I waitressed for a Vietnamese restaurant when I was high school, and I remember giggling over those SAME MISSPELLINGS in 1984. Apparently the packaging never gets updated, but you know, why change a good thing?!
The more immature of us on the staff used to really press our luck with the “Now you can pick up anything” bit. Yeah, um…not so much.
I lived in China briefly and things like that were everywhere. I had a friend who was hired to go around Beijing and make note of all the misspellings on the English signs so they could be corrected before the Beijing Olympics.
Yikes! I just don’t understand how atrocities such as this occur. As a Spanish major at school I have never had an issue with spelling; the same goes for many of my classmates.
Pick up anything, like a social disease? Pick up anything, like a loser looking for an available woman with opposable thumbs? Pick up anything, like– stop me– even I think I’ve gone too far…
I’ve always said, “We ARE here to judge, but if the food’s good, I’ll forgive the wrappings.” Words to live by…
by coincidence i have a pair of disposable chop sticks right here from when i was brought take out sushi. though the instructions say the same thing (except for the bit about the chinese restaurant) everything is spelled correctly.
Once in a Very Odd Country (not the USA) I bought some bottled water with its label in English-they-thought, and mulled over what exactly the label’s statement “SUFFLED AS SHE GUSH” might mean.
(Finally decided it might indicate the water was bottled at the source?)
This is hilarious even if you don’t add “in bed” to the end of every phrase. I would bet your fortune wasn’t this entertaining.
That is hysterical. At least it has illustrations in case you can’t understand the engrish.
I can assure you that their English is far better than my Chinese!
I brought a pair of chopsticks to the bar last night but they didn’t help me pick up anything!
Too frunny!
I remember the first time I read those instructions on a set of chopsticks- I about died laughing!
Where’s the instructions for adding the rubber band so us uncoordinated folks can still use them?
(PS- I WAS misspelling my name!)
Those aren’t misspellings. Those are abominations!
I waitressed for a Vietnamese restaurant when I was high school, and I remember giggling over those SAME MISSPELLINGS in 1984. Apparently the packaging never gets updated, but you know, why change a good thing?!
The more immature of us on the staff used to really press our luck with the “Now you can pick up anything” bit. Yeah, um…not so much.
Thanks for the instructions. I went and got my chopsticks and now I too can pick up anything.
Even with those fine instructions, I have to use the kids’ chopsticks.
Dear Half Assed Kitchen: Even with those fine instructions, I have to use a fork. Seriously.
My eyes! That hurts to look at!
Do you think they know the mistakes are there by now and think the misuse of English is a charming bit of the Chinese food experience on the wrapper?
That’s even funnier than the part of the menu that says:
“Because the 7 rums make it so”….
It just keeps getting better and better as you read on down, doesn’t it!
Oh good, NOW I know exactly what to do. I was wondering. Thanks, Bossy!
hee he e- go over to China and you will see this everywhere!!
The originai position is in the Kama Sutra
I lived in China briefly and things like that were everywhere. I had a friend who was hired to go around Beijing and make note of all the misspellings on the English signs so they could be corrected before the Beijing Olympics.
Yikes! I just don’t understand how atrocities such as this occur. As a Spanish major at school I have never had an issue with spelling; the same goes for many of my classmates.
like #20, i was in china and took so many photos of the funny interpretations and spelling of english. just hilarious.
While visiting Japan, I saw on the back on a toilet stall door a sign that read “Please do not flash the paper towel at the toilet”. funny stuff……
That Chinese chopstick wrapper’s English is better than most of what I read on Facebook, and there’s no LOLs or exclamation points!!!!!! LOL!!!
My husband just got back from a week in China and the handicap bathrooms said “For Deformed Man” on them!!
Thank god I read this. I totally need something to help me move my 98 ton stove so I can clean behind it.
Pick up anything, like a social disease? Pick up anything, like a loser looking for an available woman with opposable thumbs? Pick up anything, like– stop me– even I think I’ve gone too far…
I’ve always said, “We ARE here to judge, but if the food’s good, I’ll forgive the wrappings.” Words to live by…
Oh good. Since I now can pick up anything, how about Kevin Bacon? I’ll have him firmly under my thurnb in no time flat.
I am sorry for my absence as of late. I am soon to be laid off. All time spent reading blogs is now spent looking for work. It really blows.
I’ll be back.
The best part is that this was a THAI place — it wasn’t even Chinese! “Welcome to Chinese restaurant.”
Apparently warped in translation. Or Lost?
by coincidence i have a pair of disposable chop sticks right here from when i was brought take out sushi. though the instructions say the same thing (except for the bit about the chinese restaurant) everything is spelled correctly.
must be a canadian thing.
i’m a little bit disappoined that it didn’t say somethig dirty by accident.
I kid Bossy not….this is the page I was reading before I typed “iambossy.com” into the address bar…..*goosebumps*….
heyjoe – sorry to hear that – what do you do in the real world?
someone needs to explain how to eat rice w/these damn things – I notice the photo shows something the size of dim sum.
Once in a Very Odd Country (not the USA) I bought some bottled water with its label in English-they-thought, and mulled over what exactly the label’s statement “SUFFLED AS SHE GUSH” might mean.
(Finally decided it might indicate the water was bottled at the source?)
I like that – “Now you can pick up ANYTHING”
I am going to go down to my local hardware store and buy me some chopsticks.
Hmmm… I have those same exact chopsticks sitting on my desk and looked at them as I read this.
You will be happy to know: They FIXED the mis-spellings!!!
Capitalization and punctuation errors still there though…
Totally hilarious!! We always like seeing that “shrimps” are on the menu!
Shoot! Was hoping to be the tirst to comment!