Stuffanie totally took my comment – therefore I’m not crazy all by my lonesome because she saw the resemblance too. As soon as I saw the little guess and press I thought “Is that a big stone Doogie Howser, M.D.?”
Thanks for letting us know the statue is of Nathan Hale who was hanged September 22, 1776 for spying on British troops. He was reputed as having said “I regret I only have one life to lose for my country.” He was 21 when he was hanged. He was also a Yale grad.
I read up on it.
If you see anyone I know say hello for me at Blogher. Leave the towels. Not towels leaving the hotel. If there is a really nice herbal shampo in the hotel bathroom get a few for me and fax them to me. Oh and can I borrow your blender while you’re gone? Thanks, you’re a doll.
Wow.. sad but I totally didn’t know there was a statue of Nathan Hale. My maiden name is Hale and he is, I believe, a bunch of greats Uncle of mine (it has been a long time since I’ve looked at our family tree).
I prefer Alan Hale, who at the time of his death (he died just weeks before his 69th birthday) reportedly said, “I regret that I have but one life to give, for my little buddy Gilligan”
Neil Patrick Harris?
I was going to say it’s The Trib to me, too – but that’s the Los Angeles Tribune. From Lou Grant. oh, well.
@Stuffanie – not Neil Patrick Harris. Nathan Lane!
chicago is such a great city! hope you’re having a fun time, bossy!
Stuffanie totally took my comment – therefore I’m not crazy all by my lonesome because she saw the resemblance too. As soon as I saw the little guess and press I thought “Is that a big stone Doogie Howser, M.D.?”
…and all I thought was that he had wet his pants.
Thanks for letting us know the statue is of Nathan Hale who was hanged September 22, 1776 for spying on British troops. He was reputed as having said “I regret I only have one life to lose for my country.” He was 21 when he was hanged. He was also a Yale grad.
I read up on it.
If you see anyone I know say hello for me at Blogher. Leave the towels. Not towels leaving the hotel. If there is a really nice herbal shampo in the hotel bathroom get a few for me and fax them to me. Oh and can I borrow your blender while you’re gone? Thanks, you’re a doll.
The architectural detail on this is fantastic.
Nathan’s peed his pants!
Wow.. sad but I totally didn’t know there was a statue of Nathan Hale. My maiden name is Hale and he is, I believe, a bunch of greats Uncle of mine (it has been a long time since I’ve looked at our family tree).
I prefer Alan Hale, who at the time of his death (he died just weeks before his 69th birthday) reportedly said, “I regret that I have but one life to give, for my little buddy Gilligan”
Welcome to my town. I hope you have a blast.