Welcome to Bossy’s Ear Worm, which features songs currently in Bossy’s headphones. Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue.
Spinal Tap, Tonight I’m Gonna Rock You Tonight.
This is an old Spinal Tap song from their new record, Back From the Dead, which contains 12 re-recordings of the originals. Very little cracks Bossy up as much as her husband Christopher Guest, and Michael McKean, and Harry Shearer, who comprise this parody band better than most bands.
The funniest part about Tonight I’m Gonna Rock You Tonight, besides the hilarious redundancy of tonight, is the mid-section background vocals, which somehow escaped Bossy prior to the other night when she heard this version for the first time.
La Ti Dohhhhh
Do you prefer this version to the original?
I’ve started a Bossy’s Ear Worm playlist.
Turn it up to eleven!!!
Christoper Guest is also B’s husband. He gets around.
Big Bottoms always cracks me up, and I loved Cups and Cakes. What a refreshing side of artistic they took on that one. Once did a school project and used Cups and Cakes as background music on a slide presentation. Oh, the music of yesterday!!!