Bossy and her daughter drove home from another day trip to the beach — this time with Martha and her baby new year — sandy bathing suits, light traffic, full bellies, temperate night.
Archives for July 2009
Bloggers. They’re Just Like Us!
They can’t take 40 standing up, so they go away for their birthday. This virtual peek is brought to you by Bossy’s friend Kristin. She doesn’t like the word ‘blog’. Yet she has one and here it is! Do you have a blog and want to be featured in the Just Like Us photo album?…
Bossy’s Ear Worm.
Welcome to Bossy’s Ear Worm, which features songs currently in Bossy’s headphones. Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue. Metric, Help I’m Alive. Metric first formed in New York City a decade ago, but this song is from their latest April 2009 release, Fantasies. Bossy likes this song, where haunted electronica meets old-school British…