Me four! Only 60’s oldies. And sandy feet and salty skin, on the way home from the shore. Dang, it’s a thousand miles away! Sand, I need sand.
Have a great weekend, p.j.
In agreement here too. Music depends on mood though. If I’m feeling chill, there’s nothing like an older Indigo Girls CD to make you feel all warm inside. If I’m excited and ready to go, it’s gotta be Bon Jovi or other 80s hair bands.
Ditto. Preferably, with a helping of slight breeze and a side order of 70’s oldies.
Anything in summer. Anything.
oh Bossy…and hulagirl…me too. me too. Bliss.
Me four! Only 60’s oldies. And sandy feet and salty skin, on the way home from the shore. Dang, it’s a thousand miles away! Sand, I need sand.
Have a great weekend, p.j.
I love windows down, radio up!!
…making car and horizon tilt at a surprising angle…
driving with one hand…..holding the camera with the other. Gad!!!!
In agreement here too. Music depends on mood though. If I’m feeling chill, there’s nothing like an older Indigo Girls CD to make you feel all warm inside. If I’m excited and ready to go, it’s gotta be Bon Jovi or other 80s hair bands.
With that view, you must have Don Henley on the radio!
Of course this morning it was 80+ here w/1000% humidity so I did the Wicked soundtrack w/AC blasting instead.