Welcome to Bossy’s Ear Worm, which features songs currently in Bossy’s headphones. Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue.
Little Orphan Annie Soundtrack, Little Girls.
Throughout her life, Bossy’s daughter has been known to experience motion sickness in the car. But a handful of years ago she discovered that singing aloud cancels out these miserable woozy feelings. And so on long car trips, you can bet money Bossy’s Honda is spinning down the highway blaring a selection of the many show tunes favored by Bossy’s daughter.
This past week as Bossy drove and drove and drove into her camping vacation, this was one of the featured tunes. Bossy thinks the various horn lines are worth the whole thing, if not the clever lyrics.
Oh, I love those songs. Which movie do you like better, with Carol Burnett as Miss Hannigan, or Kathy Bates? I prefer the one with Kathy Bates, myself. My favorite song in that musical is “Easy Street.”
Thanks a bunch Bossy. Now I’m going to have “Little Girls” running through my head until… until… (someday I’ll step on their freckles… someday I’ll straighten their curls…)
I’d like to reciprocate. Shall we begin with, say, the theme to Gilligan’s Island?
You’re welcome. Any time.
my six yr. old has been listening to this every night for the last few months. my favorite song. some women are dripping with diamonds. some women are dripping with pearls. lucky me. lucky me, look at what i’m dripping in: little girls. i can relate. which is slightly disturbing. yet. fun.
I have the same earworm living in my ear!!
My youngest is also a theatre rat and is in rehearsals for Annie as Annie at the moment!
Problem is…. the show does not open until October!