year in 3 weeks…only he never left the house. He is going to college in the next town over.
yay Bossy’s Son for surviving Freshman Year. My daughter never came home for the summer. Job and 11 month on-campus apartment and summer semesters
Annie (commenter #6) read my mind. Look at Bossy’s Daughter wearing a big smile and some snazzy tap? shoes.
I was startled by the big blue owl glaring at Bossy while she snapped a self-portrait.
welcome home bossy’s son! congrats on completing your first new york year.
and I LOVE bossy’s daughter’s gold taps!
Bossy’s son looks all grown up!
And Bossy’s daughter looks mighty happy!
Isn’t that great?! Welcome home!!
–>I think Bossy’s Poverty Party should cheers her good use of empty wine boxes to back up Bossy’s son.
It all fit in our tiny tiny little car that also carried 3 full size adults!
Welcome home, Sonny.
“And he didn’t even pack on those nasty “Freshman 15!”
Yeah..because that only happens to GIRLS! *grumble grumble*
Wow, that was fast, wasn’t it? Welcome home Bossy’s son. Have a great summer. I mean, get a job. Right, Bossy?
For everybody’s information, Those shoes are not taps!
Those are my new high heels that i got at Payless…
Aren’t they cute?
P.S. I would like it if they were taps, though…
Oh- and they’re silver, not gold, Ms. Cranky Pants!
He is wearing my husbands college!
Already? Wow!
Welcome home, bossy’s son! And also, bossy, that’s a sweet picture in the middle there! You’re getting GOOD!
Holy crapper, how did that go so fast? That pic of you and the car and the full length mirror is the best photo I’ve seen in awhile, anywhere. Can’t stop looking at it!
My 5 year old has the same black and gray bedspread….in his room that is painted black (he’s 5 going on 15). I can’t even imagine him coming home from his 1st year of university.
I’m sorry. Did I miss something? Did you NOT just get him set up in that dorm? Did he not just start school. Clearly I have been in a fugue state. And I”m not talking music.
Bossy, not sure if you caught it, but in one pic there is some lady taking a pictures of the car. Wow, isn’t the weird? Why would anyone want to take pictures of the car? Huh?
ha! I thought that was his girlfriend on the bed! Sorry bossy’s daughter! geez your kids are growing up faster than mine.
Two thoughts:
That is one happy looking Bossy’s daughter
Bossy’s son has an awesome room!
Have a happy summer, Bossy.
The shoes–and more importantly the daughter–are exceedingly cute.
Welcome home Bossy’s son-i hope the entire Bossy family has a great summer!
Bossy’s Daughter, how can that POSSIBLY be you in those beautiful heels?! Yowza!! Next thing we know she’ll be telling us you too are heading off to college. Aieeeeeeeee!!!!
Welcome home, Bossy Boy!
This was my absolute favorite time!!! Loved when they came back home………….
Finally………. life, noise, energy back in my home!!!!
Thanks Carroll!
I love the heels, too.
And just like that they are graduating.
My daughter just graduated from St. Joe’s yesterday,,,,went too fast!!
ooh, you can play my favorite game “spot the ikea item” in picture number 3 … I spy 6!
It’s super easy to play this game at my house (and in Philly area restaurants, too!)
That is one happy looking sister – glad to have her brother back for a few months, huh?
Yay! The entire Bossy clan is back together again in their well decorated home looking extremely long-legged, cute and happy. May I join you? Would that make me have long legs, too?
Dang, seems like he just left! (But probably not to Mom, right?)
I just picked up my “daughter” from Cornell, it was so sweet to be able to do this when her mom and dad had things come up. It brought back tender memories and thoughts of true friendships. Welcome home bossy son!
Peace! ps bossy i am feeling REALLY good! REALLY!
He CANNOT have completed a full year in ONE SINGLE MONTH, which is how long it’s been since you dropped him off.
[Pressing the big read “easy” button]: “THAT was easy!”
Bossy’s daughter’s smile says it all.
Welcome Home!
I love that his stuff is packed in WINE BOXES.
What is Bossy’s daughter wearing on her feet?
He may as well have a wife and six kids and a mortgage and AARP because GAHHHHHH I have not been paying attention to the time! No way a school year has gone by. Enjoy these days, Bossy Family. : )
OMG, Bossy’s daughter’s sparkly shoes are killer! And that smile says it all. Happy reunited summer, Bossy’s family!
That first dorm-room photo brings to mind the post you did, oh about 2-3 weeks ago, showing it all barren like that as you were moving him in.
Need a link directly to the move-in stories. I remember the bit where Columbia firmly invites the parents to NOW LEAVE as they drop off their darlings.
Dollars to donuts, Bossy’s Son is the only one whose mom is super-cool enough to show up for the move wearing yellow high-top Chucks.
My lord… it seems like he moved into that dorm yesterday! Did he even have time to unpack?
that was a fast year.
Holy schmoly that was fast…
I’m noticing a lot of wine boxes for packing. Hummm…