Or, here’s a new plan: how about if Bossy watches you and you watch her children?
Archives for July 2009
Ten-Word Tuesday. Lucky Thirteen Edition.
This past weekend, Bossy’s daughter turned 13 years old and it was so much fun, here’s what happened: first she broke her arm. She didn’t really break her arm, she sprained her wrist — or at least that’s what the emergency room doctor said a few minutes after he examined her and announced her wrist…
Bossy’s Favorite Things
Bossy’s daughter’s propensity for photography. Even when borrowing a camera that hasn’t worked properly in three years, Bossy’s daughter has a fearless approach to her angles and cropping, and is sneaky enough to capture what other taller frizzier camera-wielders can’t. Like this photo she snapped of her brother working on his computer: And her beach…