Welcome to Bossy’s Poverty Party, an online support group for reining in spending, getting your finances in order, and climbing out of debt. Everyone basically knows what steps to take, but it is nearly impossible to climb that mountain alone.
So every day nearly every day over the next year, Bossy will use this space to report her spending and missteps, along with cheap recipes, savings tips, and suggested tricks and goals.
Yes, Bossy just returned from four days in Chicago attending a blog conference, and no, on the face of it, that doesn’t exactly seem like a poverty thing to do. In fact, pinch the cheeks of that face a little and spin that face around on its neck and it still doesn’t seem very povertyish.
But Bossy has mentioned before that blogging is her full time job, where full time equals the hours not spent drinking or cleansing or painting for clients.
And so attending a conference — especially one that can be written off against pay checks so microscopic that Bossy needs a stronger eyeglass prescription to read the numbers — makes all the sense in the world, where sense equals a prolonged state of denial, and in the world equals a planet far far from this one.
But Bossy’s financial pact with herself was that she would take a roommate, and not spend any money on things already covered by the conference. This meant that while others were out sampling the many many sister mercy why are there so many delicious restaurants within proximity, Bossy stayed behind drinking the free booze and mooching from party appetizer trays containing fried fried with some fried.
the above photo is of a BlogHer cocktail party on the water.
Check below for the list of blogs already participating in the Poverty Party. And don’t forget to comb the comment section for links to entertaining Poverty posts across the web.
Damn, you went, too? Am I the only hardcore blogger on the planet who missed it? (Fortunately, my jealousy is tempered by the fact that I missed it largely because I was vacationing with my in-laws’ in a gorgeous house in Bethany Beach, DE … so neener-neener.)
I take it you’re a shoe-in for NYC next August? The spouse and I plan to attend for sure.
It was an honor to room with you, miss bossy. And I was also quite proud of myself for eating all that fried and drinking all that free.
love me some fried fried with fried, especially when it comes topped with CHEESE!
you have all the fun, even when poverty partying.
Well, I suppose that my non-existent paycheck makes me a prime candidate for *tips for the really poor*. I will be looking into these poverty sites post haste!
Bossy probably doesn’t want to hear that Audubon Ron is debt free. Not one penny. Not even a mortgage. Not even a car payment, except for one payment – the full amount each month on credit cards, so essentially no interest. Well, except for a wife who by all accounts and I do mean accounts, where accounts equals Ron has a BS in Accounting and he clearly knows how to read what Ron has isolated in the electronic ledger as the Little Woman’s Dump Fund where dump fund means the Little Woman is having a affair with a guy named Ross and another guy named T. J. Maxx.
Here’s what Bossy needs to do. Get an accounting ledger, a pen and a ruler. Make an entry: Bossy has to have the xyz. Put the xyz in the left column and the number of the purchase in the far right column, remember the Debit/Credit dance, Debit to the left, Credit to the right, all these number need to come in tight, we got Accounting! And then do ala Sister Mother Mercy and take the ruler and smack Bossy on the knee caps with the ruler for even making such an entry.
Either that or, we can get you a seat on the Space Shuttle and where Bossy will be parked in outer space away from buying, for like, a long time.
Let me know, we’ll get you there. As weird as it sounds, yes we can. Never fear baby girl.
It was awesome to see you again this year, even though we apparently have to go across the country to see each other when we live less than five miles apart. Heh. It was also awesome to meet your roommate who I adored and will now avidly read.
BlogHer is awesome for just those reasons.
Next week I am moving out on my own – as in not living with anyone and living entirely on my own wage in the middle of a financial crisis – and would love to join the poverty party. I don’t really have any debt, per se, but it will certainly be a struggle to stay out of it!
Bossy? You didn’t drink anything but free alcohol and mostly consumed by free food? I am really proud of you! That would have been HARD for me!
–>How do you get a sponsor for BlogHer? I don’t mean for all the drinking either. Ha…ha…but that would be my second question.
Congrats on being able to stay disciplined. I wouldn’t have been able to do it
business 101: spend money to make money.
I will be on that same river tomorrow and then eating and sightseeing at Navy Pier and acting all tourist-y which I am.
Wow, I am SO CLUELESS when it comes to BlogHer. Can anyone go? Do you have to be invited? How does one get invited? And if it’s invitation only, can we crash? I’ve always wanted to crash something…
Well, tickets to LA aren’t cheap (we’re going next week) but we’re staying at my cousin’s who is giving us free use of her 3rd car (with GPS thank G-d)…
2 more payments for the ortho and then I can concentrate on other bills!
Wait, did I really write “shoe-in” instead of “shoo-in” up there in comment #1?
I really have to start getting more than zero hours of sleep per night.
For the first time in, like, EVER, I started grooming my dogs myself. I figured that a $35 investment in a pair of clippers was a killer deal in comparison to the $120 it costs me to have the two of them groomed monthly. But oh, it is hard to save The Money.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to get back to online poker, where I am perfecting my skills in anticipation for my trip this fall to Vegas. At which point, I plan to win a million dollars and return to my spendy ways.