Where did Martha get that bag? I always get the cross body bags to keep my arms free for snagging the last box of Twinkies off the grocery shelf before my fellow shoppers or bar fights, but they are so hard to find – especially cute ones. Was it off etsy?
I have a wee bit of a crush on all of you.
Uh Oh, Vuboq has another one of those “get this crazy lady away from me” looks on his face again.
Humm ….Martha are you…..slipping in a kiss or getting ready for a double eye poke…Bossy is so lucky that Martha loves her!
I liked the pink hair better.
Bossy’s Friend Martha is Chock Full o’ Awesome! Look at those eyes sparkle
P.S. Vuboq: where the frick is Bossy’s eye sparkle? And she did the sparkly eye test positioning and everything. Rats.
*sigh* biddy is trying to NOT be jealous and failing miserable!
***Worlds colliding!***
Amity is in disagreement with L; thinking Martha’s new red hair is awesome, and trumps pink.
martha lets her freak flag fly! for that alone, this gal admires martha!
Those two look like they could get into some serious mischief.
omg you are so right Little Miss Sunshine State!
I’m liking the red hair too.
And I’m with MariaV and Biddy as well.
I was there later, and I’M feeling jealous.
vuboq looks neither old nor bitter
I heart Vuboq!
I can’t wait until Martha tries Purple.
Where did Martha get that bag? I always get the cross body bags to keep my arms free for snagging the last box of Twinkies off the grocery shelf before my fellow shoppers or bar fights, but they are so hard to find – especially cute ones. Was it off etsy?