Tire tracks in the sand. In this case it’s the tracks of one of those big tractors that comb the sand each night for litter and leave the beach looking and feeling like freshly sifted flour.
Bossy loves to walk the tire tracks and feel the slight crispiness of its edges.
Bossy is down right poetic.
We like to think of the sand by the water as having the consistency of a Little Debbie’s Oatmeal Cream Pie.
Is it just me on a diet, or is everything about FOOD?!
Mmmm this is one of my favorite things too!
For some reason, it’s much better on east coast sand and not so good on west coast sand. Which is too bad.
Oh my total. You mind reader you.
I love the beach. I have never regretted a single minute spent there, no matter how lazy.