For most of her life, Bossy’s mom has been an interior designer — and for many years, Bossy and her mom partnered in their own decorating business, producing room after room after sister mercy room with results like this:
So when HomeGoods contacted Bossy about doing a review of their store, Bossy was thrilled because as a decorator, she and HomeGoods go way back — in fact she and HomeGoods are likethis.
The deal went a little like this: HomeGoods would provide Bossy with store credit to redo something in her house. Would it be the back porch, the family room — it was an avalanche of opportunity and Bossy couldn’t decide which corner of dysfunction needed it most. And then Bossy remembered her torture chamber.
Bossy has built a reputation as a chronic insomniac for approximately 7,305 days, which correlates with the birth of her first child, when Bossy began suffering a sleep that never slipped beneath the surface of wide-eyed consciousness. Prior to this time, Bossy was the type to put the why in worry, and hello HomeGoods! Bossy has not forgotten about you!
So Bossy thought it was an exciting prospect to redo her bedroom with special attention paid to calm and restorative. The first thing Bossy did was go on the HomeGoods blog to get inspired with ideas.
And then Bossy and her mom got to work. Let’s have a look at Bossy’s room before the redo, shall we?
Over a decade ago, Bossy inherited the queen-size bed frame from her father who was upgrading to a larger bed, and Bossy inherited the bedding from herself, as it was purchased so long ago as to render it useless in all categories, especially warmth.
It’s not that Bossy’s bedroom was that horrible, not compared, for instance, to stuff like sleeping in a bus station.
The room was just blah and full of the things that defined a habit for Bossy, and that habit was not sleeping.
The other side of the bedroom is hodgepodge but strangely practical, so Bossy didn’t anticipate the need to apply many changes there:
So one day last week, Bossy and her trusty sidekick decorating partner who is coincidentally her mother, took off in the car toward HomeGoods.
Once in the store, Bossy and her mom actualized a little plan they like to call divide and conquer while calmly checking out the inventory — or as Bossy practices the plan, hurry and stick everything in this here cart so no one else can buy it.
Before too long, Bossy and her trusty sidekick decorating partner mom shifted their focus to the bedding department, perusing HomeGood’s selection of high-end comforter and sheet sets.
Bossy takes very seriously the task of selecting new pillows to replace the lumps of coal she previously employed.
From there Team Bossy rifled through the extensive wall decorations department and made decisions about hanging things:
Next there were lamps to consider in the lighting department, and bedside tables in the furniture department, and corresponding bedroom trappings in the enormous accessories department — and as things began to pull together inside the three shopping carts Bossy and her mom had amassed, it was difficult for Bossy to keep her cool:
And this is the part where Bossy and her mom came across a dog bed and Bossy’s mom was all, “Gah, look, it’s one of those slave ships!”
Then Bossy and her mother went through the checkout line and loaded up the car with plastic bags full of bedroom.
And before Bossy could count to five — where five equals five days later when it finally stopped raining and being all dark and mopey in Bossy’s bedroom — it was time for the installation of the HomeGoods stuff!
The first thing Bossy’s mom did was arrange the new dust ruffle, while Bossy took advantage of her shifted mattress and box spring to actually dust. Can you still call it dusting when mopping up the equivalent of a shag carpet?
Then Bossy and her mom assembled all of the new linens and pillows and comforters. Typically these purchases can be quite a commitment because they are surprisingly costly, and not necessarily where you want to drop serious coin compared to other things.
But quality and thread count and fabric really make the difference between straggly home bedding and crisp boutique-hotel bedding — which is why Bossy highly recommends designer brands, but purchased at heavily discounted stores, such as HomeGoods.
Bossy was going for a restful tone-on-tone look, knowing full well the new light blue comforter would be at odds with the golden sage walls unless things were carefully tied together. Experience tells Bossy this is when attention to detail is critical.
Next Bossy and her mother hung four similarly themed prints, and when Bossy says she and her mother did it, she means her husband.
A cluster of framed things is a fun trick, rather than one serious piece of artwork. And these prints? Only $16.99 each.
Bossy’s also loves her new bedside table and lamp and gem-covered photo frame, all of which seem to deliver Bossy more than just a world away from the toppling mess of responsibilities that used to reside here.
Finally, with everything in place, Bossy and her trusty sidekick decorating partner mom stood back and admired their good day’s work, which was more like a half-day followed by five rain-days followed by a couple of hours:
And then Bossy and her trusty sidekick decorating partner mom celebrated their achievement:
Bossy’s good friends at HomeGoods would like to give one of Bossy’s readers the chance to win a $100 gift card. Here’s all you need to do: first take the StyleScope Quiz, and then leave Bossy a comment, below, with the result of the quiz: what is your decorating style?
In fact, Bossy’s friends at BlogHer would like to give Bossy’s readers eight chances to win the $100 gift card. Just follow this link to the other HomeGoods reviews and enter their giveaway contests as well. Why not? And in the meantime you can be all nosy about the rooms the other bloggers redid using their HomeGoods loot.
The contest runs until October 14th, and here is the laundry list of official rules: One comment per person, please. This giveaway is open to US residents, aged 18 and over. Winners will be notified by email, and you’ll have 48 hours to respond before a new winner is selected. You may receive an additional entry by linking on twitter and leaving a link in the comments, just like you can receive an additional entry by blogging about this contest and leaving a link in the comments, in which case forget about the whole one comment per person thing. Phew.
The winners will be selected utilizing Bossy’s friend the Random Number Generator. Good luck Bossy readers! Go get ’em.
Elegant Classic. Don’t believe it.
Earthy Casual. Maybe a little, but I also tend to like a really Bohemian eclectic look as well, so who knows …
vuboq is Global Casual. So true. Fun quiz.
And i lurve your bedroom’s swanky new look
I’m country eclectic. Sort of…I like the beach cottage look.
Earthy Casual.
Eh, sounds kinda right. I like so many styles. That’s why my house looks like a garage sale mixed with a thrift store.
I have a style! “Bohemian Classic” My mother refers to my style as “schizophrenia with a touch of the orient” (but then again my mother is not a fab decorator, so what would she know anyway). Nothing in my house matches, but somehow that works for me. The first style hint they gave me was to “unify”. Gee, maybe I should try that!
Bossy’s new bedroom looks lovely! Sweet dreams, Bossy!
Country Classic. I love Home Goods. I hope I win
country classic. i don’t really think that’s true, but i’ll take it. especially for a giftcard!
Bohemian Classic. hmmm.
Earthy Casual
My challenge is to organize my entryway. How do they know me so well?!
Earthy Casual
I’m Country Casual.
My mom is a decorator too. She loves Home Goods too. I have a boring bedroom that I’d like to redo too.
My style is beachy. Very wide open spaces, big windows, compfy blue couches, light wood, white painted wood, off white walls.
Elegant Classic
Bohemian Casual
Bossy, how does your husband like the bedroom? (aw, get your mind out of the gutter.)
Bohemian Casual. Which is pretty spot-on, when I think about it.
Earthy Casual. I hope I win – Home Goods is my happy place.
a Country Classic- apparently I like easy going comfort but am refined enough that I don’t disintegrate into a slob.
You have a naturally refined sensibility with an appreciation for tradition and history. You value beauty, craftsmanship, and family heirlooms, but you like to open things up with pretty, easy-going pieces like painted wood or distressed furniture, lovely florals and other patterns, and bunches of fresh flowers that give your home a breezy, relaxed feeling. You love unique finds, have a thrifty, creative side, and can make these things work together.
You value comfort. Your home is a warm and open friendly place, and you feel happiest when everyone is cared for and relaxed in your space. Elements like pillows, throws, overstuffed furniture, and good lighting set the mood. You may also enjoy layering different fabrics or mixing patterns to create a cozy effect.
Glamorous Classic…really? I like that!
Elegant Modern.
That sounds about right! I just wish my bedroom reflected that because it’s looking more cluttered than “elegant modern.”
Country Classic
Surprisingly, my style isn’t “garage sale classic.” Who knew? Instead, they tell me I’m “Elegant classic!” If only that were true . . .
Earthy Casual.
That sounds about right for me.
Site says Country Classic, but actually more Hot Mess.
Earthy casual. Yippee — HomeGoods just opened near my house!!!!
Earthy Casual!
Right now I am Modern Clutter….Having recently gone through a divorce and trying to move my previous 4 bedroom house life to a 2 bedroom aparment…I just want to cry…and I do.
Shannon, you are an Earthy Casual……….well, who knew?
Earthy Casual.
Sounds about right…I’d call it earthy boring though.
Bohemian Classic
I was really not expecting to be Bohemian Classic, but lo and behold, I am! A part of me loves it…
Earthy Casual
Oh Home Goods, how I love thee. Just yesterday I had to talk myself out of stopping by as I only had 15 minutes to spare and heaven knows that is not long enough to even make it past the front door.
Global Casual
Sounds right to me
Scottsdale Girl, you are an Earthy Modern
Sounds ‘crunchy’
Earthy Casual
Global Casual. Seems about right.
Earthy Casual – fun quiz – surprizingly acurate – I actually have a lot of my “happy home colors” in my home!!
Earthy Casual…and I agree completely.
Earthy Casual for me!
I’m country casual.
Earthy Casual like most everyone else!
Earthy Casual!
We have our first baby on the way and a gift certificate for home goods would really help us decorate.
I am Earthy Casual. I really like their tips at the end.
I’m Earthy Casual, which I think fits me. Or at least I hope, otherwise, my house is WAY off..
Ohhh, I’m Earthy Casual. I guess I could kind of see that.
Bohemian Casual !!??? Not really, but I do love HomeGoods!
I’m Earthy Casual as well!
Earthy Modern! There’s so few of us modernists in your readership, apparently!
Julie, you are an Elegant Classic.
If classic is code for old, then I guess it’s accurate.
Bohemian Casual
Sounds about right. Apparently I need to focus some more on outside spaces…
Elegant classic? Lies, I tell you.
Earthy Casual, which to mean screams eating granola in my pj’s!
I’m Earthy Modern.
Then what are all these tchotchkes doing in here?
Earthy Casual. Otherwise known as Cluttery Eclectic at this time.
I’m Global Casual.
Casual, I believe. I think I consider my tastes more eclectic than global, though.
Jennifer, you are a Glamorous Classic…who knew?
Country Classic. (although I took the test last week and got a totally different answer.) So I think my style is “clueless”.
Country casual
I am a Bohemian Classic…with no money, so I am more like a “BROKEhemian Classic…charity case” but hey! I can dream!
Country Classic………………
maybe, but the didn’t have a catagory for “Can’t decorate to save her life”………….Do they have personal shoppers at Home Goods? I can hardly get myself dressed in the mornings!
I got Global Casual, which is dead on. Bossy and Bossy’s ma are adorable, btw. Sweet new bedroom!
I love Home Goods! I took the quiz, and I’m Country Eclectic (which probably translates to dirty and mix-match).
PS. I loved hearing you read your post at the Community Keynote at Blogher! I meant to visit sooner, but it slipped my mind.
Earthy Casual – pretty accurate
Love the new bedroom!
Your bedroom looks great. Love the bedding!
They tell I’m a Bohemian Classic.
bohemian casual. so. true.
Glamourous Classic.
I love love love love love love love HomeGoods. Come on, lucky #57!
dang, now I’m #64. She who waits to post is lost, apparently!
Country Casual. Yep, that’s me in a nutshell.
Earthy casual.. that sounds about right.
I’m Earthy Casual, yet I would’ve never picked that on my own!
I am Elegant Classic…….smell me
Earthy casual, and very much right on.
Country casual. Really? OK.
Elegant Classic. Of course I am.
Elegant Classic…who knew?
Earthy Casual – the description was spot-on, and my happy home colors were DEAD ON. I gasped aloud when I saw them. I love them that much. OH, HomeGoods.
Earthy Casual…I totally agree.
Elegant Classic — not quite, but not far off.
I’m Earthy Modern. that’s about right…
Earthy Casual-sounds right!
Bohemian Casual. OK, maybe.
I’m earthy casual. Yum.
Bohemian Eclectic
Bohemian Classic. The brightest of my Happy Home colors is actually the color of the accent wall in my bedroom, so – Spot-on, HomeGoods StyleScope! Otherwise…enh. Unless by “unify” they mean “buy some damn stuff to go in your damn house you damn broke new-homeowner”. Because…damn, my house is still empty.
Go figure – Country Classic.
Earthy Casual. This Maggie would really like to win this giveaway.
I’m Country Casual, and I would agree with it wholeheartedly.
It told me that I need to experiment, which is completely true also. I have a tan couch with beige pillows. I looked at the brightly colored pillows with longing, but fear held me back.
I love HomeGoods, most of my shopping last holiday season came from there.
Elegant Classic.
Maybe this explains my obsession with Prairie Style and Arts & Crafts, with a little bit of Art Deco thrown in?
Dramatic Modern.
Well, they definitely got the colors right.
Elegant Classic………hmmmmm, I always thought I was more of a shabby chic kind of lady. Oh well, I love the word Elegant – it’s so elegant!!
Elegant Classic. But if you saw my house you would have to laugh at that.
Bohemian casual. Does that mean everything is mis-matched?
Earthy Casual, ie. I have a penchant for browns and sages. Yaaaay?
Elegant Classic, pretty spot on, and I love the Happy Home colors! now I REALLY want to repaint the front room
Love the new bedroom BTW!
Earthy Casual. hmmm.
Earthy casual…I love having a place where everyone can feel comfortable.
Earthy Casual?
Country Casual.
They’re insane. I HATE country. The casual bit, ok. But…I really hate the whole “Rustic” thing. The colors they picked all look pretty nice, though.
Country Casual. Seems pretty fitting.
Well done!
Earthy Casual?
I was hoping I’d be too unusual to label. *sigh*
Country classic. Made me think of Laura Ashley prints, but the description and palette seem about right. Awesome opportunity, btw!
Call me country casual, which kinda sorta fits since I doubt they called anybody ranch casual.
As for your bedroom makeover, watching that was a helluva lot more fun than taking the quiz. Well done, Bossy and Bossy’s mom! But I think you’d sleep better if you ditched the globe and the weight of the world’s problems that go with it.
Earthy Modern
Sounds like me, I guess, except for the earthy part… if I never had a plant w/in 20 feet of my house (that includes grass) I would be happy!
My decorating style is:
zay, you are an Earthy Casual
You’re interested in creating a welcoming home where people feel comfortable and happiness flourishes. You appreciate the warmth and individuality of natural materials and handcrafted things and are inspired by colors and forms from nature. You love mixing up different textures and are sensitive to the tactile qualities of objects. Your style is grounded and solid, not flighty or frilly. And you are never taken in by the trend of the moment.
You value comfort. Your home is a warm and open friendly place, and you feel happiest when everyone is cared for and relaxed in your space. Elements like pillows, throws, overstuffed furniture, and good lighting set the mood. You may also enjoy layering different fabrics or mixing patterns to create a cozy effect.
I am evidently Earthy Casual. . .
All the colors they say I should like are all the colors my house is painted. Yay for Me!
Elegant Classic, but I wish I were Earthy Casual – sounds easier to clean around.
I am Earthy Casual…who knew!
Elegant Classic–though the word Elegant is one rarely used to define me.
Bohemian casual… sounds like me!
Country Casual
I’m a Glamorous Classic. And all this time I’ve been calling myself Secondhand Chic…
Results: Elegant Classic! I could really use a makeover for my house…and actually make it Elegant Classic.
Alissa, you are an Earthy Casual
though I like the sound of Bohemian anything.
Love your new room. My style is Country Classic
Country Casual
Would love to win this for my (college) girls’ sake.
Dramatic Modern. Which apparently kind of makes me a bit of a renegade in the Bossy Reader’s Club who appear to be an Earthy Casual bunch.
Country eclectic. I totally agree on the eclectic, I don’t like anything too matchy. Just comfy, cozy and inviting. And a little messy is ok.
It says I’m Earthy Casual. Does that mean that I have a dirty house?
Earthy Casual???
Country Casual. I agree with the casual, but not the country.
Bohemian casual. Never would have picked that to describe myself, but who knows!
Earthy Casual………..I am in the process of redoing everything in my house. It can be fun but also nerve racking. I can’t tell you how long I stand in the ilse at the store comparing two pictures. Then I choose one, ten minutes later i switch it out!!! Should be CRAZY Casual.
earthy casual. Is that why I’m afraid to change the white walls?
earthy casual
I am Country Casual and mommy needs an eyebrow job.
Bohemian Classic. I thought I just liked old stuff.
Country Classic:
Distressed furniture I have: lots of it, all in some state of distress.
Breezy, relaxed feeling: yes, it looks like a tornado hit, very relaxed cleaning schedule.
Hmmm…. I do like the color palate they came up with.
Thanks, Bossy. Lovely results in your bedroom, by the way. p.j.
I’m Country Casual. How did they know that? Spooky!
Bossy, your Mom is the BEST!
Bohemian Eclectic???
I always thought of myself as a classical/Victorian style decorator.
I am Earthy Casual
BOHEMIAN CASUAL for this aging hippie – sounds right to me. If everything actually MATCHED in my apartment, it would make my teeth itch.
Bring it on.
Earthy Casual. I’d have thought Pottery Barn, but whatever.
Dear Bossy,
How does Bossy’s husband balance his water glass and nightly reading material on that globe?
Um, the link is broken to the other eight…could you just link the blogs or something?
It said that I was bohemian casual…okay…
I’m Country Casual, which is so true!
Earthy Casual. Some of the questions had two or three answers I liked but I forced myself to pick.
Country Classic.. not sure about that.
p.s. I am Country-Casual
Dramatic modern!
Shoddy gypsy caravan on blocks. In other words, we live in 320 sq ft converted chicken coop.
Carol Lynn, you are a Bohemian Classic
No way. Classic, yes, Bohemian, no. Just wait till I post some photos of my house and all you see is burgundy, burgundy, burgundy. I must have had wine on the brain when I decorated this house.
country casual. sounds right…
I’m elegant classic and that totally fits!
Thanks for the post…your mother is a cutie pie!
Country Casual. Sounds about right. (Read also: Hand-me-down-heaven.)
I love me some Home Goods, you and your mother rocked it out!
I’m Earthy Casual. Hellz yeah.
Stephanie, you are an Earthy Casual.
Why, yes. Yes I am.
Country Eclectic. Which translates to: she collects a lot of crap, I mean stuff.
Country Casual
Which translated means I’m too lazy to change stuff up so it’s been around so long, it’s come back in style.
Question: Is dusty a color?
Amy, you are an Elegant Classic (with parenthetical comments by Amy herself).
You have a refined sensibility with an appreciation for history and tradition in your furniture and your rooms (true – particularly craftsman style/bungalow style). You value beauty, things that are well crafted, and family heirlooms (true, particularly when they aren’t too fussy and Victorian and feminine). You are visually sensitive and understand how symmetry and a formal layout give order to a room, and hence your home is refined and calming (it would be, if I had more money and fewer children). You are not taken in by the trends of the moment (VERY true). You go for things with a timeless appeal, and appreciate old-fashioned virtues like manners and handwritten notes and making a home that is welcoming for others (YEP).
You value order. You feel happiest if your home is well organized (OMG Yes). You understand that when your house is in order, your mind feels clearer (I actually get anxiety symptoms when my house is a disaster – borderline OCD here). Rather than a lot of meaningless objects or overly-designed items, you are happier with a few well-placed things (Can’t stand clutter). Your home is your respite from a busy life. Try to avoid letting things into your home that you don’t really love (Check, check, check – now if only someone could tell my husband that we can get rid of some of his random crap…).
Freakishly accurate for an online quiz. Am impressed.
“Country Casual”!!
Elegant Classic
Global Casual, it is! Maybe the intuited the international collection of brooms I have hanging on the wall beside the fireplace
Decorator? Who needs a decorator when you’ve got your kids’ five-foot wingspan remote-control airplanes hanging on the walls of the living room.
“Family Eclectic” is more like it.
I’m Earthy Casual…
I hope I win since my little spot on the Earth could use some casual spiffing up!!!
I’m an elegant classic. Woo hoo!
country classic…. with an edge lol
I took the little questionaire and it said something about my style, but at that moment my hubby decided to come chat my ear off and bring up difficult problems..nothing serious to me, but he had to talk. Who knew..he goes for ages without talking. Most of the time I wonder if he knows my name, but back to the serious business of decorating. I think your room is lovely, but I do wonder that you didn’t address the skilight you have mentioned before as the light from it wakes you. Was wondering if maybe a sheet like the ones you bought for the bed or a companion color/print could have been used to make a Roman shade. Not sure that would work, but Amber Star loves to sleep in a cave w/o being bothered with the light coming into her room. Possibly there were some vampire ancestors or something. Anyway…about the shade…well, I was just saying.
It delcared me County Classic. I wouldn’t pretend to know more than Deborah Needleman, but I always strictly avoid county anything (in decorating). Maybe I’m wrong! I love, love, love HomeGoods.
Oh yes…I think one of those stores is going to open very near my home. I love that!
What Fun! I wish Home Goods was knocking on my door with a $500 gift card. Wow I just like dreaming about that!
I took the quiz and I’m glamorous classic. It pretty much nailed it on the head!
I’m Elegant Casual. And at first I thought “really?” But then after reading the description it was spot.on!
I bookmarked my results because I have felt we are in that still trying to get our house together stage as far as decorating.
I think the tips will be helpful :0)
Too funny! Love your Bossy self and your Mom and I,too, use my husband when it comes to hanging artwork. Although I might get it done a lot faster if I did it myself, I know the hubs uses all his fun radar tools to get things just right.
Love this quiz! I’m “Glamorous Classic.” And like I told another blogger, I do like bits of dramatic Hollywood Regency mixed in with my European country/updated traditional with pops of fresh contemporary. Schizoid here too! I think I just love too many things and want to mesh it all together. Is that a style or a sickness? lol!
Thanks for sharing what Homegoods can do for our tired, sad rooms. I definitely need a shopping spree to that amazing store after sitting here ill for many months and looking at my tired, sad rooms.
~ Victoria in Texas
I’m an Elegant Classic. Pretty spot on considering I just built a house to look like an old farmhouse. Everyone that’s been through it has commented on it’s “timeless” look.
Winning this is an excuse to go to Denver (where the nearest HomeGoods store is). So pick me Mr. Random Number!
I am Bohemian Classic…very true!
Country Casual. What a surprise!
Elegant Classic…hmmmm.
My style is Bohemian Casual. Not too surprising.
Earthy Casual…and that is right on point! Very cool quiz and we have bought many of the best decorating items in our home at HomeGoods!
Global Modern…sounds about right!
I’m an Earthy Casual, and they surprised me by showing a color palette that I am currently using to re-do my boudoir, great site.
Elegant classic..better than “dogs and kids comfy”
Country Casual…dont know about the Country but Casual is true..
Earthy Casual!
Earthy Casual. I hope somebody will make a pie chart of this when we are done.
I am Earth Casual – which is probably not very surprising. But pick me, Random Number Generator! I need some new furniture!!!
Elegant Classic – hmmm…not sure…but ok.
earthy casual!!!
Earthy Casual
First and foremost please tell HomeGoods I am moving away from them and going to Dover, DE and I think they should consider moving with me. Also they have a set of houndstooth armless chairs I would sell my firstborn for (if I had a first born). I have been visiting them for weeks and no one else seems to like them so I think I should be able to take them home for free. *Sigh*
Global Casual – if by that they mean I drink English Breakfast tea and wear jeans and tshirts they are spot on!
Otherwise, my house right now is crap, crap, everywhere, can’t find the floor/counter/top of the dresser on a dare.
traditional? Cottage? transitional? I don’t know but I love home goods!
Elegant Classic…my style right now is newly-wed, hubby still in college, almost everything in our house is hand-me-downs ” (
country casual
This Bohemian Classic is hoping 182 is her lucky number. And…weirdly right on, right down to the colors and stuff from my “travels” featuring heavily in my decorating. Strangely psychic, that HomeGoods quiz.
Earthy Casual. Sounds about right
Earthy Casual. Totally.
I could so use a $100 at HomeGoods for some new bedding!
“Country Casual” — that was a surprise, actually. the “country” part, not the “casual,” although i DO have iron chickens in the dining room.
I got Elegant Classic. Seems to describe me! Moving into our first home next week and I can’t WAIT to decorate!
Elegant Modern — heh. I already know what I’m buying — sheets. It’s all about the sheets. Crisp (NO FLANNEL– EVER!!) and white. Only white.
Tina, you are a Bohemian Classic.
Sounds pretty accurate which surprised me!
I don’t want to enter the giveaway–I’m having a garage sale this weekend and am on a “bringing into the house” probation–I just want to say that Bossy and her mom are Lookers with a capital L. Only Bossy can make hard work look so sweet and loving.
Bohemiem casual. I put the shabby in shabby chic.
Fun give away! According to homegoods I am a glamorous classic which is my true style, although having four kids I am not able to exercise my own style.
I am Bohemian Casual… hmm. I did always gravitate toward Pier 1 and World Market type of furnishings. Who knew?
Earthy Casual. Does that mean hand me downs?
Global Casual, and they’re right!
According to the quiz, I am Country Classic. I’m looking at my open kitchen/dining/living area as I type and I see: samplers hanging on the walls, ruffled floral valances, oak cabinets with arched doors…yeah, maybe they’re onto something.
Thanks so much for the chance to win!
Elegant Classic. Kind of shocked..
Global Casual…..huh? I have to go back and read what that means…..
I love a good makeover. I am Bohemian Classic. Sounds about right.
Country casual… Mmm…. I’m really not country (I am a little bit rock n roll, though!)
I’m gonna go with Earthy Casual…..I think….
Wife-Casual. She picks out something, I bitch & moan about the cost, then give in, ‘coz, you know, pick your fights carefully. Plus it seems to make her happy to buy crap for the house, so there’s that, too…. (Yeah, 25 years. Why do you ask?)
Earthy Casual
…and I love the pics of your mom. I looked in the mirror yesterday and thought, “oh my gosh that’s my mom” and after the first moment of shock thought maybe that’s not so bad after all
Elegant Classic. Yeah right!
It says I am Earthy Casual, which I can kinda understand. If only I could interpret my rooms into this.
Bohemian Classic!!
Bohemian Eclectic.
I am a Country Classic. Now I just have to find out which country…
Funny, I always thought I was an Early Chaos…
I’m Global Casual
Glamorous Classic, but I couldn’t see all of the pictures..
Country casual for me! And the colors were right on…warm yellows, creams, muted oranges!!
Country casual, whatever that means! Love your bedroom.
Country Casual.
I’d like to think I’m more elegant or modern or something, but it’s probably about right!
Looks like I am country casual. Great to find your blog!
–>Earth casual.
ciara, you are a Global Casual-that’s about right except i’m highly disorganized ;0)
Bohemian classic. Sounds boring?
bohemian casual – with the constant battle for organization – teehee! it’s got me pegged!
anne marie, you are a Bohemian Casual
You are interested in creating a place where people feel relaxed. You have a variety of interests and influences and so appreciate different styles, cultures, and objects. Your home is cozy, with comfy chairs, throw pillows and places to set a drink or a book. But it also feels creative and visually intriguing, because you have an artist’s eye that allows you to find objects that appeal to you in a unique and personal way—whether from your travels or from a local shop. This gives your home a feeling of being laid-back, and maybe even a bit quirky with its mix of pieces—some of which are classic, some handmade, some ethnic, and some just rich in meaning to you.
You value serenity. While there are probably a lot of interesting things in your home, they are joined by your taste or a certain palette that keeps them in harmony. You appreciate the beauty in simple forms. Whether fancy or plain, you appreciate things that are well made and function as well as they look. You also have a strong respect for the environment and craftsmanship. You care about how things are made, and how they are used.
LERVE the new look; now I see where bossy’s daughter gets her sense of style! but why stop at just the bed…
I am “Bohemian Casual”, which I think is pretty accurate.
Earthy Modern – that sounds kind of close. although some rooms in my house are leaning towards the austere / zen look. I love clean lines and can’t think when surrounded by clutter.
Country classic
Earthy casual–that’s me.
Elegant Classic. Maybe the reverse Dee is. This one just wants to be.
Bohemian Casual….should that mean something to me?
elegant classic
Earthy Casual. That quiz was pretty spot on for me. Good job BOSSY’s wall on pulling the bedroom together!
I’m Earthy Modern. I’m fairly certain that’s just a nice way of calling me messy (which is the truth!).
I am Glamorous Eclectic!
I am Elegant Classic.
Bohemian classic– exactly right!
Earthy casual, for sure
Country casual – with a heaping side of dog hair.
Earthy casual, sounds like me.
Country Casual. Which I dispute, but what do I know. I am a financial aid professional, not a decorator.
Elegant Classic
Global Casual! Yep, that about describes me…oh and the colors that were chosen for me are exactly the colors I have in my house. Nice. lol
Earhty casual. sounds true.
Contemporary traditional
I am Elegant Classic
I am so loving your bedroom!!
Earthy casual…ALL THE WAY!!
Glamorous Classic…I see it
Global Casual.
Your bedroom looks great!
I am a Bohemian Classic.
Who knew??
I’m Earthy Casual – this makes me laugh.
earthy casual – and I LOVE homegoods
Earthy Casual! and it fits which is kinda nice.
elegant modern
I am ‘eclectic modern country’ which also doubles nicely as ‘pretty messy, hold the pretty’.
As an Aussie, I am also not eligible to win the contest and am feeling pretty miffed about it (again, holding the pretty).

I am a Country Casual. No matter how I try to change, I am what I am!
praise the lord.
Nice room! I’m earthy casual.
I too am a country classic. Is that good or bad?
Another Earthy Casual here!
Kay, you are an Elegant Classic
Earthy Modern
What ever that is. I agree with the modern, but earthy?
I love Home Goods, I think I will stop by this weekend.
Earthy Casual..yep..definitely me.
Earthy Casual. And I’d love to re-do my bedroom. I like yours.
Bohemian Casual, which I believe is the exact same result Husband Kevin Bacon got when he took the quiz.
Earthy Casual (another one). It fits, though. Or it would if my style were not cramped by two messy teenagers. Five more years, then I can have my space and my style back.
Elegant Classic…2 words that I thought would never describe me!
Earthy casual – how cool!
Elegant Classic. Hmmmm….
earthy casual – definitely me!
I’m country casual….love your new bedding
Global Modern. Pretty much true. We just painted our new house a different, bright color in every room!
5 weeks later I still haven’t finished my room…. but i love it! Your’s is beautiful… can i borrow Bossy Mom???xoxoxo
Elegant Classic. Um, I guess so. I could’ve answered at least 5 of those questions a different way, though.
Earthy Casual — which, though I’m not going to go through and count them all, seems to be winning as the style the most number of Bossy readers have. Sweet story about your room, and a fun quiz! Thanks, Bossy! I already feel like a winner. (Oh, wait, the random number generator doesn’t respond to sucking up … or does it?)
Anyway though I found out have one problem — according to the quiz, my Happy Place is outdoors, but I got no outdoor space. Can Home Goods sell me a clip-on balcony for my apartment? Maybe some nature-themed stuff…
my style? salvation army/yardsale.
Hi, I’m Bohemian Classic. Nice to meet you.
Country Casual…sounds kinda out-dated….so I really need some help…hope I win!
It indicates that I am Elegant Classic. But I think that’s just because Contemporary Messy wasn’t an option.
I am… Earthy Casual. This is not news, but I wouldn’t have coined that phrase on my own in regards to design style.
earthy casual… me and everyone else
Earthy Casual. Otherwise known as a place my kids can wrestle in!
Earthy casual. Maybe because I’m a Taurus. Or, maybe not. By any means, love, love, love Home Goods – Pick me!!!
I love your new stuff!! I’m country casual.
Elegant Classic, which is spot on.
earthy casual…. thanks for this entry as i am currently re-doing my entire great room and am looking for decorations. forgot about homegoods!
Whitney, you are a Bohemian Classic…This answer was right on! Thanks so much for the giveaway!! I love your blog!
I’m an elegant classic! go figure.
Country Casual…honestly, I didn’t see that coming. But okay, what Home Goods say is okay by me.
Earthy Casual. And in need of new bedding.
Earthy Casual.
This surprises me none. I like my style … I just wish I were more bold with it. The perfectionist in me causes mucho procrastination.
I would say Casual Modern. My apartment says Ghetto Student. You decide.
well, it says bohemian casual…i don’t know…
Glamorous Classic
I LOVE decorating!!!!!!!
earthy casual!
I’m a country classic. Can’t believe that it figured me out! Exactly what our home is.
I’m bohemian casual.
It should come as no surprise to Bossy and her mother that HomeGoods calls me “Bohemian Classic,” which I believe is the kind way of saying “hot mess of a packrat who wishes her house was big enough for all the crap she’s collected over the years.” But I did adore the palate it showed me. Of course, I adore most palates of things that go together since that’s not really something I can do by myself.
earthy casual, but I’d like to add with a twist of bright and funky!
Bohemian Casual
country causual gal
Earthy casual. I think I got the same thing on a personality quiz a few years back.
Earthy casual, whatever that means…
Bohemian Classic……
Question #9 was a tough one…..???? I wanted to answer, “none of the above!”
Not only does this contest give me a chance to win a gift card, but also to find some fabulous new blogs to read (like yours)!
Abigail, you are a Country Casual
Happy and something about being Bohemian. I’m okay with that.
I am country classic.
Bohemian Classic! That was fun, but some of the choices weren’t any I would actually pick…so I picked the one I minded the least…
i am Country Casual! how exciting.
Dramatic moderns unite.
Country Casual, Boss. Spot on..
Bossy — Please go get a Sleep Study done! I bet you anything you have obstructive sleep apnea. Not sleeping well can lead to a stroke. Please check it out. It’s life-changing (in a totally good way).
Hello Bossy. I like your site, and your decorations! But I have come for the giveaway, not gonna lie.
I am elegant classic! sounds fancy, so I’ll go with it
I’m in for the contest too, but I do respond semi regularly and comment, because I’m mclovin Bossy’s blog, and the kick ass style of Home Goods!!! Even if I don’t win, Bossy, I’ll still be here. But it would be nice to win. Love what you and mom did with the bedroom, too!
It says I’m Earthy Casual, and I have to say it fits a bit.
Earthy Casual was my result. Pretty spot on. However other styles do fit me here and there as well. I could use some decor to make my “before” house an “after”. It needs it!
Global Modern. It’s true.
I think Bossy’s mom is a babe.
Country Casual. It’s fairly accurate but I’m not a huge fan of the country checkered curtains style. I love old wooden antique furniture and a lot of tchachkes in pottery and glass.
Earthy Casual!!! Woohoo
I tweeted too…
Check out what did with a Home Goods gift card! You could win a gift card too!
I LOVE your bedroom!! I’m a Country Casual, and I think they nailed it
country casual
Country casual. Goes to show ya, I never would’ve thunk it…
I am country casual. I love your new room. Hope you enjoy it, too.
I am Bohemian Casual. Whatever that means. But, I love HomeGoods!
Global Casual – pretty accurate.
Eclectic Classic
I am Earthy Casual…no surprises there. They nailed it right on.
Earthy Casual. I think that is right on.
Country Casual.
Country Casual. Which after reading their description is exactly right. I always called it Cottage-style.
I’m country casual
My style is Country Classic. I am not sure how I feel about that…
I’m a country classic.
Earthy Casual… boy with the emphasis on casual and does earthy mean the dirt that my dogs track in? If so… oh yeah. I’m right there.
Now… LOVE your new bedroom! It’s beautiful!
If I win… can bossy and bossy’s mom come fix up my house… uh I mean, room?
In my excitement to enter I totally spaced on putting my result. ELEGANT CLASSIC.
I got Bohemian Casual. And a color pallet that is not what I have in my house. Me and the man have to compromise.
Earthy Casual..
I LOVE what you guys did with the bedroom.
I have to do a nursery, wanna help??? I only live a couple hours north….haha
earthy casual….this sounds about right. I am all about casual…But I guess this is about home decor, not how I decor myself IN the home…right? *sigh*
Bohemian Casual
I’m Glamorous Classic!
elegant modern!
Earthy Casual.
Oooooh I’m Earthy Casual. Are we really surprised about? Me thinks no, we are not.
And my design challenge is to organize. Is the most disorganized girl in the world surprised about that? No, I am not. HomeGoods, you are scary good. Scary.
elegant classic, sound about right
Earthy Casual. Love the color pallete!
Dear Random Number Generator,
“Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.”
Just sayin’.
Bohemian Classic!
So true! I’ll have to add a stop at HomeGoods to my to-do list this weekend.
Earthy Casual. Pretty close, but I like a lot more than “Earthy” colors!
Elegant Classic – which is a surprise to me
Earthy Casual. Which is true if Earthy means Dirty and Casual means strewn about.
Global Casual in da hizzouse! Not sure what that really means, but I like the title, and the decsription… off to be nosy in other bloggers’ lives! (and to check out HG this weekend, in addition to the big DC Flea!)
Country eclectic. Huh.
Kate, you are an Earthy Modern!
Glamorous Eclectic… crazy but ok!
ELEGANT CLASSIC which is not surprising but still a little overzealous for me.
Country Casual. I didn’t know there was a name for it. I thought it was “the human equivalent of an unmade bed”
I am country casual and I think that pretty well describes my style.
Earthy Casual
Elegant Classic – I’m going to laugh about this for a few minutes (days, weeks). Thanks Bossy
Earthy Casual – who’d a thunk it? I guess I never really thought I had a specific style. Things in my home come from people I love. I’ve never gone to a store and bought a nick nack to decorate with.
Global Casual for me — we do own a globe. And if casual means running errands in my pajamas, they are spot on!
Earthy Casual.
Who knew.
Bohemian Classic
Country Classic
Earthy Cas
I am country casual.
Country Classic
I’m Earthy Casual…that kind of sounds like my house wears patchouli and doesn’t take a shower. Hmm.
I got Glamorous Classic, which is accurate of glamorous= big hunk of blue velvet hiding the cat-shredded hand-me down easy chair and classic= hand-me down easy chair
Earthy Casual
EARTHY MODERN. Whatever that means! I just plain suck at decorating my own home.
my style? global casual
EARTHY CASUAL? Is that a nice way of saying hippie messy?
country eclectic!
I am “Earthy-casual” according to the quiz. Please help me achievemy earth-casualness by picking me, randon number generator
Bohemian Classic. Not sure what that means, but I sure could use help in my Torture Chamber.
I am a Glamorous Classic – very accurate!
Earthy Modern. This is totally spot on.
I’m Earthy Causal. I gotta say I agree. I do like the style but I need more of it in my house.
Earthy Casual…I really wouldn’t have guessed that…
Earthy casual…sounds about right!
Bohemian Classic. Not what I would have guessed, but the summary fits.
“Earthy Casual”. That sounds about right. I have a sofa and an Oriental dresser. When you come over you’ll need to bring your own chairs!
Not entering the competition as I write from a land abroad where there’s no HomeGoods whatsoever, I was wondering why one would an germ-covered photo frame and learned a new word.
Country casual greetings from a german place that sooo needs decorating.
I am an Earthy Casual. I think it is pretty accurate. I love the happy home colors it said were “mine”!
Earthy Casual. It was right on.
Bohemian Classic. Sounds tres more chic than what I’m seeing.
Global Modern. Spot on.
P.S. I actually bought the all white version of the vertical wicker floor lamp bossy put back, in the Home Goods store in KC!
Bohemian Classic. If you say so.
Earthy Casual!
I am Country Casual.
Country Casual. Kountry Kasual. I cringe at this because it makes me sound like I have Williamsburg blue walls with apples and geese stenciled all over the place, which is not true. But reading the description is pretty accurate.
Wow, your room turned out great! Color me inspired!
I’m Country Casual.
Earthy casual.
“Elegant Classic” and I love HomeGoods. Love your re-do, too!
“Glamorous Eclectic” HomeGoods is my favorite store!
Elegant Classic……..hmmmm
I can use as much free help as possible Bossy!
Dramatic Modern. But I can change! I’ll buy some clogs or gingham cutains. Please dont hate me because I’m not earthy or bohemian or casual. I promise to eat more hummus. Please dont kick my out of Bossyland!
I’m Earthy Casual. I’m totally going to go experiment with some more color. That quiz was great and I’m totally passing it on.
Earthy Casual
I’m Elegant Classic. This is great!
Country Casual. Loved your changes!
I took the quiz – I’m Glamorous Classic!
I’m Earthy Modern. I so need some help with the home furnishings!
I was Global casual
Country classic, though I am much more intrigued with Bohemian classic!
Glamorous Classic
Earthy Casual–that’s me! Fun quiz. Hey, Bossy, take that window scarf down! It doesn’t work with your new look–which I really like, btw.
Andrea, you are a Glamorous Classic
Your new room looks gorgeous! I took the quiz and found out I am Elegant Classic.
hmm…elegant classic. Yay!
Bohemian Casual = A hodgepodge and mishmash of stuff? Well I guess they got me pegged!
glamorous classic.
Elegant Classic. Who knew?
Loving the new space, Bossy.
Still kind of hung up on this Bohemian Casual thing…I think modern shabby country antigravity vortex is more like it. What do I know?
Earthy Casual. I bet I’m the winner, where winner = Gah I lost again!
I am elegant classic. Doesn’t sound like me… but internet quizzes don’t lie!
Earthy Casual
Earthy Casual here…I definitely agree with the casual part…can’t be much else with 2 kiddos.
That’s ok with me! I plan on taking the quiz again…I am with someone else who said their style was “clueless”!
I am an earthy casual! I LUUURVE Home Goods!
Earthy Casual
You’re interested in creating a welcoming home where people feel comfortable and happiness flourishes.
I am Bohemian Casual. Who knew? :0)
Fun quiz! I’m Earthy Casual.
That quiz is right on the button. And geez, do I ever need to clean up my front hallway. It’s a disastor area.
Earthy Casual. Bossy, I too picked up the fun green lamp a month or so ago at my local Home Goods. Alas….I put it back. It didn’t work anywhere for me either, but it stayed in my cart for a while just so I could dream of it. Pick me RNG–I love Home Goods!
ooohh I got Elegant Classic and I must agree! I LOVE me some Home Goods!
“Country Eclectic” — which thrills me because I thought my label would be “No Hope Slob.” So that’s good.
Apparently I am Earthy Casual. I think the website cheated.
Apparently, I am “Earthy Casual.” I am not certain what that actually means, but there it is.
I’m Earthy Casual! Does it seem like a lot of Bossy’s readers are earthy casual?
Elegant Classic
Thx, Bossy!
I am Elegant Modern – who knew?
Elegant Classic here. Hmmm….
Who knew: Glamorous classic.
And tell the HomeGoods people that their quiz doesn’t work in Mozilla Foxfire: the pesky “next” button didn’t show! Broke down and went Microsoft route.
Annnndddd, not that you’ll read this amongst the other 400+ comments, but just last very night I dreamed I was at Bossy’s HOUSE! Which was nothing like the real or renovated BossyHouse but I thought, hmmm, she’s torn out the dining room but has left the mural she painted on that wall and this is interesting to see in real life instead of just on the blog. So I think I need to stop dream-stalking you.
And why didn’t they give you a new mattress which is what it sounds like you need most.
Your room looks great and what a nice mom to help you out! My type is Country Eclectic! I would say that’ pretty accurate!
I am an earthy casual. Which pretty much makes sense!
Earthy Casual….which I totally agreee with.
I’m Elegant Classic. I love the way you did the bedroom. So right about the designer linens!
Apparently, it’s Country Classic. Whodathunkit?
Global Casual. That sounds about right. Meaning, I casually fling my stuff all over the house. ;^)
I’m Bohemian Classic, nice to meet you Bossy!
Nice home makeover! I’m Elegant Modern!
Earthy Casual – which is remarkably enough spot on. I love Home Goods!
earthy casual but they got my colors wrong. It looked like the periwinkle blue section of the crayon box.:-(
Elegant Classic, and I think it’s pretty true! I need to go home now and bring some more light into the house. That was a fun quiz!
Country Casual. And I need LOTS of help…
I’m Earthy Casual.
Bossy, your photo of the old lamp and table is missing a caption. It needs the arrow to the curtain saying “Stuff Bossy doesn’t want you to see.” I noticed you got rid of the table and have far less storage space there now. HOW?? Where did you put the stuff?
I am Earthy Casual- Pretty accurate I have to admit!
Bohemian eclectic! I never would have guessed that-I always fancied myself as a coutry girl, LOL!
Whatever the cats won’t shred to pieces. Also, whatever still looks halfway decent when shredded to pieces.
“Heather, you are an Elegant Classic” …I wish!
I also wish that I would win something – but that isn’t true either.
Janet, you are an Earthy Casual
You’re interested in creating a welcoming home where people feel comfortable and happiness flourishes.
Spot on! (okay, I am NOT an english butler)
I enjoyed reading your adventure – I’m going to up to subscribe – I like your style, even if you are Bossy.
tweet, tweet
Earthy casual was my result!
bloggy, blog
Global casual. I hope I win.
Country Casual for me. Sounds right…
Country Casual.
Love your Mom.
Earthy Casual. And from the descrip: “You value order. You feel happiest if your home is well organized. You understand that when your house is in order, your mind feels clearer.” Holy crap yes.
Earthy Casual. I love the new comforter.
401 comments. It must be nice for Bossy to see how many people read what she writes.
Elegant Classic…….I was thinking more Junky……
I am apparently an “Earthy Casual”, but I typically choose modern with items/art/objects from travel and my friends. I think if you come into my home you should have a comfortable chair, a great glass of wine, and some delicious food.
My decorating style is Earthy Casual. I figured it would be something like that LOL…I am very casual. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway!
I am following you on twitter and I tweeted your giveaway:
I blogged about your giveaway here:
I am … “Bohemian Classic” . Pretty right on. My biggest challenge is in fact organizing. A day to day struggle.
Elegant Classic according to the quiz but I tend to have a little boho in me! tweeted
Evidently I DO have a decorating style and it is Bohemian Casual. Who knew!
Looks like I’m Bohemian Classic.
I’m Elegant Classic. The quiz was cool, though. It gave me some design tips to think about. I’m late to the “decoarting my home is so much fun” realization.
I am Elegant Classic.
comfortjoydesigns AT gmail DOT com
Michigan Addy Ready
I am country casual. Love what you did to your space. Makes me want to visit.
I’m an Elegant Classic, which sounds a lot more impressive than my house actually looks.
Country Eclectic! That makes me happy because that’s exactly what I want my home to be!
Earthy Casual. Hmmmmmm….
Global Casual: probably pretty accurate. I like comfort and have a wide variety of decor items that interest me.
Comfy casual. With 2 kids under 4, if it can’t be tossed in the wash, it probably won’t last long around here.
I’m bohemian casual. Love the quiz almost as much as I love HOMEGOODS!
Ooopsie. I didn’t take the quiz first. I’m “Earthy Casual” which sounds right.
Earthy Casual – guess that’s why I hang pretty sticks on the wall and keep my birkenstocks in the cluttered entryway…but we are constantly donating furniture from our friends and family, who think we’ll use anything!
Earthy Casual. Seems like the most common choice. Really, when left to my own devices, I am all about a laptop and a futon on the floor.
I would also like to say that I am pleased that you, who obviously have a great marriage, have your own room! I think this is the most civilized way to be, but my partner thinks it’s a betrayal of all marriage stands for.
I am Earthy Casual and my design challenge is to organize… how did they know that clutter drives me crazy?
Earthy Eclectic. I love the photos of you and Momma Bossy laughing and kissing. And those chairs you picked out would look great in our living room- but where would the hockey bag go? Sleep well in the new space.
Elegant Classic— I think more like Bohemian Junky
Bossy Fantastico! A regular of mine @ the restaurant I work @ always bringz me old copies of New Yorker magazinez and for awhile I was able to keep up. Now though, they are mainly used as a make-shift carpet for the floor my car, which is where they naturally end up after I throw them to the back seat.
COUNTRY CASUAL?! I have turned into my mother……
Bohemian Eclectic
According to your friends I am classified as a “global casual”. I think that is code for either “you have no clue for what your like” or “mishmash”. I love the HomeGoods store though and because they have so much cool stuff to choose from, I’m sure they are part of the problem…….
Country Casual – but they LIE. I am City Formal all the way.
Earthy casual….. what I like to look at doesn’t always make me happy to live in!
Elegant Classic.
Boho chic.
Bellacantare, you are an Earthy Casual. I’ve always felt earthy. And casual.
They say I am Bohemian Classic
I’m elegant classic. Very me.
Elegant classic,really????????? I love Homegoods. When I visit my daughter in Akron I always go to HomeGoods before I return home.Love your blog!
Y hello Bossy’s beautiful new torture chamber and Bossy’s lovely mom, and lovely Bossy herself…(Too much?)
Jennifer is Bohemian Eclectic(certainly) as can be seen here
PS. Random Number Gen. –You know you should TOTALLY pick me. And I know you’re all trying to be *fair* and stuff, but I swear I won’t tell. And I love you, RNG, you know I do. Call me, text me, send me flowers…
Elegant Classic
Country Casual!
Exactly what I would have thought! I love country…but not formal…I like it to be very casual! I liked the quiz!
Country Casual! I’d say the casual part is right– not sure about the country though! Still, a fun quiz!
county classic! which i’m not sure i totally agree with. i would never decorate with geese.
Country casual. Who knew? If I had to give it a name I’d call it “scary mismatched chic confusion”
I’m Country Casual.
roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com
I tweeted about this…
roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com
I am a glamorous classic. I thought I would be an anal retentive but apparently that wasn’t a category. But mama needs new sheets so glamorous classic it is.
Elegant Classic. I wish I actually had ANY design style….
Elegant Classic…….I value serenity….yeppers that’s me…I love HomeGoods…..thanks Bossy…..the queen of serenity now!!!
Glamorous Classic – hmm…now I know myself better!
Loved your review – and the quiz was fun!!
Global Casual. I don’t agree, but then most of the options weren’t my taste at all.
Apparently I’m Elegant Modern. Interesting.
I do like modern stuff…..don’t have any, but you know…
Global Casual – my challenge is to maximize, and I sure like the ideas they had to do that in a small apartment.
Global Casual. I don’t agree, but then most of the options weren’t my taste at all.
Bohemian Eclectic
Which given what else it could have been does make some sense!
Bohemian Classic. Come on, Random Generator, do me proud!!
I am country eclectic
thank you
Earthy casual. Sounds about right to me.
I am Country Casual and I think that is pretty accurate.
Really like the “after” picture of your dining room. Feel free to come and make mine look like that:)
My tweet:
I call it the “I like it” look.
If I like it, then in it goes…usually it all works well together. And if it doesn’t, then I’ll move things around until I’m able to sleep at night (yes occasionally I’ve been unable to sleep knowing that I’ve got something in another room that isn’t fitting-in well with everything else).
As a last resort, I will paint whatever it is that isn’t working, my way of forcing things to work well together
I’m an earthy casual. I can totally see it. Now if I could get my house to buy in I’d be all set!
I Blogged:
I am Bohemian Classic. I sort of see it!
Earthy Casual, sounds about right to me!
Bohemian classic, which seems pretty accurate to me…
Earthy Casual… fun quiz and I love your room!
Global Casual. Bossy, your bedroom looks a bit like mine. It’s always a challenge.
You must be absolutely TRANSPORTED!
Oh Bossy, I have an entire room of empty shelves in my adirondack style house. Pick me!
My style is Bohemian Casual. I had to snicker when I read that. I’m always drawn to bohemian pieces/prints.
Lurve your makeover! Can you do my giant and blah bedroom?
you are a Country Casual
oooo I need this!
EARTHY CASUAL — i think that’s mostly accurate.
Apparently I am country casual. Who knew?
global casual here.
Elegant Classic, but some rooms are more along the lines of Late Warehouse, or Ikea Desperate. I’m just too unemployed to be elegant or classic right now.
Earthy Casual. I think I’m just design challenged. Would love a new bedroom, or family room, or living room or…..
Elegant Classic. Or Earthy casual. What is it when you furnish entire rooms with furniture that no one else wanted?
I’m an Earthy Casual, but I do use some bold colors. I love my cranberry focus wall.
Those prints you hung really made the wall color/bedding colors work–but then you knew that already.
Earthy Casual.
“You feel happiest if your home is well organized”
Ha ha ha ha ha. I must never be happy
Elegant modern — description of me & my style right on the money! I would like to win, but would have it spent in 10 minutes.
This earth mama is an Earthy Casual. How perfect is that!
I’m Global Modern, which sounds about right.
Earthy Casual…I’ve never heard such a description but I like it!
Country Classic
I’ve had the same wallpaper up in two rooms for 29 years, embarrassed to say… Home Goods, I need incentive for a change!
Earthy Casual !
One of my favorite pastimes is to rearrange furniture. Not just at my home but anywhere!
Country Classic…… choose ME!!!
Elegant classic. Not at all how I would have described my home. I think we’re more earthy casual….as in lots of earth tones to hide the dirt that comes with 4 kids and three dogs.
Maybe I was fantasizing about a calmer, cleaner house when I took the quiz! I do love Homegoods and shop there weekly!
Earthy Casual!
Bohemian Eclectic! Sounds about right to me… I like a pretty broad range of stuff!
I am traditional – with lots of bold colors thrown in!
I LOVE it.
My style is Bohemian Casual. I never would have guessed Bohemian…
COUNTRY ECLECTIC, yep, that’s what I am. All I know for sure is that I really need some serious help.
Bohemian Classic and I love what you did with the guest room. It is really cute.
I M ELEGANT MODERN, bossy thanks for the giveaway that I m a baker, I like to dress-up my kitchen w/ nice colorful pots if I win.
Im Country Classic, what ever that means LOL
Earthy Casual – but I think I should have a side of Dramatic Modern…
Glamorous Classic! Yayz!!
You go for rich materials like velvets, one-of-a-kind objects, lady-like touches, glimmering accessories, and a sense of old-Hollywood romance that makes your home dramatic and elegant.
Just wish I could afford it!!
I love home goods.
I am Bohemian Eclectic. I can see that!
Country casual. Apparently I need to pull it all together. I would agree.
I’m Country Casual. Hum… I get the casual part, but Country?
I am global casual.
I’m not sure what my style is. I guess, bohemian chic.
I didn’t follow directions. It’s Glamorous Eclectic. Sorry.
Ah. I am Elegant Classic. True dat.
Sigh…random gen does NOT like me..but I’m hooked on your great new room!
I’m Country Casual…as if I didn’t know it
I am a “earthy casual”. I agree with that lol.
Who stole Bossy’s Ikea love?!
Dramatic Modern. Surprisingly, I think it’s correct! =]
I am Earthy Casual!
Earthy Casual – how totally me! Of course the comment about needing to clear the clutter in my house also hit home. I am so much happier when I’m organized (and surrounded by cute things from Home Goods)!
I am Earthy Casual. Really, I am…..
Elegant classic. Someday.
Country Eclectic. Fun quiz–I think I’ll pass it on.
Your room looks great! My result was Bohemian Casual!
Bohemian Classic. Pretty true!
Your bedroom looks so nice and so much more relaxing.
You are very lucky to have your mother around to help and have such fun with.
I am: you are a Glamorous Classic
Earthy Modern suits me to a T
I’m a “Glamorous Classic” I’d say that about sums me up! Fun makeover!!
My style is Earthy Casual…which sounds exactly right!
glamorous eclectic….right on the money!
Earthy Casual… yeah, that just about sums it up. I would substitute ‘beachy’ for earthy if it was up to me, but the quiz was pretty generic…
I’m earthy casual! I long for the warm and cozy feel when I walk in the door
I’m Elegant Classic and I think it fits perfectly!
I’m Earthy Casual
Country Eclectic. Which basically means “Ooh! That’s pretty!” I should have my fiance take this quiz.
Earthy Casual….hmmm…nice to finally be defined, but my house has NO style whatsoever, and I’m too poor to redecorate, so I’ve got a bit of everything. ugh.
I’m a Country Eclectic. That’s so right…I’m a mix of farmhouse, country lodge, beach house, and country cottage.
Elegant Classic, and I don’t believe it at all!
Earthy Casual!
Oh, I forgot the name excatly, but COuntry something. I wasn’t so sure about the title but everything else seem to fit me. And the colors were spot on, my faves!
Earthy Casual…which surprised me but is actually pretty accurate when I think about it!
I am country casual….and I LOVE Home Goods!!!
I am Bohemian Casual.
I’m an elegant classic, which I interpret to mean “old.”
first time: country classic. second time: elegant classic. My version: elegtry classic. Bring on the HomeGoods, baby!
Elegant Modern
Well, the quiz says I’m “Bohemian Eclectic” but at the moment my bedroom looks a little more “Garbage Dump Eclectic”. I guess I could really use that gift certificate!
Glamorous Classic…yep, i’ll take it!
I am country casual. I don’t know if I agree, but since I’m pining for a farm in Chester County, I guess it’s probably accurate.
you are much prettier than i expected
My result is Earthy Casual.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
Elegant Classic … I’ve never thought about my decorating style so this was a fun quiz. Thanks Bossy!
Stephanie, you are an Elegant Classic
Kari, you are an Earthy Casual
My style is Country Casual. It really does fit me!!!
I’m earthy casual.
I’m Dramatic Modern …
And I don’t know what is up with the curtain in the bedroom — but it needs help — or to be gone lol
bohemian casual……it’s true about me but my home doesn’t reflect it, i need the giftcard to make it happen!
I am earthy casual
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
Bohemian Classic. Didn’t even know that was a style. I’ve always said I have Pottery Barn tastes on a Goodwill budget.
I am a Country Classic! Very true!
i am Glamorous Classic!
I am country casual. Thank you!
Michelle, you are a Country Eclectic The quiz was right on! I am in love with these colors and now quite in love with this store!
I’m earthy casual!
HomeGoods is my favorite store! My style is Elegant Classic.
Your bedroom looks lovely. And that was actually a fun quiz. The suggestion to always have a drinks tray ready to go is a hoot however. I think they overestimate my cocktail opportunities.
Oh and I’m bohemian classic. Ole!
Beautiful pics. Country French all the way
I’m an Earthy Casual – pretty much spot on!
My style is Bohemian Casual
Tweet for the giveaway here
I blogged about the giveaway with a link back to you here
I’m country casual!
earthy casual and that is totally me. I love items from all over the world – but lean towards European and Asian. Then I mix it all together and hope it works. tweetie tweet
I’m “Bohemian Casual” and I thought the description was very fitting for me! I really like the bedding you chose. It adds a lot of character to the room. And the lamp is a fun accessory! (
Elegant Classic. Another word for vanilla.
Country Eclectic — I think that’s pretty close (at least the way they described it). Definitely like older things that have a story, things that are cozy etc, and they were bang-on with the color choices.
I am earthy modern…quite true
Mine is “earthy casual” Very accurate
Earthy Casual…
Great Job on the redecorating!
I am country eclectic. I really like how your room looks now.
You bedroom looks so NICE. I wish my did. Do they have a Home Goods in Arizona?
I am elegant classic!
Wow. I had my doubts when I saw that comforter on your bed but with the prints on the wall it looks beautiful. Great job. I’m an Eclectic Country.
Your bedroom came out fantastic! And I love the prints you selected for the wall.
I’m elegant modern and I am in desperate need of new wall decor as well.
It says I am a Bohemian Eclectic but I tend way more toward the Country French/Victorian/Cottage style. But if I win a gift card, you can call me anything you want.
I’m country casual!
Global Casual. Huh. I guess that makes sense.
Global Casual
I am an Earthy Casual!!! Very true!
Elegant Classic….
Wow, I’ve never been to Homegoods. It looks awesome!
Dramatic modern. I never would have titled myself that, but the description sounds like me!
And your bedroom looks GREAT!
Apparently I’m Earthy Casual.
Country Classic is my style!
Country Classic – I think that is probably pretty accurate. Fun
My style is Elegant Classic. TJ Maxx is already one of my favorite stores. Their prices are always reasonable and they have a great selection. Thanks for the giveaway!
I wouldn’t have chosen the words “Earthy Casual” but the description fits me well: “a welcoming home … natural materials … mixing up different textures … grounded and solid, not flighty or frilly. … You value serenity.”
My style is “bohemian classic.” Sounds good to me!
Earthy casual with a real need to organize
I am earthy casual!
Elegant Classic. But the older I get the more modern and simple I like my spaces to be.
Earthy Casual! The casual part is no surprise but the earthy was unexpected as I always thought of myself country.
Mine is Global Casual! tweet blogged.
earthy casual!
heres the link to my blog about this giveaway –
opps..didnt know i had to post twice if i blogged too!
earthy casual! would love to win!!
Country casual for me… I’m sooo jealous you got to do a shopping spree at Home Goods, I have one two blocks away, it’s my favorite store…I’m redoing my bedroom (very slowly, and as cheaply as possible..using alot of reused items..door into a headboard!!), anyways, HomeGoods has so much I want to buy for accents, lighting, rug, art, frames, well, everything, i guess. Hope I win!!
Country causual–totally spot-on!
Dramatic Eclectic!!
I am Bohemian Classic, wau right on!
I am Country Casual
Lori, you are an Elegant Classic
You have a refined sensibility with an appreciation for history and tradition in your furniture and your rooms. You value beauty, things that are well crafted, and family heirlooms. You are visually sensitive and understand how symmetry and a formal layout give order to a room, and hence your home is refined and calming. You are not taken in by the trends of the moment. You go for things with a timeless appeal, and appreciate old-fashioned virtues like manners and handwritten notes and making a home that is welcoming for others.
You value comfort. Your home is a warm and open friendly place, and you feel happiest when everyone is cared for and relaxed in your space. Elements like pillows, throws, overstuffed furniture, and good lighting set the mood. You may also enjoy layering different fabrics or mixing patterns to create a cozy effect.
Earthy casual. And your bed looks so divine.
I was Glamorous Eclectic – the second part is definitely right
I have an elegant classic style according to the quiz.
I tweeted:
I’m Elegant Classic. I had never realized Home Goods had a website but I’m glad to get the chance to check it out now – awesome little tips and tricks. I find decorating very overwhelming but love what you did with your room. Awesome!
Thao, you are an EARTHY CASUAL
I’m Bohemian Classic=)
I love HomeGoods!
The quiz says I’m Earthy Casual, but I think I’m more Earthy Classic. Anyway, I love Home Goods and I hope I win.
Global Casual. It must be true cause the color I’m painting my living room is yellow and there it is, right there on the list of my Happy Home Colors!
Now I feel much better!
Country Classic
I am a Country Casual.Fits me to a tee! I love florals ,pastels and I sure do love HomeGoods!!
Elegant Classic.
I am Elegant Classic. Home Goods is on of my favorite stores!
I’m Global Casual and have a guest bedroom that could really use some help!
My style quiz result was Bohemian Casual. hope I win, good job on the bedroom makeover. Marla
Global Casual. OK.
My style was Bohemian Chic which I agree with 100%. It’s mainly because I cannot make up my mind on a style, therefore having tons of styles crammed together while trying to unify them into chicness.
I’m a “dramatic eclectic”. Surprising!
I got Global Casual.
I posted here:
Hi! I’m Country Casual. Which I think is pretty on the mark! Thanks for the chance to win!
Glamorous Eclectic. I think this is what I WANT to be, but not what’s reflected in my present state.
Earthy causal and that’s about right.
I’m Earthy Casual…sounds good to me!!
Elegant Modern!
I took the quiz and my style is ELEGANT CLASSIC – I love it!
Global Casual for me…right on!
I’m Earthy Casual.
My style is Country Eclectic.