Bossy’s daughter made this pumpkin votive holder in 7th grade metal shop, and then she spray painted it the traditional Halloween pink and purple.
By the way, Bossy took this photo seconds prior to asking her daughter to explain how she made it, which involved a large piece of metal and cut strips 8″ long and a big circle machine with a little circle inside it and a chunk of metal that was thicker and another piece of metal around a cylinder and something about a blow torch and something else about a hammer and sister mercy if Bossy’s daughter could still be at the table explaining it, she would be.
I did not elect to take either home ec. or shop while I was in high school. I am now kicking myself in the head for this decision, because both of those would have been much more useful in my present lifestyle than advanced chemistry. Which I almost failed anyway.
I think I would’ve been better off with the metal pumpkin. That thing is rad.
I love it! Could Bossy’s daughter make one for me?
–>I was hoping that pumpkin was going to be a giveaway. I really like it!
Bossy’s Daughter totally rocks! And who says everything has to be orange and black for halloween? I love it!!
Bossy’s daughter’s talents are never ending. Kind of like the apostrophes in that sentence.
LOVE stuff that the kids make. I have a jewelry box my son made that is proudly displayed. Bossy’s daughter should keep up the good work. I’m jealous of all the artistic talent flowing at Bossy’s.
pink and purple pumpkin! alliteration! love it!
That is so cool! I love that it is purple too! Bossy’s daughter is just as talented as she is beautiful, which is to say A LOT.
Bossy’s Daughter MADE this. I LOVE. She should become a welder I think. (Or maybe just work for Martha Stewart. I imagine there are far fewer blow torches there.
Hey, if I were Bossy’s daughter, I’d still be explaining it, too. She *should* be proud — how many people can bend metal to their will?
That thing is all shades of awesome!! Nice work, BD!
pretty kewl…when is bossy’s daughter opening an etsy shop to sell these? I so totes want one!
Bossy’s Daughter is very talented. I love it.
In 1972 metal shop was for BOYS, but I made a nice smock top in Home Ec.