This chocolate cake.
Bossy’s friend Martha made it from scratch, her first ever. Bossy must admit that although Bossy has baked cakes from scratch in the past — like this little number Bossy likes to call Tres Sugar Shock — when it comes to chocolate cake, somewhere along the way Bossy decided it doesn’t get much better than moist box cakes, like Duncan Hines.
Bossy was wrong.
As soon as Bossy wrangles the recipe from Martha, she’ll pass it to her council.
Mix cakes are for kids, silly BOSSY. Scratch cakes done well are THE BEST. Can’t wait to get that recipe, that cake looks yummy. .
My cousin’s family has a chocolate cake recipe that they use for all of their birthdays. They call it “the Cake We Love” (and, yes, that is what is scrawled across the top of the batter-spattered print outs of the recipe).
Now I think both Martha and vuboq should post their chocolate cake recipes. Please! Because then we could have a bake-off and how much fun would that be?
And by “baking” do you mean going to the Walmarts and buying one? ‘Cause that’s how WE roll.
Forget the cake, I want to know the recipe for the finish on that wall!! Gorgeous!
What reen said! The cake is nice and all. I’m lying, I don’t like cake.
The finish! The wall finish is awesome!
Chawk-lat. We wants it. We neeeeeeds it.
I love baking from scratch. So gratifying.
Happy Birthday Jason! You are an amazing man… so happy to be part of your family, wish we could have been there… but ….cough….cough…. not the gift that goes with Martha’s first and last Chocolate Cake!
wall finish is hand woven and crushed velvet by Martha…