Last night Bossy went with her grrlz — Bossy’s friend Amy and Bossy’s friend Martha — to see a free screening of The Clive Owen Movie, which is the only title Bossy and her grrlz can remember, even though the folks at Miramax insist on calling it The Boys Are Back.
Here’s a no-spoiler review: Clive Owen is in it. And as Bossy’s friend Martha learned last night, Clive Owen is not the same as Owen Wilson. That’s really all you need to know. Or you could watch the trailer, which is exactly like the movie, give or take 1 hour and 42 minutes of gorgeous scenery and clapboard walls.
Yay.. a new Clive movie. Between that voice/accent/face.. ahhh heaven. I had to take a second job and got a gig working at a local movie theater. Oh yeah, free movies and popcorn. Will hit this first weekend out. “Bent” and “Green Fingers” are a couple of different roles and interesting stories.
I have to have a talk with Cinemark about serving wine like Bossy’s movie threatre.
I would like to know where these ladies find all these free things to do…I can’t seem to locate them…
Free screenings? In movie theatres with wildly tilting floors? Gads… America suddenly seems like a VERY foreign place…
Glad I am not the only Clive Owen fan around!!

From the looks of the trailer you paid just the right amount to see that movie.
What else does one need to know about a movie except whether or not Clive Owen is in it? Maybe whether or not Owen Wilson is in it also. Or Luke Wilson. But I digress.
I saw that Clive Owen/Julia Roberts spy movie thing and I have absolutely no idea what the plot was about. But I still enjoyed it.