When Bossy is in need of pin money, maybe she could get a job painting that building. The grim reaper could help with the high parts. He wouldn’t get hurt if he fell as he is already gone.
That looks a lot like the building in a painting of a creepy old house that my Mom used to keep above the fireplace. Hers didn’t have a little grim reeper on the roof, but was somehow much spookier.
Why are you showing the back side and not the front side of that building? I wann’a see the front so I can have “all around austerity” please. Thank you!
I loved all the old buildings when we visited Vermont. That was on our first visit East. We saw houses built in the 1700s that had families living in them — just another house to them and the neighbors — no historical designation or anything! We’re from the West Coast, where anything older than oh.. 1900 or so is a antique.
Anyway — your pictures make me want to go back — maybe next spring. So many places so little time.
Reminds me of the Grange Hall, in the teeny-tiny Maine town my mother is from. Family reunion with 14 aunts and uncles and their spouses and 50 + cousins, bathing in the creek because of no bathtub (running water was fairly avant garde in the 70s there), the four-holer (fowa-hole-a in Maine-ese) outhouse…
Yes, yes, yes. Love New England buildings. Dharmamama#18 above describes the Grange Hall in MY teeny-tiny Maine hometown too! Except without the fowa-hole-a…that’s the icing on the cake.
Does “austere” mean haunted by the shrieking ghosts of abused mental patients or evil school headmistresses?
Is that a person on the roof? I can’t see it clearly, but maybe that’s because I haven’t done my eye yoga yet.
Where “austere” means “Seriously in need of a paint job”?
ha ha.. it does look like a miniature grim reaper sitting on the roof
Makes we want to start singing “Country roads, take me home” to Massachusetts – which is where I belong! Not in the O state I currently reside in.
I love that. I love the flaky paint and the odd fenestration. I love the ambiance. And I totally understand why you took that picture.
Very austere. No softening from “foundation plantings” even. Good observation, good shot. So different from where all I’ve lived. thanks.
Of course as all astute observers commented on the figure on the roof, I too, noticed that. Sherlock Holmes, perhaps?
Love the word “austere.”
Is that the grim reaper on the roof? Creepy.
“Puritan Institutional” is the new black.
Linda and Kait are right, that is a miniature grim reaper on the roof.
When Bossy is in need of pin money, maybe she could get a job painting that building. The grim reaper could help with the high parts. He wouldn’t get hurt if he fell as he is already gone.
That looks a lot like the building in a painting of a creepy old house that my Mom used to keep above the fireplace. Hers didn’t have a little grim reeper on the roof, but was somehow much spookier.
Why are you showing the back side and not the front side of that building? I wann’a see the front so I can have “all around austerity” please. Thank you!
Is that a creepy little pin-headed goblin with a hatchet? I hope not.
I loved all the old buildings when we visited Vermont. That was on our first visit East. We saw houses built in the 1700s that had families living in them — just another house to them and the neighbors — no historical designation or anything! We’re from the West Coast, where anything older than oh.. 1900 or so is a antique.
Anyway — your pictures make me want to go back — maybe next spring. So many places so little time.
Reminds me of the Grange Hall, in the teeny-tiny Maine town my mother is from. Family reunion with 14 aunts and uncles and their spouses and 50 + cousins, bathing in the creek because of no bathtub (running water was fairly avant garde in the 70s there), the four-holer (fowa-hole-a in Maine-ese) outhouse…
Yes, yes, yes. Love New England buildings. Dharmamama#18 above describes the Grange Hall in MY teeny-tiny Maine hometown too! Except without the fowa-hole-a…that’s the icing on the cake.
Cool building.
You really need to come see Maine then…just sayin’.