Interestingly enough, I think I have my first girl crush on a real, true lesbian. That’s never happened. I mean I’ve had tons of girl crushes but usually on straight chicks… But this new blog you introduced me to, Bossy, has me now questioning myself. Elisa is totally awesome!
Interestingly enough, I think I have my first girl crush on a real, true lesbian. That’s never happened. I mean I’ve had tons of girl crushes but usually on straight chicks… But this new blog you introduced me to, Bossy, has me now questioning myself. Elisa is totally awesome!
Question: Is there anything better in the whole wide world than being one of Bossy’s gays?
Answer: NO!
Thanks, Bossy… I’m so excited, I’m doing the peepee dance over here!
AND… Hi Lin! Thanks for saying nice things about me out in the world! I’m so flattered to be your first real lesbian crush!
Funny, Elisa is my favorite gay too!