In a few brief sister mercy is it ever brief days, Bossy and her family will depart for their annual camping trip. You would think Bossy and her husband would remember what to pack by now since they’ve been repeating this same vacation year after year sister mercy after so many years, but no. In…
Archives for July 2009
Bossy’s Favorite Things.
Watching someone take photos who knows what they are doing. If you aren’t familiar with Bossy’s new best friend, the beautiful, talented, and hilarious Karen Walrond from Chookooloonks, go check out her site. Although it will make you want to toss your camera into Lake Michigan. But the best part about Bossy’s new best friend…
Yet Another Little Known Fact.
The BlogHer conferences are anything but restful, and yet Bossy came back from Chicago feeling restored. photo taken by bossy’s blogher roommate, the fantastic Angie who writes here and here.