Welcome to Bossy’s Ear Worm, which features songs currently in Bossy’s headphones. Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue.
David Bowie, African Night Flight.
Bossy couldn’t get enough of this quirky factory tune when she was a kid — or this record, for that matter. Lodger was the last of three Bowie albums produced by Brian Eno and features Adrian Belew, who Bowie stole fresh from a Frank Zappa tour. Released in 1979.
Asante habari habari
Asante nabana nabana
Yeah. I never listened to this. I was more of a top 40, teeny bopper kinda girl. The craziest I ever got was Adam Ant, Stray Cats and Duran Duran. LOL Isn’t music great tho? Party on dude! Totally…
Please, Bossy, this is painful. This is the worst Swahili ever. The lyrics should be:
Asante, habari, habari = Thank you, how are you, how are you?)
Asante, tutaonana, tutaonana (perhaps, because nabana is not a word) = Thank you, good bye, good-bye.
I’ll leave the interpretation of Bowie’s brilliance up to you.
Oh no… You got Bowie in my head and now it’s dredging up old ghosts like Klaus Nomi.