And to think, my very cousin is a lord high muckety-muck with the BlackBerry company, and all I get are blackberry vines all around. Husband made a lovely pie last weekend, though, of just-picked berries and windfall apples.
I’ll admit: I bit. The title of your post came up before the photo, and in the course of the nanosecond it took to download, I had this series of thoughts:
Bossy! That’s hardly being poverty-conscious! But you DO have lots of people with whom to communicate, so maybe you can write it off as a business expense, but still, I wish you hadn’t caved to the …
Blah, blah, blah. In a NANOSECOND, I tell you! That much crap ran through my head.
Then I saw the pretty fruit and rejoiced. For many reasons.
Ha, Bossy got me on that one. I was going to scream “Poverty Party!” at Bossy if she really had a BlackBerry.
But, on the subject the BlackBerry, there’s something that’s been bothering me for quite some time. Is the plural of BlackBerry, BlackBerrys or BlackBerries?
We are addicted to blackberries here. Can’t walk the dog without her stopping and sniffing out some more to eat! Gotta be much better for us than the other kind of blackberry.
Ahhh, a perfect specimen! And good for the ol’ poverty party too!!
Now, how do you tweet on that thing?
blackberries are so much more enjoyable than BlackBerries.
Have no access to either. No point in the former… they don’t work in the sticks!!!
Nice bokeh BTW.

PS You checked out my boy lately??
Your version is cheaper, more nutritious and makes a much better pie than the other kind! Nice cuticles! Wish mine looked that good!
and to think – i thought we would have the same ringtone again…
I don’tknow, Bossy…I just got a BlackBerry Tour, and me no likey. I’m kinda stuck with it now, though.
And to think, my very cousin is a lord high muckety-muck with the BlackBerry company, and all I get are blackberry vines all around. Husband made a lovely pie last weekend, though, of just-picked berries and windfall apples.
I’ll admit: I bit. The title of your post came up before the photo, and in the course of the nanosecond it took to download, I had this series of thoughts:
Bossy! That’s hardly being poverty-conscious! But you DO have lots of people with whom to communicate, so maybe you can write it off as a business expense, but still, I wish you hadn’t caved to the …
Blah, blah, blah. In a NANOSECOND, I tell you! That much crap ran through my head.
Then I saw the pretty fruit and rejoiced. For many reasons.
You got me, Bossy.
Here’s how 2001 I am…when I saw the headline, I actually did think of a blackberry. As in, the fruit.
I was about to get all “that bitch gets way too much free shite” until the picture loaded. Ya got me, I admit it.
heh heh heh!
does it take pix, tweet, or play hooters tunes?
Ha, Bossy got me on that one. I was going to scream “Poverty Party!” at Bossy if she really had a BlackBerry.
But, on the subject the BlackBerry, there’s something that’s been bothering me for quite some time. Is the plural of BlackBerry, BlackBerrys or BlackBerries?
I love my Blackberry so much that I want to marry it. It’s the internet in my palm! Someday, Bossy. Someday.
Tasty. And nutritious too.
Bossy should ask her cell provider for a free upgrade to a blackberry. That’s how grandma J got her blackjack, and she loves it.
Yes free upgrades are the new black…berry.
Mmmmm, all you need is a few more with which to make pie. Or to have with yogurt. Or ice cream.
That looks more like the Blackberry Pearl.
I have the BlackBerry Storm and it’s a piece o’ crap.
I like your BB better because I bet it doesn’t ring, chime or chirp every two seconds.
And unlike others you can bake your blackberry and serve it with ice cream.
Bet it’s not around any more.
Mmmm… A couple cups of those and you can have delicious pie. I filled a 1/4 of a bucket the other day and had enough for like 3 pies.
if you can’t make a pie with it, who cares?
That looks exactly like my hand and my sensible manicure.
I was so worried when I saw the title, I was afraid I’d be the last one with a Flintstones phone… whew! I love THAT kind of Blackberry.
We are addicted to blackberries here. Can’t walk the dog without her stopping and sniffing out some more to eat! Gotta be much better for us than the other kind of blackberry.
Good choice. The other one is more like work, this one is more like yum!
But the iPhone is tasty too.
(“They” made me say that.)
Bossy, You have such a pretty hand.
I miss blackberries. Will you send me some in Israel, please?
Eat the blackberry; get an iPhone!