In a few brief sister mercy is it ever brief days, Bossy and her family will depart for their annual camping trip. You would think Bossy and her husband would remember what to pack by now since they’ve been repeating this same vacation year after year sister mercy after so many years, but no.
In terms of clothes, Bossy has one guideline when packing for her camping trip: nothing cute. Time after time sister mercy after even more time and then more time, Bossy dupes herself into bringing cute new shorts or her favorite dress only to sit in a pile of melted marshmallows five minutes after setting up.
In terms of the stuff necessary for camping, Bossy keeps most of it packed and stored in the basement from one year to the next, but over the weekend Bossy’s husband located a camping website online and printed out their list to ensure nothing important gets left behind.
At first glance, the website’s packing list makes all the sense in the world:
Aluminum foil, good one. Trash bags, yes, Bossy always forgets these.
Yes, this would seem to handle all of the condiments necessary for dipping a bar fry. Good job. But this is when the camping website packing list gets a little wonky:
Bossy can sum up her packing-for-camping experience this way: Dump the hamper into the suitcase. Bug spray, bug spray.
Which is what today’s Ten-Word Challenge is all about. In exactly ten words, can you list some of the things you pack when going away?
And don’t forget to check back later today for the listiest comments on the web.
If you missed the last Ten-Word Challenge, press this link to see how Bossy’s commenters described their thirteenth birthday and transition into the teen years.
Contact lenses, underwear, phone charger, nail clipper, toothbrush, my troubles.
White-noise machine, tylenol p.m. (me); kiddies’ ibuprofen, loveys (them)
Pack from toes to head: shoes, socks, skirts, belts, blouse, etc.
Asthma inhaler, moisturizer and my pillow (if possible) or then just my pillowcase.
If plane travel: too many small tubes of beauty crap.
Hair dryer, make-up, heels. I rough it at the Marriott.
What is the website for the camping list?
Mascara, wine, gin and tonic water, potato chips, marshmallows, Advil.
Yes. I have priorities. I wear mascara when camping.
PocketKnife, Matches, Wits.
If she’s traveling to BlogHer, Bossy packs a back-up liver.
As long as I have money, I will be okay.
when travelling by car I must always pack my featherbed.
Utah hiking trip. Packed only dress shirts?! Went shopping immediately.
Chapstick, TP, coffee, flannel, bug spray, a sense of humor.
Our motto: “if it fits in the suitcase, it goes.”
Xanax, winelets, ipod with relaxation music, four books, kid pix.
my squishy pillow. can’t sleep without it.
–>Child, husband, dogs, blackberry, charger, book, beer, and bathing suit.
Go somewhere away from home? As in travel some place?
Love the creative spelling ‘spatchula’.
For camping: Skipbo, book, hammock and all alcohol in site.
5 socks. No underwear. 15 shirts. Nothing matches. Drunk packing.
A ridiculously large bag of toiletries. Too many clothes. And a book.
I never go away; I forget to make a list.
Xanax, bug spray, cell phone, far too many clothes.
Domestic: trail mix. Overseas: money belt. Both: quick dryng underwear.
Carry-on stocked as if we’ll spend four days on tarmac.
PillowS. Europe: travel VERY light. U.S.: take everything I own.
never camped but for other travel;
good book, corkscrew, underwear, sense of humor, eye mask. Bliss….
Cruise every year, follow my spreadsheet and I am packed!
Air travel: Xanax and $ for drinks. Kindle a necessity
1. Journal.
2. Toothbrush/paste.
3. Contacts/Glasses.
4. Deodorant.
5. Lexapro.
6. Undergarments.
7. Swim Suit.
8. Flip Flops.
9. Ipod.
10. Blankie.
Why do I always forget: contact solution, tweezers, sunscreen, hairties?
beer, church key, sunscreen, clothes, more stuff for family too
Plan outfits carefully. Then add entire contents of closet. Indecisive!
Antidepressants, Aromatherapy
iPod, Book, Camera
Curly Hair Products,
Too many clothes
Snacks, booze, snacks, booze, snacks, booze, snacks, booze, Off!, satinpillowcase :)))
clothes and shoes all around, food, drinks- forget the frown.
All items from closet and bathroom. And all electronics, too.
Do not put the corkscrew in your carry on bag.
I make my husband pack everything, can’t neglect my drinking.
Passport, visa, I-20, birth control, plug adapters, chargers, camera, antacids.
Panties. Vodka. Soft pillow. Asprin. Bug Spray. Toliet Paper. Stud.
Utah – $70 gin. Stopped at Costco on way to airport.
Do you know they sell beer by the CAN in Utah?
extra bag for new purchases from american stores like Target!
sleeping mask, earplugs, and moisturizer.
phone charger, laptop charger, can you tell I don’t camp?
Sketchbook, watercolors, brushes, pens, camera, battery charger, underwear, toothpaste, toothbrush.
Oh, shoot. Forgot the corkscrew!
new rules. forgot. scissors. hubby stopped. loose tampons upon opening.
I did a double-take at the photo — looks remarkably like where I have spent several weeks already this summer. Our pop-up camper is a little smaller, though.
Camping, in order of how I pack: knitting project(s), books, iPod loaded with audiobooks, corkscrew, my own personal pillows (2), down comforter (none of those nasty confining sleeping bags for me), earplugs, dog tie-outs, my meds.
Espresso pot, Peet’s coffee beans, my own pillow, neti pot.
Good knife, cutting board, all the books I can carry.
iphone, netbook, journal, vanity fair, book, toothbrush, underwear, swim suit, sweater
book, floss, spf70, underwear, socks, $, my soap, equilibrium, librium.
earplugs, advil, anti-anxiety meds, hemlock in case it gets really hairy.
After first airline luggage loss, always surprised when it isn’t.
Bring half the clothes and twice the money
(Stu Leonard)
Camping in Arkansas in July = massive sunburn. SPF 10000000000!
clothes, knitting, book, folding umbrella, rain poncho, bedtime bear, medications.
PS – yes, I DO sleep with a small teddy bear, TYVM. LOL
earplugs, sleeping pills, ipod, sleep socks, secret cigarettes, chapstick, pix
Food, wine, too many clothes, hiking boots, a good book!
Camping gear for husband and kids, hotel reservation for me.
as little as possible. biddy & heavy suitcases don’t mix
list of everything i packed (so everything makes it home).
Camping…hahaha….camping here consists of kids and Dad pitching a tent in the back yard. List for that:
tent, flashlight, sleeping bags, pillows, Dad, kids.
List for me: Girly movie and a bowl of ice cream.
Lots of camping = lots of wine. Nothing else matters.
I don’t camp, but books go everywhere. I’m boring.
MacBook, iPhone, D300, lenses, book, clothes, maybe kids, possibly husband
iPod. Credit card. Epi-Pen. Inhaler. Everything else is optional.
We “camp” on our leetle boat. It stays stocked! Nice.
(Except for wine which comes along in plentiful quantities, and books that we read while drinking said wine, and food that we consume in mass quantities, and my pillows.
Couldn’t restrain myself to ten.)
Bossy will you tell us more about Blogher some time?
When I go on vacation I pack on the pounds.
I travel nude. makes going through security a lot faster
Make up bag, moisturizer, water pills, vitamins, undies, Nightgown, toothbrush, robe, Deordorant and a decent book.
Dont camp outdoors anymore, icechest, beer, swimsuit, flipflops, dress, JWMarriot’s.
Used to love camping. Now just love priceline 4star resorts!
All the band’s gear and clean socks for the roadie.
When I travel I pack a keen sense of adventure.
Packed for family. Forgot own underwear. Washed and wore daily..
A keen sense of adventure usually means I forgot underwear.
Forgetting underwear when camping with no shower is not recommended,.
The small fan that is pointed at my face as I stand at the bathroom mirror gets packed first.
Alcohol. So I could deaden senses to horrible camping conditions.
Live in an RV. Take it all along with us!
as you can see, ten words is hardly enough for anyone.
Clinique, hair product, and (clean pants x days away) +1.
tinas (not that) little sis says security blanket, security blanket.
Kettle, french press, hand bean grinder, cups, pillow and blanket.
Pack as if never returning because you just never know…
alcohol, onesies, noise machine, bathing tarp, sunscreen, books books books
Just camping anew, list evolving: off, swimsuits extra dry stuff!!
I took a piano to Blogfest, oh yes I did.
Rum, whiskey, tequila, margarita salt, can cozies, ibuprofen, ’nuff said.
sleeping bags, pillows, charcoal, propane lanterns, food, books, ipod, swimsuits, dogs, husband/beer
Take camping: Cats, ferret, pregnant gerbil, potted plants (not kidding.)
Bring home from camping: Cats, ferret, 9 gerbils, potted plants.
I’d take the family, too, but not enough words allowed..
I was thinking I’d just say money, but now I’m too freaked out that someone else who is also named janice already said exactly that.
A week ago I was packing money, a cute dress, and my BlogHer conference confirmation. None of which I needed. Fortunately, I also packed the granny panties and the ugly long dress, because I did need them. Let’s just say it’s a long story that shall remain untold for everyone’s benefit.
Medicine, medicine, support socks, extra underwear, computer, ipod, book, metal water bottle.
Too many bras and twelve back issues of Oprah.