Anne Taintor says, “I love NOT camping!” My brother says of camping, “It’s unnecessary.” You, in my brain, are even braver and tougher than you are cute and funny and that is saying a lot ’cause you are way cute and funny. (Maybe crazy is your one flaw?)
just wondering if there is any “alone” time avaiable for you and your Hubby, during these 10 days?
if not, that would really turn me off from the pop up!
wow… and it has valances. very cozy!
I love the open floor plan! Great vistas!
I love spending time with my family… but not that much. You are a far braver (and less claustrophobic) person than I, Bossy.
I am reminded of Borat’s house in Kazhekstan. “here is bed. Is nice!”
TEN, 10?, days?
That’s 9 days too many.
Sweet digs. Jim is totally jealous.
we love that paring down, don’t we? Even smaller than a sailboat. Looks ideal to me.
Anne Taintor says, “I love NOT camping!” My brother says of camping, “It’s unnecessary.” You, in my brain, are even braver and tougher than you are cute and funny and that is saying a lot ’cause you are way cute and funny. (Maybe crazy is your one flaw?)
Grandma J has the right idea. Thinking positively: a Great Room. Thinking negatively: that’s a lotta snoring for one room. Even a Great Room.
10 days is a LONG time to “rough it”.
I’ve started 4 or 5 comments. Guess I’m mostly speechless. Of course Reeb does not camp.
I hope you brought a ton of booze and bug spray.
I just love me a communal poop.
Where’s Wendy’s place in Sweden? Don’t they have rental poop-ups?
I meant pop-ups.
Have a s’more for me!!!!
I don’t see your dog.
just wondering if there is any “alone” time avaiable for you and your Hubby, during these 10 days?
if not, that would really turn me off from the pop up!