Michael Jackson’s death was ruled a homicide.
In other news, kdkiep mbsjdu skskskdllfeooeloeld. You see, this summer Bossy hasn’t been very good at keeping up with the news. President O’Boyfriend, Afghanistan, Hurricane Bill, the shuttle launches, healthcare, the stock market — these are just a few of the many things Bossy can’t be smart about.
Bossy can sum up her attention to the summer news in this way: Oh Bossy’s gah, did you hear about Melanie Griffith? Rehab.
Which is what today’s Ten-Word Challenge is all about. In exactly ten words, can you tell Bossy about something that’s going on in the news? Any news. That way Bossy and her council can become up to date as they move toward September. September, which flies at Bossy like a bug to the windshield of life.
And don’t forget to check back later today for the newsiest comments on the web.
If you missed last week’s comments in ten words, click here to find out the kind of landscapes that are favored by Bossy and her council.
Libyan president wanted to put harem tent in Central Park.
Michigan’s adjusted unemployment rate is now up to 22.8%. ugh.
Ben Bernanke rehired as chairman of federal reserve. Snooze.
…Economy on rebound due to recent rise in home prices…
(anyone here seeing a rebound ’cause I’m certainly not) :o/
…Blessings Miss Bossy… :o)
We’re mad at Scotland selling soul for oil like us
Man seriously injured when hit in face with stale pie
White House projects bigger deficits, bigger debt…oh my gah!
Release of abuses of war criminals. I’m ashamed of us.
Eating a “Whole Foods” diet solves health care crisis. The CEO says so.
Nephew born. Fleet Foxes downloaded. Life-changing news in Jamie’s world.
–>65% of mushrooms in US are harvested in Pennsylvania.
US gives 10 billion to brazil for THEM to drill for oil – George Soros owns 20% of said company- can you say
campaign payback time at our expense. GAH .
US gov expands snitch line for those that oppose healthcare ….
As Whole foods worker- Meg, that isn’t what he said….
The upcoming Yellaphant wedding. DUH!
Maria Shriver’s Mom died.
Florida baby smothered by family python.
Sleazy reality show guy kills plastic Barbie ex-wife, hangs himself.
Just FYI –
Cops bust meth lab Exton house 2 miles from mine!
Prisoner waterboarded 183 times. Investigation ensues.
Possibly prosecuting Military & CIA for following orders AFTER law changed….
Madoff’s lover is low on cash – tells all to ABC.
Kim Jong Il, not ill, says Clinton, uh-oh- deals made???
Bulletin: Dancing With the Stars will be bigger than ever!
New use found for human appendix, or so say researchers.
Canadian dude cut off alien model’s fingers, pulled teeth. Eeeewwwwww!
Roger Federer and wife have twins, doubles tennis world trembles.
Elizabeth H on the view had her baby. Thank god she’ll be gone for while
lowest med school attendance ever in US- requirements lowered – SCARY !
Plaxico Burress gets 2 years for shooting his own foot.
Miley Cyrus does (INAPPROPRIATE!) pole dance at Teen Choice Awards.
Barack O’Boyfriend dithering on health care reform–disappointing me greatly.
No road closure for cycling race + SUV = 5 in hospital
The White House garden is polluted with poo, gah! gah!
phillies eric bruntlett makes unassisted triple play; GO WFC PHILLIES!
neighbor’s dog got out, scared some kids walking down the street.
president takes holiday, reads books !!!!
Swine Flu comin’! Oh My Gah, We all gonna die!
(paraphrased slightly from the Today show)
Cash for Clunkers? Sure! Social Security increases for seniors? Nah!
Gun toting protesters show up at politician’s town hall meetings.
Blackwater = bad
Grassley = douchebag
Clooney = taken…again
August = not long enough
17-year-old Brazilian girl confesses to the murders of 30 men.
We’re going to hell in a handbasket – and quickly too.
CA unemployment rises to 12%. I’m still one of them.
Glenn Beck = IDIOT. I guess that’s not really news…
Parents keep leaving kids in hot cars to die. Horrifying.
Jon & Kate separate, sharing the 8. I’m behind, too.
World going to hell in handbasket. Survivalist training becoming attractive…
Cash for clunkers => jump-start economy … but mostly foreign car sales.
Read two stories about dead babies. Need brain bleach. Gah.
Carol’s house on market since May! Carol’s tired of cleaning.
My baby son left for college! Sob! Nothing else matters!
Man with gun strolls at presidential venue; Secret Service PISSED.
“Panel” discusses Jackson’s death. Hey, it’s a real death panel!
Sun in Galveston is M***** F****** hot. You will BURN.
Caribou Barbie lies and says O’Boyfriend wanna kill her baby.
Government debt…blah… someone take care of my debt, dammit!
“Bridget Marquardt installing trapeze in new home” Geeze lucky duck.
Lutherans allowing gay clergy/same sex couples! It’s about time!
No news headlines today. Too tired to care about news!
No news this summer. All Michael Jackson every *%*! day.
Michelle O wears shorts to Grand Canyon!! What gall!!
Swine flu, swine flu gonna get you! Whacha gonna do when the swine flu gets you?
more than 10 words, sung to the “Cops” theme song, “Bad Boys”.
PS. I am not getting the shot. Already been exposed.
Scientists have found an apparent function for the human appendix.
Newsflash: Today marks 21st anniversary of first kiss with hubby.
WFoods CEO op-ed = lies & “socialism” scare tactic. He deserves boycott.
VP Dick Cheney personally ran torture program. Is anyone surprised?
Shocked, shocked I say, to find torture used by Cheney
Model has pooch belly, thank gah we’re all actually normal
Michael Jackson still dead !!!!!!!
US deficit could hit $1.6 TRILLION this year (3x the record set in ’08)
Love that above link re: WF boycott reveals yet more unsavory WF behavior in the comments. More than 10 words, but the boycott of union-busting, “local” farmer NOT-using, libertarian jerk CEO-run Whole Foods is right on. The truth about that company is coming out and it’s NOT pretty.
Rachel Zoe back. Marathon Monday too much to take. I die.
Wal-Mart does not want their ads aired during Glenn Beck!
there’s something bad happening to the bees in the world.
The last storm destroyed 100 trees in Central Park. Horrendous.
California Wildfires, The OTHER Clinton negotiated a release of politcal prisioners.
Uncontrolled fires in Greece; grease fires = hard to put out.
I find myself hilarious.
Product rolled out called Doc Bottoms’ ASpray, with one of the greatest cheesy infomercials of all time (it’s on YouTube). Originally targeted to blue-collar workers and gym rats, you can use it anywhere, including “beastly butt odor.” Wash Post does story. Inventor getting famous.
Bossy won’t be my Facebook friend – calling in Voodoo lady.
This IS the newsiest news around. Where’d you GET these?
Hurricane Bill, husband’s name is Bill, hits my house everyday!
Cops use tazer – set alleged criminal on fire. Film@11!
Pamela just annihilated all the mosquitos at le maison Dayton.
Michael Jackson is allegedly NOT dead and walked from ambulance.
Humble retired S.C. state employee won $260M Powerball jackpot. Yay!
Another teenage train track suicide near local high school. Very sad
Obamas vaca on the Vineyard. Barack Golfs. Film at 11:00.
#78 I laughed my &*%off
(for some reason I find you hilarious too.)
cash for clunkers program “flawed”—who would have guessed there would be a problem with a government program?
Here is some news: “Oh Bossy’s gah” is downright hilarious.
Now your all caught up. Back to sleep till November!
In other news: “bug to the windshield of life?.” Genius.
In still other news, did you say September is nigh?
Workers at whole foods get 100 % healthcare paid for except for highish detuctables- company knows how to run their healthcare so CEO was trying to give light to a “different way” and gets hammered by libs….
and I guess I’m really horrible because I think most unions these days need busting- car companies wouldn’t be in the place they are now if unions were not dragging them down…
A-OK to terrorize US- captor in more trouble than terrorist…
This just in. Breaking news. Juan Carlos is dead.
David Axelrod-works for Obama- gets 2Million in kickback from HEN which is connected to the Healthcare debate….
If Bossy hasn’t reported it as news, is it news?
Commie Health Plan will force EVERYONE to wear adult diapers.
Republicans continue to peddle lies about healthcare and masses believe.
In other news: AG is tired of fellow citizens and may need to move to another G20.
Robin and Sean Penn file divorce papers for toxicillionth time.
Democracy suffers as town hall meetings are manipulated by out-of-towners.
Edward Kennedy dies. The last bipartisan. He got things done.
Uncle Teddy dead. My liberal heart so sad.
Hills on fire. Son front-toothless. BB utterly stuffed. News?
Forecast is less humid and sunny for next few days?
Okay….I hate to be the one Bossy….
No more Paula.
A new and different “janet” posts comments to Bossy’s website..
This “janet” commenter is still unemploned as well – in Taxachusetts.
Sons are back in school, and mom is totally, undeniably ecstatic!
Mom needs school to learn to count to 10! Geesh!
State senator pled guilty to 2 federal felonies and resigned.
Teddy dies, nation mourns. Wherefore Mary Jo?
World keeps telling Heidi Montag Pratt she’s talented. Good GAH!
Checked out of news, son had emergency appendectomy last night!
#64, did see that – as son went for removal!
(Things that make you go “hmmm”)
Edward Kennedy died yesterday sadly. Now we will never know.
Rogue waved killed a young girl here in Maine recently.
Commenter Leah continues upset about Whole Foods references.
I still love Gordon Lightfoot! The news makes me ill!
Michael Vick freed from prison, back in NFL and spokesperson for PETA.
What the fook!!!
The economy, in case you haven’t heard yet, isn’t good.
Princess Farty arrived in the world, mom and daughter well.