In London, not only does a lady’s voice come over the intercom to remind you to “Mind the Gap” but you can buy a pair of thong panties that say “Mind the Gap” as well.
There’s also a movie named “Mind the Gap”, which I *love*; it stars Elizabeth Reaser, who, before she starred in her own show called “The Ex List”, which was SO GOOD but got cancelled, was Jane Doe/Ava on Grey’s Anatomy. Check out the movie!
OH me too! When I commuted back and forth from Jersey City to Manhattan (took the PATH and the E trains) I just knew that some nut job was going to shove me onto the tracks.
(actually, I once saw an ex after work….one with a big grudge…and was convinced he would do me in on the 6 train tracks).
My family makes fun of me when I make them stand way back until the train completely stops. Creative minds think of all the possibilities. Think fear is good in this situation.
Fame, the remake opened here last week and we took the teen (14) to the movies to see it. I’m gunna live forever…sing along now!
There is one highly emotive scene where a boy steps over the line, yes that yellow line. Well the teen had her arms over her eyes going, “No! no! no…Why do you make me watch movies like this!.”
The last movie where we traumatised her was apparently a remake of Little House on the Prairie…the scene where faithful Jack the dog gets swept down the river. “I hate this movie, I hate this movie!”
Bad parents. Apparently blood and gore is fine…its the emotions they can’t deal with.
My (irrational?!) fear:
Not being pushed per se, more like jostled, then tumbling.
OMG, so do I. I stand far far away !!
Me too! Obviously, it’s not just you…look there are three of us!
The Gap is one of my favorite places…just not that Gap
I am also afraid of escalators, sigh.
me too!
I can shoot myself straight out of bed at night imagining the gap and my children.
My fear is that I’ll have some uncontrollable spasm and wind up there all on my own.
My first thought when I saw this pic: “Hmm now which season of SNL had the GAP sketches? Those were hysterical!”
Doesn’t everyone have this fear? Judging by the comments so far, I’d say yes.
Oh, hahaha! This goes right along with my comment yesterday about the worst job I ever had.
In London, a lady’s voice comes over the intercom saying “Mind the gap.”
i fear the gap. but i’ll be honest, i also fear the escalators, the ice skating, and the anything making my feet move briskly beneath me.
In London, not only does a lady’s voice come over the intercom to remind you to “Mind the Gap” but you can buy a pair of thong panties that say “Mind the Gap” as well.
There’s also a movie named “Mind the Gap”, which I *love*; it stars Elizabeth Reaser, who, before she starred in her own show called “The Ex List”, which was SO GOOD but got cancelled, was Jane Doe/Ava on Grey’s Anatomy. Check out the movie!
OH me too! When I commuted back and forth from Jersey City to Manhattan (took the PATH and the E trains) I just knew that some nut job was going to shove me onto the tracks.
(actually, I once saw an ex after work….one with a big grudge…and was convinced he would do me in on the 6 train tracks).
Why does this train only have one track? Doesn’t it fall over? In IL our trains have two tracks and maybe a deadly third rail.
Suzi @ #17: It is just the angle at which the photo is shot. it has 3 tracks.
My family makes fun of me when I make them stand way back until the train completely stops. Creative minds think of all the possibilities. Think fear is good in this situation.
Fame, the remake opened here last week and we took the teen (14) to the movies to see it. I’m gunna live forever…sing along now!
There is one highly emotive scene where a boy steps over the line, yes that yellow line. Well the teen had her arms over her eyes going, “No! no! no…Why do you make me watch movies like this!.”
The last movie where we traumatised her was apparently a remake of Little House on the Prairie…the scene where faithful Jack the dog gets swept down the river. “I hate this movie, I hate this movie!”
Bad parents. Apparently blood and gore is fine…its the emotions they can’t deal with.
I guess it’s not a secret fear any longer.
It’s a good fear to have.