Michael, Michael, Michael. Bossy was so very unprepared to deal with your sad, premature death, let alone right here in the middle of a happy weekend giveaway.
Bossy admired you when you were a young prodigy, what with the ABC 123 business, and she was right there with you in the Shake Your Body Down To The Ground era, straight through the Don’t Stop Til You Get Enough stage leading to the irrepressible Thriller album when Bossy’s friend Lisa became the first known stalker, chasing you and your appropriate Beat It nose.
And then more songs happened and more noses happened and other things happened, Michael, and Bossy isn’t here to talk about any of that because she admires your impact on the music industry too much, not to mention what you did for penny loafers and white socks.
No disrespect intended, but surely you, Michael, the consummate professional, must understand the meaning of the show must go on, where show equals It’s time for Bossy to pimp some coffee.
Enter the folks at Seattle’s Best Coffee®, not to be confused with Seattle’s Best Coffee without the registered trademark, because can we all agree Seattle’s Best Coffee without the trademark would be more of an objective description and not a company name — or if for some reason we can’t all agree, can we at least agree to blame Bossy’s grief for things nonsensical from here until the end of time this post?
So the folks at Seattle’s Best Coffee® sent Bossy some Beach House Blend Whole Bean Coffee to try, and they were kind enough to provide Bossy with some decaffeinated samples too, since Bossy might otherwise have a caffeine heart attack and find herself in the back of an ambulance headed toward UCLA Medical Center, making coffee pimping difficult, if not entirely impossible.
Anyway. The folks at Seattle’s Best Coffee® didn’t just send Bossy coffee samples, they sent her a trial coffee system better known as The Toddy Cold Brew System® even though this time it was Bossy who added the registered trademark on the end of its name for fancy.
Here’s the deal: The Toddy Cold Brew System® amounts to a large brewing container and filter which allows you to process one pound of coffee at a time by mixing the grounds and cold water and allowing it to brew for twelve hours or more, cutting down on the coffee’s acidity.
After the coffee has processed, you allow it to filter down into the Toddy Cold Brew System® carafe, leaving you with a coffee concentrate which can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks and used as needed.
The whole idea is to be able to quickly activate the coffee as needed with the addition of boiling water to the concentrate, or cold water if your desire is iced coffee.
Here’s how it works: first you boil some water.
Then you fill your coffee cup about 1/3 full of the coffee concentrate:
Next you fill the remainder of the cup with boiling water and cream if you like that kind of thing and sister mercy Bossy does.
Obviously if you want iced coffee you don’t add boiling water, but rather cold water and isn’t science a marvel?
The result: a delicious blend of Latin American flavors with a sweet delicate aroma and smooth finish very unlike warm lemon water, and that’s what really counts.
In honor of poor Michael Jackson and the generous folks at Seattle’s Best Coffee® who don’t have a thing to do with Michael Jackson, Bossy would like to give 14 readers one pound of Seattle’s Best Coffee® to try. And Bossy would like to give one lucky reader two pounds of coffee and a Toddy Cold Brew System.
That’s 14, 1, 2, 1. Who needs a cup of coffee?
Just leave your comment below, one per person please, and Bossy will employ her best friend the Random Number Generator to come up with the winners on Monday morning.
Good Luck!
I need a cup, heck I need a whole pot of coffee. I heard about that way of making coffee a few years ago and have been fascinated with it ever since.
Michael Jackson makes my stomach churn – but not so much that I can’t down my morning pot of coffee. I’m an addict.
LOVE Toddy Coffee! I had one of these systems long ago in college, and would love to have another one.
RIP, Michael…and I could go for some coffee right now. The system would be perfect for me– no one else in the house drinks coffee, and I hate to make a whole pot and then throw most of it out!
Coffee? I have a love affair with coffee. I NEED my coffee. THis looks awesome. The only thing better might be a coffee IV!
Oh, I shouldn’t, I just shouldn’t even try, but the siren call of coffee with a side order of coffee is perhaps too much for me.
You want irony? Yes, I *am* drinking my coffee AS I TYPE THIS!!!
Wow.. I already do this..but without the help of a hot toddy…or cold teddy, or whatever. This is great.
I need this for my h who insists on BUYING coffee every day for more than $2 a cup!
Why Is this the first time I have heard of the Toddy Cold Brew System®? I must leave my house and office more often.
Miss Bossy, “Scream” your grief to remind yourself “You Are Not Alone.” Since we “Never Can Say Goodbye,” let’s pretend we are “Dancing Machine[s]” and try not to “Cry.”
I love the smell of coffee. I love the color of Coffee and Cream. I love the taste of Coffee Ice Cream. I especially love the flavor of Coffee liqueur – Kahlua is my preferred brand!
I’m sipping my first cup of the morning while reading this- thinking- I’ve never heard of a cold brew system….
Amity hearts SBC.
I too love the smell of coffee, especially when I brew my 3:00 pm pot and not think about why I did not like MJ.
I still make my coffee in an old fashioned percolator. I would love to win this.
In memory of Michael. Do you think he drank coffee?
MJ was so cutting edge (although, I’m too young to know that) I’m not too young to prove to my dad that my coffee system is more hip than his cappa cappa steam factory.
and check out my site for a forgotten MJ tidbit as thanks.
I LOVE my 1st cup in the morning .
But when we go camping and brew the
coffee on an open fire , BOY the smell is
wonderful and if there’s a breeze you can smell
all the sites brewing coffee ,,,,,
close you eyes and ……
I once had a very vivid, long involved dream (in the Thriller days) that MJ was secretly in love with me. No matter what happens, we’ll always have that.
Can I win a pound of decaf, or are you keeping that for Bossy?
I have always wanted to try this cold-brewed coffee thing.
I’ve never had a cup of coffee in my life (Diet Coke addict instead) but my husband is a big fan.
Coffee!! I need this Bossy, I need this baaaad.
Definitely can’t start my day without coffee…I love it! (although you’d think I’d learn not to drink it before work, I’m a lifeguard and sometimes in the early mornings I don’t get a break for over an hour. NOT good!)
As I sit here with an uninspired cup of coffee beside me, I am envious, to say the lease.
When I woke up from surgery, and the nurse said, “Do you want water or apple juice?” I said, “Coffee.” Twice. And the beeyotch still brought me water.
–>I would love to win the beans but no so much on the toddy system (insert trademark here) because it would never get used at my house. (sorry…)
My husband loves coffee. So perhaps random will love me too.
Yay! I love this giveaway!! Please I can has some Seattle’s Best coffee? My boyfriend is from Seattle, and we are moving in together at the end of July and doesn’t this just seem like a great housewarming gift?
I’m a contest whore…what else is there to say?
Ooh!! I’ve been making cold brewed coffee in small batches using an extensive and complicated system of pouring/straining/pouring/filtering/pouring/filtering… I would love to have a way to simplify the process and this looks perfect!!
As John Mayer said ‘A major strand of our cultural DNA has left us.’
Coffee CONCENTRATE??? Lemme guess. It helps with concentration! Worth a try.
Is it necessary to add water to the coffee concentrate? Couldn’t I just have a whole cup of concentrate?
RIP little Michael.
RIP Michael
I need some coffee after staying up all night watching tributes to you
This sounds like a serious coffee system. I culd use a cup. Or 6 todday.
Need coffee now!
But hey, next week would be good also.
This would be so perfect for my 5 a.m. workday mornings!
I heart Coffee so much I refer to it as a proper noun.
Why have I never heard of this?!? Great giveaway!
I work at a hospital and that is exactly how we make the coffee. However, we don’t use the famous Seattle brand.
What an interesting concept. The Bob would love this. And if nothing else, their coffee is outstanding.
Gotta love the coffee. Come on Random Number Generator.
Grandma J loves Seattle’s Best Coffee so much more that the more famous coffee from Seattle.
If Grandma J wins she will forget all about her bum knee and dance with fiddler crbs at the Virginia blogfest next month.
Fiddler crabs…she will dance with fiddler crabs.
Ummmmm, coffee – must.have.coffee.
And ojgirl is w/Bossy on the decaf bandwagon
Unappreciated MJ song: One More Chance. RIP Michael.
Caffeinated or not, Michael = jitters.
What an appropriate post, seeing as it’s Friday and someone just told me I look tired. However, I live in New Orleans, and we’re in the midst of a heat wave, thus: MUST HAVE ICED COFFEE.
for all the coffee lovers in my house
The first time my husband and I slow danced it was to MJ’s “She’s Out of My Life.” Which was kind of funny because he was dating a woman at the time and she was definitely still in his life. But I played it cool till she was out of his life. Can I have some coffee?
Bossy’s the best ever! XOXO
We could really use that toddy system in our house!
Oh! This is awesome! Because our coffee maker just broke!
Oh random number generator, please pick me! Becuase I am trying to get back to decaf, and my husband… he is not! So coffee concentrate is just what I need!
Momma likes the smell of coffee and chemistry in the morning. Hit me!
I love Seattle’s Best! It helps my personality…
Oh, I miss my days of being a barista, when I had constant access to delicious, FREE coffee that was FREE and also did not cost anything. *sigh* Here’s hoping I get lucky in this giveaway.
Wow, such a cool product!
I’m the only decaf drinker in the house too. This cold brew system would save time I could use reading more Bossy!
I NEED the system! I live in Europe, and we don’t have any coffee here!
Oh, great RNG, pick ME, pick ME! Coffee is my 2nd favorite beverage!
Why, oh why, do I keep clicking remember me and it doesn’t. I need to kick my browser in the butt!
Coffee concentrate? Hmm I think they may help me concentrate at work in the morning since I never wake up with enough time to make coffee before I hit the road in the morning. This may be the answer!!
My mother had one of these at about the time of Michael Jackson’s second or maybe third nose surgery. There was always some coffee concentrate in her fridge.
Need coffee now…
yes, please. and RIP MJ.
Michael Jackson, what can you say.
Coffee, I can say I love it. Coffee Toddy, even better. I lost the Toddy in divorce settlement when my ex decided he wanted it along with the entertainment center. I’ve been too fiscally conservative to obtain one for myself. But I would love to have one. I hope my number comes up in the random drawing
My husband and I are big coffee drinkers, so this is a great giveaway!
The Toddy system sounds terribly complicated but I’d love me some coffee!
coffee = love
Oh, this would be a great present for my hubs. I kind of failed miserably with the Father’s Day, but his birthday is coming up and I KNOW he would love this. My ingers are crossed.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE my coffee in the morning. Used to buy a cup on my way into work, but as part of my own personal climb-out-of-debt strategy, I now make it every morning. Thanks for the give-away!
I’ve never heard of this system…sounds like a great idea!
rip MJ.
Oooh! I want a cold coffee whatsis. Or just coffee.
oooh coffee. . . please Bossy, I need some!
Can we just drink the concentrate straight and skip all that other liquid? Or perhaps a drip right into our veins, that might work.
Good morning, Bossy! It’d be an even better morning if I could ingest some of that lovely Seattle’s Best(R) … Thanks.
MJ, we hardly knew ya … but you’ll stay with us forever.
Coffee? Did someone say coffee? I love coffee! Coffee, coffee, coffee! And the cold brew system? That would be so perfect for my office! People in this office just don’t understand the art of coffee!
Oooh, I’m the only coffee drinker in the house and the concentrate would be a GREAT thing, instead of brewing a pot for one cup of coffee!
Goodbye Michael.
The concentrate sounds like a fantastic idea! Does it continue to taste like fresh brewed though?
My goodness. I thought I had tried every possible coffee contraption in the world. Love to try this.
Spent the morning reading your site and thoroughly enjoyed it.
Gah. I haven’t had coffee for 2 days. I am sick with a bad cold, cough, stuffed head, and have no taste buds due to sucking on cough drops 24/7. Yuck.
Oh how I need something like this. I live by myself and I always wind up wasting part of the 1/3 pot of coffee that I make in the morning.
Count me in.
I liked Michael when he was doing the Thriller stuff, but once the nose jobs and the skin whitening happened…he got kind of freaky.
Love the idea of coffee concentrate….
Hi. My name is Robin and I am a Coffeeholic! I have never seen anything like this brew system. Mercy. I think I am in love.
vuboq *hearts* coffee (and BOSSY).
Oooh! Pick me! We have one of those cuisinart grind and brew thingies. It makes great coffee but is a bitch to clean. The cleaning takes way longer than the coffee making and we often make two pots a day when hubby has to work nights. This could brew system looks awesome and easy.
May you find the peace in death, that you did not have in life Michael.
I love coffee..I would be slightly afraid with the coffee concentrate sitting in the fridge cause I might pour me a cup of that, forget to add water, and actually enjoy it concentrated.
Hi Bossy!
Just found your site and I love it!
Like you, I concentrate on the younger, cuter, non-creepy MJ of my youth and early teenage years.
It’s easie to concentrate on the younger, cuter, non-creepy MJ when I have enjoyed at least one cup of coffee!
Thanks for the opportunity.
Seattle’s Best Coffee really is the best. I neeeed moar coffeeee!!!!!!
We LOVE coffee in my house…especially while sitting on the side porch ready Bossy’s Blog…mmmm
So theoreticallly* I could mourn the passing of the Ear Worm Pop Icon by drinking coffee until I start shaking to the beat of the songs eternally stuck in my head? AND possibly get to play with brand new coffee delivery systems that no one else has yet?
*I spelled that wrong 3 different ways didn’t I?
In the Southern United States, there is a little baby girl in need of your help. For only one cup of coffee a day, this little girl can have what any child deserves – a calm, patient mother who will stay awake long enough to feed her and change her diapers – perhaps even read her a book or two. Please, for the sake of this one child, pick this comment as the giveaway winner. You too can make a difference.
I’ve been up too late the last few nights, and I’m not sure coffee is going to do the trick — I might need something stronger, like cocaine or meth. But I’m willing to try the coffee, from one decaf drinker to another. (Maybe that’s why the coffee isn’t helping me?)
@32 Lizzy…HA. gimme the good Joe, please. No water needed!
After 9 months of pregnancy and 3+ months of breast feeding….I am ready to embrace coffee again!
That should state “reading Bossy’s Blog”…
Mmmmm, iced coffee. I’ll take mine with a bit of sugar and cream, please!
I’ve never heard of brewing coffee that way. Hmmmm…it’s worth a try! Thanks, Bossy!
Michael went way to wacko for me.
Now, about that coffee thingy, sounds cool, would love to try it out. Have a great weekend Bossy.
Love coffee! Need more coffee!
I’m sort of overly intrigued by the 12 hour brew and coffee concentrate situation…feel like this could change my mornings! Love iced coffee when it’s warm out.
I never used to drink coffee until I took a 2-week immersion course where we had to work from 7 in the morning until 11 at night. 2 weeks of no sleep brought me to the dark side. Now I can’t start my morning without it and that was 5 years ago. But I think Bossy’s next giveaway should be some teeth whitening product – damn coffee stains.
I’ve been having starbucks for so long that I cannot drink Folgers
Making an entire pound of coffee at once… Interesting!
I’ve been seriously looking at the Toddy system. I’m the only coffee drinker in my small family and am always trying to make a tiny pot be really good. Or trying to get over wasting the remains of a really good medium pot. *sigh* I keep thinking the Toddy would help me out with my problem.
Thriller was the first album I ever bought for myself. I thought MJ was so dreamy. RIP
Did Bossy have to grind an entire pound of coffee in one go?
Here’s my comment. Real original, huh?
me! me! me! I need one of those. thanks!
I’m a decaf drinker now, and love Seattle’s Best Coffee!
*finger crossed* Please pick me! As a caffeine addict, concentrated coffee in my fridge sounds like a slice of heaven. *now crossing toes*
Oh, coffee coffee coffee! Random generator, pick me! Mama say mama sah mah mah coo sah!
Mmmmm, I love coffee. This is a fabulous idea! I’m the only coffee drinker in my house, and decaf at the end of the day is something I long for, but am too lazy to make. This totally solves that.
Hoping this is okay, I’m entering my Mother in law too, who’s a hopeless Internetter, but lives alone and could really use this coffee set.
I could use some coffee!! Please?!
That is brilliant. I need cold coffee sludge in my life and in my fridge this summer, there is nothing like a jolt of ice coffee to cure whatever ails you. I just wish I were the type of person who won things.
Are you kidding me? I even named my website for my favorite coffee! Pick me, Bossy!
I always need a cup of coffee. Could you airlift it to New York, which actually seems more like Seattle these days?
I have tomato plants I will trade you for that coffee concentrate maker. I’m serious. The plants are in front of my house and free come and get as many as you want. And do — I mean DON’T let the free plants influence the random number generator.
Did someone say Coffee? You sure you “wanna be startin somethin”? I guess that’s just “Human Nature” . So please Bossy… Tell us. HOW does the Coffee taste made with the Toddy Cold Brew System? It doesn’t look like anything could “Beat it”!
Oh Bossy…. “You Rock My World”.
Thank You Michael….
this is the kind of coffee we had in New Orleans at PJs. Love it.
I’ve just gone from tea to coffee. I need. I NEED!
Coffee: “yum”, says dh. “Eh”, says me.
One serious coffee junkie checking in!
Sad about Michael. Hope you post more about him.
Coffee would be great for Hus…
All I need is a cup of Bossy every morning, but the coffee would rock my world, too.
Not a day goes by that I don’t have coffee. I’ve been known to take my coffee pot, coffee, and my own creamer when I go on vacation. Even when staying in a hotel.
Oh Random Number Generator pick me, PICK ME!!!
This would be great. I love coffee.
I’d love to win this – I make the world’s worst coffee, and I love coffee, so I end up buying at Wawa or Starbucks. And that is definitely NOT a poverty plan! Please pick me so I can’t stay up and watch the never-ending media obsess-a-thon this weekend about Michael and Farrah. I just haven’t seen Ryan O’Neill on TV enough this week!
Would love to try the cold brew system.
I would LOVE to try the cold brew system. How ingenious!
But if I don’t win Bossy’s cold brew system, I’d still like to win some coffee!
Just pass me the whole pot! Whatever we bought last time is just…ick…I need some good coffee.
Here in Seattle, we are mourning Michael by playing his music from every portal. It’s a fantastic Michael-fest! In fact, I’m going to go walk for coffee right now just to get a little more of it in my ear.
My mom is all about this toddy system. I’ve yet to try it.
This whole MJ thing has got my head in such a funk I dont think any amount of coffee will set me straight. So weird.
I have heard that coffe made that way is sooooo good and I love Seattle’s Best Coffee with the trademark…
They say he became really strange after he was burned in the Pepsi commercial. He was never convicted of anything and in this country that still means something. However, my kids would not be allowed to spend the night!
Oh, I would love to try this.
Seriously? Love, Love , Love!!
summer = iced coffee and this little system looks like it would be an iced coffee dream machine.
raising my hand for the iced coffee dream machine.
COFFEEEEEEE! Bossy, my best friend Beth tells me that I’m not allowed to get the TALL coffee at Starbucks because it makes me HYPER or SOMETHING ALONG THOSE LINES. I think she’s just trying to hog all the coffee for herself because sister mercy she loves her some coffee. Anyway, I would love some coffee that I can brew in my very own home in a fancy manner, and then I can tell my best friend that I drank a whole pot, and that’s why I’m re-shingling the roof on a unicycle. DUH.
Yay, coffee!!! Pick me!
Yeah, ’cause I need more caffeine!
If I had a dedicated iced coffee SYSTEM, then I could spend even more time drinking iced coffee, and even possibly go semi-pro.
Oh, the possibilities! The jittery, anxious possibilities….
Re: decaf… me too! I’m the only person who drinks it in my house!
I’d love to win something for my coffee fiend husband!
I like coffee, and I recently moved away from Seattle — help me!
Yes please!
Ooooh, I want a cold press system. Just because I need one more thing to clog my two kitchen cabinets. And of course I need some of that scrumptious coffee to drink whilst pretending to be sunning on the beach.
The reason I need this is that I have four coffee makers, but I don’t have this one, and I fear I may be missing out.
My sister turned me on to the Toddy cold press system. It is indeed delicious. So, I’d only like to enter the drawing for the coffee only – let another lucky commenter win the cold press.
Now onto MJ on youtube…
would love to have this . We IV coffee in this house
You know who was wishing we coffee in our house this morning? B. Right after the part where he puked into the toilet that I had just cleaned because SOMEONE had been out drinking too late with SOMEONE’s friends while SOMEONE ELSE was at home with the dog.
Sounds interesting
Weird… I just made my first batch of cold-filtered brew last night! In a jar, which I then had to filter through a sieve — twice. Nice cup of joe but I’d much prefer to make it in a Toddy. Thanks, Bossy!
Oh, dear heavenly caffeinated goddesses. If ever I wished to win a contest, it is this one.
I’ve been wanting to try a cold brewer for a while now.
I love coffee! I live in Portland, it’s required by law.
what the hell…my coffeemaker is on its deathbed right now…
luv my coffee —so sad about Michael though.
well Bossy. I have a 4 daughters ages 8 7 2 and 4 months. Today is the last damn day of school. That means I have 4 kids 24hrs a day for 2 months. That is a lot of numbers. Need coffee stat. Thanks.
I have coveted one of these Toddy makers for ages – hope I can at least win some coffee!
Very, very interesting…that whole coffee maker thingy. I would like to give it a try, especially if I can have iced coffee!
I need this so I’ll have the energy to beat it beat it beat it beat it…
Michael, what happened?
How come I’ve never heard of this Toddy system? I live next to Seattle, for the love of whatever!! I would love to have any of the aforementioned prizes because in this part of the country, one can never have enough ways to make coffee.
I really agree with your tweet about hot coffee and iced coffee being good but hot coffee gone cold? Ick.
What a cool coffee brewing system! I have never heard of it before now. I am intrigued.
Please pick me, but if Random Generator doesn’t, then pick Grandma J. (#42) so I can see her dance with fiddler crabs in 3 weeks.
Hello Random Number Generator, wouldn’t you like to be mentioned in the same sentence as Els (aka Elsewhere) from Amsterdam, the city with the best known coffeeshops in the world (wink wink nudge nudge)?
Anything that will allow me to make virtually instant coffee without it tasting like instant coffee sounds great because I am lazy. Even my lazy is lazy. This sounds perfect to me and would make Yes,Dear quite happy as well. And if Yes,Dear is happy maybe he’ll give in and let me get the puppy I’ve been begging for, so bring it ON, Bossy!
Horrifying how the fame and attention and money eclipsed the talent and music. Seems there wasn’t anyone around to say “no” to MJ when things got off track. Its hard to seperate the music from his very troubled personal life.
It was 104 here on Wednesday. Could I register to win a box of popsickles instead? No? Oh well, it never hurts to ask.
I’m totally confused about everything you said other than MJ is dead and that I can get something free.
I’ve entered a boatload of Keurig brewer giveaways only to be left coffee-less. Please enter me so I can stop moping!
Love iced coffee
This sounds like a great idea and I’d love to try it.
I live in the Seattle area, I have never heard of this cold brew system, but I am intrigued, as I have been “informed” my morning blended coffee drinks aren’t in our budget.
It would be so nice to make them at home.
I am ambivolent toward MJs death, simply because I feel celebrity deaths far outweigh everyone else’s and I know how frustrating it can be sitting by a suffering loved one’s bedside while watching the media stumble all over themselves celebrating the life of some famous person with questionable lifestyle choices who they were eviscerating only a day before.
I think I swooned….did you really say coffee concentrate? I love the concept of the Toddy! I can’t wait to win this one or go out in search of another and try it out!
I will sip my creamed & sugared coffee concentrate while listening to MJ and watching my kids try to moonwalk!
I can think of nothing I would like better than to try the cold-brewed concept. Please, Bossy, pick me! You haven’t done me the honor of letting me host you on my couch, please at least throw me a coffee!
Fascinating concept! As the only coffee drinker in my household, I’d use the heck out of it.
COOFFFEEEE YAY!!!! Must keep up with this spinning planet. Pick me oh random generator thingy.
Oh, my. I could SO use this after my father’s evil flashlight took out the carafe to my Mr. Coffee the last time he was working on my kitchen. I NEEDS my coffee, Bossy. The cold brew system would be awesome for my rushed morning ritual, as well.
I like that! Fast coffee, not much can beat that on a monday morning!
Well, I hope the fact that I live in Seattle doesn’t disqualify me… Even though there are coffee stands on every.single.freaking.corner, I could certainly use some coffee as a kick in the ass for my personal poverty party.
HOLY SHIT DO I NEED THE BIG PRIZE! Husband likes lots and lots of pansy-strength coffee and I like a few dark ones with cream and this would make everything in our lives SO MUCH BETTER.
MJ was one of a kind. Incredible talent. I love my morning coffee, especially since I don’t have to share it with anyone. I’ve never heard of the cold-brewed concept either, but something that would save me time and steam rolling out of the coffee maker and up the side of my cabinet – sweet!
Oh, yeah baby!! I’d keep the precious coffee concentrate in the carafe at work to make an afternoon iced coffee…you have no idea how much my coworkers would love me then.
Very cool giveaway! This would probably be better for me than a traditional coffee pot. Thanks!
this would be much better than my cold brew method: coffee grounds in water, steep, strain. strain again. and again. uck, can’t get all the grounds out.
Where’s the part about the option to just pour the concentrate into a plastic bag, hang it off of a pole with a drip line attached to an I.V. needle poking in your arm?
Because I think that would be a real seller!
I would love the Toddy system please!
I need the coffee IV – my 20-month-old son was up with restless leg syndrome until 3 am. Mommy NEEDS the coffee! Thank you.
The hubby would like this…and I’ll just tell him “Look what I bought you!”
I think this is a marvelous idea (both the Toddy system and your giveaway)!! Thank you.
I am home with 3 kids all summer. Enough said.
I could use a Toddy, whether hot or cold, because they have botched my latte twice, and sister mercy, I need help.
I had one of those cold brew things about 20 years ago. I found it at Cost Plus. I used it a few times and finally gave it away a couple of years ago. I dunno…I thought the reconstituted coffee tasted like instant. If I should win this, please allow someone else the opportunity to get it who might appreciate it more than I did.
He was the king of pop during his Thriller era. Later he just got strange. Random generator, pick me please
that cold brew system is the COOLEST thing evah!
Sister mercy, I could use some coffee what with all the grief going on this week.
Micheal will always be a legend, an icon and a King.
Ooh, Ooh, I live in AZ and could totally use that cold brew system these days.
Also, yes, sad about Micahel, what about Farah?
When I was a little girl, someone told me MJ’s phone number was 1-800-Michael-Jackson. I totally believed it. What I lacked in intellect I made up for in obsession, and I wanted so very badly to speak with him. I used to dial all those numbers over and over again and convince myself that, just for a second, I heard him breathe on the other end. RIP, Michael.
I need coffee!
And I heart MJ! You will be missed.
mmm. coffee.
The coffee/toddy/cold brew thing sounds so cool- and I have to say that aside from all of the things that Michael Jackson was that we are not going to discuss here, he certainly was talented.
it is my theory that the random number generator never picks me because the words in my comments always go in the regular nonrandom order.
my that the it regular is random comments my go picks me never generator nonrandom the number in my words because always the order theory.
My best friend is moving to Seattle…this giveaway makes me slightly sad.
Real coffee, one cup at a time, without all the packaging waste of the Keurig system? This sounds great. Sign me up.
You have to wonder if anyone expected so many people to truly appreciate the man for who he was, with the kind of laughingstock he made of himself toward the end. I hope for the sake of his children that people remain kind to his memory, and let all the freakishness fall from memory.
It’s 99 degrees with 99% humidity which equals a heat index of 9,801. I could sure use some ice-cold coffee concentrate — straight up with a twist. Enter me, please!
Michael Jackson and coffee… a latte maybe?
I NEED THIS!! Bossy gives away good loot!
wow, what a giveaway! sure hope i get lucky this time!
<3 to bossy & her fam!!
In my best “Thriller” zombie impression…..
Hey, I had to “Beat It” to reply as I love coffee – in all forms!
i love coffee. oh, i love coffee.
I need this coffee!
This is a different Cathy, but how strange is that that there are two Cathy’s commenting one right after the other??
Anyway… iced coffee. Yum. Iced coffee.
ME! ME! ME! Pick me! I looooove coffee… although i have given it up since February, although i would gladly pick it back up again for Seattle’s Best.
I hardly ever enter giveaways, but given my extreme love of caffeine, skipping this one would amount to traitordom (where traitordom equals the act of being a traitor).
Also, I think Michael Jordan was generally icky, but if ABC doesn’t make you shake your booty I’m not sure you have a soul.
O Random Number Generator, please meander in my direction for coffee and toddy.
Thank you
When I was 7 and he was 9, I was gonna marry Michael Jackson! Since that option has long been over and now out of the question, I’ll sooth my nerves with Bossy’s coffee exlixir!!
Mmmm, coffee.
Jacko’s last will and testament was that he wants me to win this cold coffee maker thing-a-ma-bob. At least that’s what he called it. I’d hate for bossy to deny a man his last wish.
Coffee keeps me alive. period.
I would love to try the cold process coffee maker. It will be my intorduction to …finally a cup of non bitter coffee.
Wow! This sounds terrific, count me in!
Coffee – I for sure need extra today, as I was up all night, watching the latest breaking news about Michael and Farrah.
The worst part is trying to explain to my children the impact MJ had on my youth. So hard to untangle his talent from all the weird that followed. But I defy you to listen to “Don’t Stop Til You Get Enough” and not raise your hands in the air and wiggle your butt in sheer joy.
We sang this song in gradeschool in the 60’s:
Coffee is not for me
Its a drink some people wake up with
That it makes them nervous is no myth
Slaves to a coffee cup they can’t give coffee up
And, it was sung in a ’round’. Ever since learning that song I decided, yes…coffee IS for me!!!
very tired right now…….
My (much) younger coworkers said to me yesterday (where we at the newspaper learned of his death approximately 2.6 seconds after he drew his last breath): “I think Michael Jackson for us is like Elvis Presley was for you.”
Umm, not exactly, but I got the point.
He made me dance all through college. Julie (#230) totally hit it.
So Bossy, does this wonderful, talented, quirky coffee get lighter as it ages, and change its appearance until you just wouldn’t know it was coffee anymore?
I will think of myself as famous if I win something off the Bossy blog. Thanks for giving me a shot at fame. BTW, I just googled and phone pics of MJ’s kids.
I love coffee— have to have it every day!
Kind of you to have a caffeinated giveaway in our nation’s time of need. Bless you.
Don’t blame it on the sunshine…
Don’t blame it on the moonlight…
Don’t blame it on the good times…
Blame it on the coffee.
Me likey. Sure would be swell. xo
Can I just add sugar and cream to the concentrate? Ooh – we can make coffee milk! Yum.
I NEED THIS! It is too exhausting making coffee in the heat and my cat bites my ankles when I get out the grinder, so being able to make a lb’s worth of coffee all at once will not only prevent me from swooning but save my delicate ankles too.
I lurve coffee… it is the essence of my morning being… Can we do shots like its espresso?
RIP Michael/Farrah/Ed… the only good news is that the “bad news comes in 3’s” is complete… the rest of Hollywood can breathe easy… for a little while anyway…
My husband has GERD, which means low acid coffee would be a very good thing for us. RIP Michael (and Farrah and Ed McMahon…)
I love me some coffee so I am celebrating with what is my first Bossy comment (I think….hmmm)
That looks so easy…even I could do it!
Oh, how I fondle the tody system every time I got to Border’s for my Seattle’s Iced Coffee. I oogle it, think long and hard and always walk away, settling for my bucket of stewing grounds that must be poured through a fine strainer a few times. It works, sort of, but sure does allow a lot of “soot” for lack of a better word. Save me from soot!
Oh I sooo need/want/love this. Please me me me
I would love me some of Seattle’s Best… not so sure about the coffee system though. But If i am chosen (Bowing to the number geerator) I will do my best to fullfill my duty to coffee concentrate. Poor poor Michael and his kids
mmmm coffee
Yum, Coffee…love me some.
I’m all intrigued by the cold-brew-low-acidity thingy thing. Tummy could benefit from this…
My husband tried that whole cold coffee concentrate thing a few years back…i think in a tin can. it was actually pretty good.
Hmmm….that’s a strange way to make coffee, but I’m willing to try anything that makes good coffee.
I love coffee, but real, not decaf.
I’ve never heard of the coffee toddy. Seems like an excellent idea because I have a bad habit of dropping and breaking my coffee pot while washing it.
Thanks for the contest Bossy!!
Oh, my. I sure do love iced coffee in the summer; I’ve been enjoying N.O. Brew coffee mixed with soymilk. I need a much higher ratio of coffee:soymilk than the bottle recommends, but I’m homeschooling four children. If I didn’t have the proper amount of caffeine, there’s just no telling what could happen.
I once drank a sip of coffee at work from a freakish white mug with a bizarro logo from some plumber on it and I was forced to haul my ass all the way back to my office in order to get my own coffee mug and it made the coffee taste so much better.
Oooooh, we love us some coffee around here, with or without the MJ. My kids ask me in the morning if Daddy’s had his coffee yet, and if the answer is no they steer clear. Smart kiddos. Come on random number, give me some luck. I need it since we adults both got laid off. Time to put the kids to work
Woot! I love coffee technology.
Coffee coffee coffee deezil want coffee coffee coffee
My doctor told me to ease off the gross calories of Coke by drinking coffee.
Now I drink coffee and coke and plan to one day meld them into a sweetly acidic beverage that simulates an ulcer with every gulp.
Hooray, Science!
Whoo Hooo! I’ve never heard of this coffee toddy thing. This would be perfect for our house!
I love coffee, and I love reading Bossy’s blog. I have never heard of this Toddy item, but it sound delightful.
Sounds yummy!
RIP gloved one. Remember watching his THRILLER video in about grade 8 with a bunch of friends. We were floored..
I live near Seattle, and it’s the right place for me – espresso stands on every corner. I would love to get the coffee and the “System”! Or the coffee!
Yum, Yum DECAF! Gave up caffeine 2 years (and 20lbs) ago. Damn that slowing metabolism from lack of caffeine. Though the reduced number of migraine headaches have been a good thing…
I don’t drink it. But what the heck.
i don’t drink it. pepsi addict. but surrounded by coffee addicts here, so i will try to win one for them, i never win but what the hey
I need coffee as I am awake mourning the loss of 1/2 of my childhood icons….
Don’t stop you’ve had enough – cuz I’m bad I’m bad
you prompted me to finish the last of my cold press coffee made in my french press. I would love to have the toddy and/or the coffee
I love my hot coffee in the morning and an iced mocha with the left over coffee for later in the afternoon.
Need. Toddy. System. If I don’t win Bossy’s giveaway, I might just be forced to continue reheating yesterday’s coffee, and that would be a travesty. Also, since it is now 1am and I am still working on a wedding cake, I will obviously need mass quantities of coffee to feign humanity in the morning. See? I’m making uses for it already.
“tastes like coffee and a cigarette…” I’ll take both.
I had the Thriller album just like every 7th grader HAD to, and I still love the Thriller video no end. I know the man had his controversies and got weird but he was part of the soundtrack of my life (along with Duran Duran and Madonna) so it’s definitely the end of an era.
Forced my toddlers to listen to MJ songs all day today in memorium. Also, moonwalked as much as possible and wore flashy stuff & white socks. I think everyone on my street appreciated the effort.
p.s. need coffee to be more spry around said toddlers…
Cold-brewed coffee… how interesting. I may have to check that out. Because sometimes I like a little coffee with my cream and sugar.
operagal pretty much mainlines coffee, but would be oh so happy to try the cold-brewed beverage…
I am somewhat speechless about MJ, and FF, and even Ed – but as they say, disaster strikes in threes, so I guess we’re ok for a while.
I would l.u.v. some coffee, PLEASE!
We seriously need more coffee. Especially if more rain is on the way. Does coffee go well with mushrooms?
I would love to try that cold brew system. Coffee waiting in the fridge sounds like bliss in the morning. Or just a pound of coffee. That would work too.
Cool! Put my name in the hat. I love coffee!
That’s pretty fancy looking. It would make my current coffee maker (note, not a “system”) feel really bad about itself. I am alright with that though.
“The Way you make me Feel” was my fave video. He was a handsome man, before his nose disappeared. I had two little kids in the 80’s and no TV, so I missed a lot of that era. Love your site
I need an icecap – the coffee concentrate in crushed ice would do mighty fine!
Neat! Put my name in.
HEy, I’d love to give that a try!
Drinking some right now! Headed to the kitchen to get another cup. Put my name in the hat! Thanks!
I have never heard of this method of making coffee, but now I am obsessed with it and need to try it. so Pick Me pleaaase!
yum! A way to quickly make iced coffee all summer? I love the idea of being able to have coffee concentrate on hand – I often have people over and never know how much decaf vs caf. to make!
I just read an article in the newspaper about cold brew coffee concentrate… I would love a Toddy, thanks for asking!
P.S. I just love Bossy’s way with words. I laugh laugh laugh at your posts and look forward to every one! Now I know how to describe exactly how I want my strong coffee to taste!
I really don’t need to feed my SBC addiction, but yes, I still will. And I’m in the middle of a detoxifying cleanse, so this is overwhelmingly exciting.
I lost all respect for MJ when the story came out about the children.
I lurv coffee & the 1 cup at a time thing.
Our household has a coffee war too. I’m decaf, he’s not. This would help save our marriage!
I’m not sure how I feel about making coffee concentrate… it just seems against the laws of coffee. But I am glad to know that’s how it works. I’ve seen those in Seattle’s Best before and wondered how they worked.
I don’t have anything witty or interesting to say about Michael Jackson,
I just needed to take up space for a comment.
I was never one of Michael’s fans but I can truly say I am sorry about his life and death. I somehow feel all of the celebrity crazy people are responsible. Now I am sorry for the rant. Rest in peace, Michael.
I love iced coffee but currently just brew a regular pot and wait for it to get cold. Wonder if I can use the coffee cocentrate to make ice cream. And even better- coffee milkshakes! If I don’t win I’ll have to go buy one of these things!
Waddaya mean dilute it? OK…granted, I don’t use the recommended full pound of coffee but ifyou let it set longer, it works. If your cup of thing is lattes or mochas use 1/2 lb. Let it sit at least 16 hours but as long as 36. mix 1 cup to 2 cups of your milky preference (mine being low fat chocolate soy milk) and enjoy.
Also, for those of you with coffee acid issues, toddy is much lower in acid.
oh boy as the mom to a 1 month old and a 3 yr old that coffee system might save my children a lot of Mean Mommy sightings.
I have never heard of this system and it would be wonderful due to the reduction of coffee acid. Husband has acid reflux issues and uses some gosh-awful low-acid instant coffee. He would absolutely LOVE this!
Sounds perfect, because I am the only caffeine addict in the house.. and the only gadget addict.
A match made in heaven… or Seattle.
We love coffee at my house. With a Costa Rican MIL, how can we not?
My husband is the only coffee drinker in the house, except when we have family visiting and then he’s the only DECAF coffee drinker in the house. Poor guy, always the odd man out. Thought I’d enter for a chance at winning HIM the Toddy Cold Brew system.
I see Bossy has boiled her tea pot dry one or two times. It could be the identicle twin to mine!
Im way too ADD for coffee but do you suppose the toddy do-hicky works for Teacchino?
RIP “Mikin Jackins” as my special-needs brother who ADORED him would say.
Winning this would turn an any-old Monday into a really great Monday for this gadget girl with a just-a-couple-of-cups-a-day habit. I’ve been wanting to try the cold-brew way, have never tasted Seattle’s Best, and could sure use an exciting Monday which hasn’t happened for a week or two. Or three. Or 16. Or 36. I’ve got my fingers crossed hoping for a win. Thanx for the opportunity.
I never win anything.
It took me 17 years to get the song “Ben” out of my head and now it’s back. Some really strong coffee might help. Or a baseball bat.
Coffee? Coffee? Did someone say coffee????
I look… and act, like something out of the thriller video without my coffee in the morning. I need my coffee
Help Wanted. 1st time mama with 2 month old desperately needs coffee. Monday-Friday 6am-10am. Has to be available on weekends. Anything other than Seattle’s Best Coffee need not apply.
This…I must have. Coffee is life.
Mamma say Mamma saw Mama cosa ….bring on the coffee!
Ah coffee. The elixir of life in the AM at my house. Can’t move, can’t think, and can’t see well without the beloved caffeine coursing through my veins. I even have a little Cafe du Monde cup and saucer set that I got in New Orleans in which I partake of my beloved ambrosia.
A fond farewell to a musical master & what better way to do so than with a cup of joe!
I’m absolutely fascinated by this concept!
Oh, I’ve heard about those cold-brewed coffee things. Does it actually make the coffee taste less acidic? I’m a decaf girl too, but I don’t drink it a lot because it’s usually really acidic and hurts my tummy. That thing looks pretty cool!
I love that idea!
Mmmmmm…your coffee pictures are like porn to me. And the one with the cream is the money shot!
RIP, Ed, Farrah, and Michael. We’ll miss you all.
Oooo. I like coffee. And Thriller.
I would love to win some DECAF coffee, because I-like bossy-am also trying to avoid the caffeine induced heart attack.
Coffee . . . . good . . . .
Bossy, this is awesome. More importantly for my boyfriend who LOVES Iced coffee and spends a great deal of time trying to find and make decent iced coffee who also wrote a book that talked about how people don’t know how to make iced coffee and then never told his dear readers how to make decent iced coffee. Really made me mad.
Hi Bossy!!
oh – coffee… toddy… oooooh… it all makes sense now!
My guess is that #330 isn’t going to get anything. When I want iced coffee there is usually some left in the pot from the morning and heck it works just fine over ice with some creamer in it.
Your tribute to MJ was
touchingorganized well.I need coffee and I need it now!!!
I Love Coffee.
Just posted on the cold brew system recently. Of course I’m way too tight to spring for the Toddy. If anyone wants to see the old school way go to http://www.hipandstingy.com/2009/05/how-to-make-excellent-iced-coffee.html. Even so, the Frugal Maven would love a Toddy!
Right now i make my coffee in a mr. coffee with about 10 years of sediment caked on. Yummm!
There are many things I would give up for many reasons. Coffee is not one of them.
I employ a french press every morning to make the a sort of coffee-concentrate that I prefer to not un-concentrate! Sign me up for a chance to win that bad boy.
Love coffee, love ice coffee which this sounds perfect for either. Hope I am a winner!
I love iced coffee!
Never had a toddy, but love coffee. Count me in!
This system sounds PERFECT for me cuz I can’t stop til I get enough…
I love coffee.
I love java, sweet and hot,
Whoops, Mr. Moto, I’m a coffee pot
Shoot me the pot and I’ll pour me a shot
A cup a cup a cup a cup a cup
I LOVE coffee! In fact I love it so much my 5 year old said
“I should marry it!”
Ya think it’ll travel OK?

Pack the bubble wrap well please Bossy!!!
This is completely brilliant! I love Americanos and I kinda sorta had this idea. Sometimes I leave espresso in the fridge for Americanos on the go. Americano Rapido. Hey, should I trademark that? No?
Would love some coffee in the fridge, for whenever the mood strikes – and I’m still humming Billy Jean…
Would make a happy end to a beat it kind of week. Would also get me thinking of my trip to seattle soon and don’t tell my starbucks brother if I win please.
OOOH OOOH OOOH Pick Me! {waving arms frantically}
As a recovery room nurse who is on call…alot…I would LOVE one of these. I could make a quick cup as I am running out the door in the middle of the night instead of braving the slim pickings at the local mini mart! Though I would miss the snarky cashier who always asks me if I am a nurse when I come in…to which I mutter ..oh no…I just LOVE shapeless scrubs and coffee at 2am…doesn’t everyone??
Hey! My son stole my toddy maker years ago…the lil thief! I used to love that coffee maker…would sure like another
Cool coffee maker! What a great idea!
When we remodeled our kitchen we added a coffee nook for my husband. He has his own sink, burner and microwave. He also has 6 coffee makers so we obviously need more.
Oh how I love coffee concentrate. My coffee has soap in it this morning. That makes me sadder than sad. And I have to go dump it now, so I stop drinking it. SIGH