Ever so occasionally Bossy’s son throws a fit when he sees Bossy reach for her camera, but that only makes Bossy snap the photo faster because he’s cute when he’s angry.
Boy, do I know that expression! It’s all I ever see at my house. I can induce that look by asking a question. Any question. (4 more weeks breathing slowly until he goes back to NYC)
This weekend 2 of my son’s friends are visiting with us. 6 people x 1 bathroom = I’ll be out in the yard like Stella!
Have a great vacation, Bossy and family.
Bossy’s Son, be glad you photograph so well. One day, like the rest of us, you’ll look at a recent photo of yourself and say, “fer crissake, who is THAT?” Or as my 20 year old nephew so graciously said to me a few months ago, “Was that a photo of you when you were 20? You were so thin then.”
He sure is. Oops, did I say that out loud?
I wish I had more photos of me when I was young.
I have some awesomely beautiful shots of my daughter when she’s mad.
–>It makes Bossy’s council feel better that your kids aren’t “always happy” with their parents.
I think he might even look cuter when he is annoyed.
Caption contest: “MOTHER!”
And when is he not cute? Oops I also said that out loud…
Having met him, I’m not sure I could envision what a Bossy’s Son fit would look like. He comes across more mellow than roasted tobacco.
he’s cute on days that end in Y (but only at times that end in o’clock)
i’m just sayin…
I have to agree with Biddy.
Bossy’s son is always cute.
My big son usually ducks when he sees me pointing the camera at him.
Pouting is the new black.
But doesn’t Bossy’s son know how happy it makes the rest of us?
How much does he resemble Jason Priestly in this pic?
I believe the phrase “living with the goddamned paparrazzi” may have been uttered about me once or twice.
have sometimes wondered how the Bossy Children feel about being so thoroughly documented.
Boy, do I know that expression! It’s all I ever see at my house. I can induce that look by asking a question. Any question. (4 more weeks breathing slowly until he goes back to NYC)
This weekend 2 of my son’s friends are visiting with us. 6 people x 1 bathroom = I’ll be out in the yard like Stella!
Have a great vacation, Bossy and family.
Bossy’s Son, be glad you photograph so well. One day, like the rest of us, you’ll look at a recent photo of yourself and say, “fer crissake, who is THAT?” Or as my 20 year old nephew so graciously said to me a few months ago, “Was that a photo of you when you were 20? You were so thin then.”
Bossy’s son is actually “hot” but I’m pretty sure Mom’s are not allowed to say that.
Does he know that it’s a gajillion degrees outside? What’s up with the hat?
Ever see Raising Arizona? “Son, you got a panty on your head.”
I have always been extremely partial to photos of my own sons’ feet. Expressive. Just like those of Bossy’s son. CUTE!
Bossy’s son reads, that’s HOT.
Pshh, he’s cute all the freakin time.