Bossy’s Dane isn’t just Great, she wraps herself around the legs of Bossy’s chair while Bossy works at her desk, which is dressed as a dining room table.
My dog loves to hang out with me when I am in my little home office on the computer too! Maybe it’s because he knows I will be in one place for a while?
Our dog Kayla does the exact same thing. Sometimes she becomes so intertwined with the chair that I don’t know where the chair begins and the dog ends.
What a sweetie! I have to be very careful when I move my chair, too…there’s always a foot or a tail or an ear in the way, not to mention a cat in my lap!
Love that shoulder!
Your table/desk is such a cool color. I like it a lot! Looks like Stella is patiently awaiting your return.
I just love your house – and that dog!!!!
My dog loves to hang out with me when I am in my little home office on the computer too! Maybe it’s because he knows I will be in one place for a while?
She is posed exactly like a swimsuit model! Stella cracks me up.
Stella’s ears are back. Is she still hearing the sump pump beep beep and being alarmed there?
Aaahhh, bless!
Hubba hubba, Stella!
Thanks, Bossy, for giving us a Stella shot. I was missing her the other day, out of the blue…
Stella is a FOX… in the nicest possible way.

I shall not show this to Axel, for fear he will leap into the Pacific and start swimming north-east…
Stella is a darling! Our brand new baby Dane is currently sleeping at my feet… and snoring!
Audrey Hepburn shoulders.
Our dog Kayla does the exact same thing. Sometimes she becomes so intertwined with the chair that I don’t know where the chair begins and the dog ends.
What a sweet dog! Wanna trade? Mine won’t stop catching and eating turtles. He needs therapy.
What a sweetie! I have to be very careful when I move my chair, too…there’s always a foot or a tail or an ear in the way, not to mention a cat in my lap!