Watching someone take photos who knows what they are doing.
If you aren’t familiar with Bossy’s new best friend, the beautiful, talented, and hilarious Karen Walrond from Chookooloonks, go check out her site. Although it will make you want to toss your camera into Lake Michigan.
But the best part about Bossy’s new best friend who we now know is the beautiful and talented writer and photographer Karen Walrond is: she wasn’t always those things. She was a structural engineer and then a successful lawyer. Such are the bios when you hang around bitchin’ bloggers.
Karen inspires me. May I also add that your readers might also enjoy Shutter Sisters?
ACK! Didn’t expect to see that this morning!
For the record, Chookooloonks absolutely adores BOSSY, and is waiting for BOSSY to announce her imminent move to the south. Waiting rather impatiently, BTW.
(thank you!)
Wow. I’m impressed with Karens talent. And with her resume. She’s one smart cookie! And she looks great in blue!
Holy moly, her pictures are beautiful. I don’t even own a good camera yet, but as soon as I get one, it’s going right in Lake Michigan.
Oh my gosh! I DID toss my camera into Lake Michigan. Or, possibly it fell off my wrist in the Sheraton lobby where some very bad person took it and ran out the door with pictures of my kids and puppy.
I think she’s been on Momversation, and OMG she also has the best voice.
I’ve lovvvvved Chookooloonks for ages! She is so funny and what an artistic talent.
I am so glad you posted these! Karen was taking my picture while you were taking these, and now, rather than try to explain how she looks when she’s telling you how great you look on her camera and how great it makes you feel, I can just direct folks here!
Her amazingness makes me want to give up trying.