Fashion. Who can understand it! I work on a college campus. The other day a young man came in with his jeans (belted) sagged below his butt cheeks. Plaid shorts showed. Lovely. Yesterday I questioned a young man who seemed to have on two pair of jeans, one hanging open around his knees. He said it was a pocket and pointed between his legs. The girls he was with giggled. Am I the only one who follows them trying to figure out how they maintain this look with no embarassing problems?
That is the most bizzarely shaped body: or is it an arm-into-hip meld?
In response to Martha, I almost ran over a kid who had to pause in the middle of his (illegal) street crossing run to grab at his pants, which fell to his knees. This saggy style looks so uncomfortable to me. Ugh.
Hey now, what’s with the hatin’? Minus the pre-babies six pack (ahem), some of us are about this model’s size.
Love the belt, although the logistics of threading it correctly through belt loops would probably make my head spin off my shoulders after around the 3,462nd try!
Fashion. Who can understand it! I work on a college campus. The other day a young man came in with his jeans (belted) sagged below his butt cheeks. Plaid shorts showed. Lovely. Yesterday I questioned a young man who seemed to have on two pair of jeans, one hanging open around his knees. He said it was a pocket and pointed between his legs. The girls he was with giggled. Am I the only one who follows them trying to figure out how they maintain this look with no embarassing problems?
She looks kind of deformed. Maybe a sandwich with cheese would help.
That looks like a teenage boy with stuffed cups.
Alas km’s abs nestle behind comforting pillows of dough. Sleep well forgotten abs, sleep well
Whoa, hold the phone. Since when are studded denim bustiers back in style? What is this–1988?
Those look more like large hip bones jutting out, not abs.
I’m glad studded denim bustiers are back just in time for my Tina Turner Halloween costume!
Her mid section look disgusting and distorted.
The belt though, I likey.
Cute purse!
That is the most bizzarely shaped body: or is it an arm-into-hip meld?
In response to Martha, I almost ran over a kid who had to pause in the middle of his (illegal) street crossing run to grab at his pants, which fell to his knees. This saggy style looks so uncomfortable to me. Ugh.
kristin, if it IS 1988 again come find me, I’ve got plenty to wear. Finally!
I like the belt and the bustier. Do they both come in an XL?
Take heart Bossy! I am sure it is just bloat, the side cause of being emaciated. Not muscle mass at all!
those stomach muscles look photoshopped to me. then again, i wouldn’t know what stomach muscles (such as those) look like in real life…
I saw a double wrap belt in Portland I so wanted this weekend. But it was $50 and I couldn’t do it. Hello, Target?
Give that girl some tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich.
I do like the belt!
The belt is pretty cool. The cadaver wearing it? Not cool.
that girl needs to suck on a jar of mayonaise.
Holy crap, I think I HAD that denim bustier, back in 1987. (I rocked it back then, but THAT was THEN.)
Seriously, I rarely wear the single wrap. The double wrap intimidates the heck out of me!
Hey now, what’s with the hatin’? Minus the pre-babies six pack (ahem), some of us are about this model’s size.
Love the belt, although the logistics of threading it correctly through belt loops would probably make my head spin off my shoulders after around the 3,462nd try!
Reen, I don’t think people are hatin. You have to be attractive to “hate on” and THAT is disgusting looking, not attractive…
Bossy, I just bought a double wrap belt from Kohls and one from Target and they were very very similar but cheap.
Looks like an early pregnant buldge to me.
If that is how she is actually shaped, that’s odd…
Love the purse she is carrying.
I never had a belly like that except when I was a wiry 7 year old.
wait until sweater dresses, harem pants and neon make it across the pond. Ooooh and plaid shirts w/ ruffle fronts. It’s grody to the MAX!