Bossy got to hang out with one of her favorite people in Chicago, the magnificent Ree from The Pioneer Woman. Of course it wasn’t long enough; it never is.
I like the make-up you choose, Bossy! I think you’ve mentioned which mascara and face creams you like. Can you tell what you pick for lips, cheeks, eyes… I need help in the make-up department.
1. Dooce is a douche. You don’t need her.
2. The only thing missing from this picture is Jim Halpert from The Office. Then it would be perfect.
3. You is my hero.
Two gorgeous women.
both your blogs make me smile every day
Aww, Ree and Bossy together! How cool is that?
Dooce still treating you like a snowman? Her loss.
–>It’s like looking at blogging royalty! Two beautiful ladies for sure.
Two of my favorite bloggers. How lucky of both of you to meet eachother!
…Two of my fav’ folks… :o)
…Blessings… :o)
My goodness, the dimples!
My two favorites!
My Favorite Bloggers!!
GASP! It’s Blog Heaven!
2 Stunning ladies, and yes, # 11, blog heaven!
YEA! I love me some Bossy and Ree together!
Ahhh, my two favorite online celebrities. Beautiful shot!
I guessed before I pressed and was right.
Your hair looks effing incredible.
I look forward to reading both of you every day.
What a gorgeous picture!!
The first two blogs I check every morning!
Ditto No. 16 !
Visit your boyfriend the hair guy before BlogHer? Of course, you had to!
Two of my favourite bloggers right there in the same photo! EEeeee!
I like the make-up you choose, Bossy! I think you’ve mentioned which mascara and face creams you like. Can you tell what you pick for lips, cheeks, eyes… I need help in the make-up department.
Two of my must-read daily blogs. Hot mamas.
I read 5 blogs, your two are two of them. I’m so glad you got to meet up at blogher. I met you, bossy, when you visited ree at the ranch!
Kills me that I didn’t get to meet her in person. KILLS. ME.
My number two and number three blogs I read every (almost) day.
you have the same cheekbones. you’re sisters, right?
Two great gals. Two great reads. Thanks for the laughs, ladies.
Two great minds, two pretty girls inside and out!
I should print and frame this. my two fave bloggies.
The coolest, bestest friends I’ve never met…

1. Dooce is a douche. You don’t need her.
2. The only thing missing from this picture is Jim Halpert from The Office. Then it would be perfect.
3. You is my hero.
I be lovin’ ya.