A few days ago, Bossy’s neighborhood lost power, which knocked-out both the electricity and Bossy’s Internet connection in one fell swoop, where one fell swoop equals Bossy couldn’t Google the meaning of one fell swoop because her Internet was down.
But Bossy was all, “That’s fine if I can’t Google stuff, I’ll use this time to get caught-up reading blogs!” And then Bossy tried to connect to the first blog and doh!
So then Bossy was all, “No problem. I have a Netflix movie,” and so Bossy went into the family room and tried to turn on her DVD player and doh!
Still Bossy forged ahead, “That’s OK, I’ll just watch TV instead.” Doh!
Next Bossy thought she could kill time by cleaning her first-floor bathroom. Bossy was all, “Hah, this doesn’t require Internet or DVD players! All I need to do is turn on this here bathroom switch and…” Doh!
Disgusted, Bossy carried her vacuum from the basement so she could vacuum her well-lit living room where she doesn’t need to turn on any fooking light switch, and she leaned over to plug in her vacuum and anyone? Anyone? Doh!
Seeing the comedy of her own errors, Bossy decided to walk to her computer and update Twitter so everyone could laugh with her at her and she lingered over her computer keyboard and doh!
Enough was enough, Bossy decided to put herself to bed with a book. But first she noticed her Great Dane cowering near her chair. “Eeeep eeep eeep,” went the basement sump-pump, which sounds an alarm when there is no electrical connection so you remember to turn on the back-up battery sump pump you don’t own, and the eeep eeep is quite possibly in a register interpreted by dogs to mean, You are about to die.
So before retiring to her bed, Bossy decided to turn on the radio for Stella, so it could mask the sound of the sump pump warning, and as Bossy leaned in to push the power button on her living room sound system, the world was all, “Doh!”
OH mannn, it IS amazing how ingrained our brains are to the electric world. It gets to the point where you just want to stand in the middle of the room and say, “huh.. now what”. Our beep nightmare is the batter backups for the computers. One takes an act of congress to stop the horrible noise.
Thanks for sharing the d’ohs. My life is full of them and misery does love company.
Ok, I have the answer. It takes so long to dawn on us that the electricity is not going to work on ANYthing because the light bulb can’t light up over our heads. Can’t even say “The lights on but nobody’s home” because.. well you get the picture.
We were without power for a week during the great Kentucky ice storm last winter. Cats managed to tough it out at home with daily visits. I spent most of the week at a motel without a car. Finally dug out my car on Saturday. Freedom.
We lost everything in fridge and freezer combo. My first winter in this house. We are on the tail end of our power line. Frequent electric blips. Enough to make resetting digital clocks a regular activity in kitchen, living room, and guest room.
So many toys, so useless without power.
Beeping freaks Abbie out so much she tries become an 80lb lap dog.
i can so relate: a bunch of us houstonians lost power for over a week after the hurricane last year…still, we all walked around, day after day, flipping on switches to lights that didn’t work and filling up washing machines that wouldn’t turn on. DOH.
Be careful Bossy one of the dog blogs I read http://mangosgreatadventures.blogspot.com/
Mango the Mastiff refers to his momma as the DOH (dotty old hen)
The best is when the power comes back on and so does every damn thing you attempted to turn on while the power was out.
I remember my first experience with Electrical D’oh! which was after Hurricane Alicia in Houston, many moons ago. Husband intentionally slept through the storm while I ran from window to window being amazed at the intensity and slightly scornful of his wussy self. After it was over, he arose and went into mighty clearing-debris mode. Me? I needed a fainting couch. *whine* “so hottttt!” *whimper*
So I thought to myself, well, I may not be able to have the a/c on, but at least I can switch on this electric fan. [d’oh!] Back onto the fainting couch, with a flicking hand fan.
Now we’re in the PacNW and I’ve joined Husband as sturdier stock (I like to tell myself). Of course we also have a generator. That 6 days without power last winter, we were pretty glad of it! (We still have to reset clocks all over the house after each short power outage though.) I feel your pain. We are so connected to our power grids.
BOSSY should have used her tin can and string phone to call wrh and then come over to WRH’s mom’s house, which experienced the same DOH power outage, but that the WRH bypassed by bringing over a charged laptop and poaching on the neighbor’s wireless.
What fun we could have had.
Maybe next power outage.
I don’t do “smileys,” but this is where I’d put one.
(that sounded rude, “put one.” I didn’t mean it to).
So (and I think Well Read Hostess answered this), if you have a fully charged laptop with wireless internet, do you still need electricity? Active, actually electrically working, electricity? Hope I don’t have occasion to learn the answer first-hand…
Stella should probably just come to live at my house. She wants to. Bad.
Good story, we all do the “Doh” when the electricity fails. Love the picture of poor Stella with the furrowed brow and the ears laid low in fear…or worry.
also — link twitter to you’re cell phone, so if you’re power is out you can update from your cell. And you don’t need a fancy cell phone either – any phone that send text messages will do.
Send a text to 40404
(Sshh… Stella is my new secret girlfriend. I love her and her giant baby sweeteness.)
Do I see a box of Tasty Cakes? cant get them in AZ.
Since our last power outage, which lasted *gasp* a whole hour, we keep batteries in the radio so we can at least hear on the local station how big the area of devastation is.
And like Linda said, tweet from your cell phone so folks can know how you’re coping.
One word: generator.
Sometimes living in the boondocks and having the least reliable power supply in the nation pays off… cause you HAVE THE TOOLS to cope. Not good enough tools to actually put the computer back on… but still. Enough to have a coffee and survey the mess.
OK. THat was more than one word.

I so totally do the same thing. Well, similar things anyway! Hmm, I’ll go get the candles out of the cupboard. Let me just turn on the light to see…er….
Eeeps freak my dog. He thinks he’s close to the Invisible Fence and runs the other way. Sometimes into things.
See -if you had an iPhone you could still go read the blogs and post and search and . . .
One year we lost power so many times and did the duh thing that we went to Harbor Freight and got some flashlights, and head lamps/flashlights for your head. At least i could see to read until it came back on…the electricity that is. We now have flashlights in every room and sometimes multiples and in our cars. We don’t like the dark all that much anymore.
This is the first time I noticed that Stella has a Cindy Crawford beauty mark. Maybe she’s worried about being mistaken for her?
I think we are long lost sisters. Sounds like something I would do. I just found your blog and love it. You are hilarious.
the steak sauce goes in the fridge??? dang it!!
–>Oh my that made me chuckle. We lost power due to a hurricane a few years ago and for four days I did the same thing. Reading by candlelight Sucks!
Yep, I guess we’ve all done the ‘doh’ thing when the power’s out. “I’ll just work on this–mmm, no, I guess I won’t do that either!” We can’t help ourselves!
–and maybe Stella needs to drink more…
For a time years ago, I worked in customer service for a cable company. One day a guy called completely distraught that his service was out. After I calmed him down, he said, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to take it out on you, but everything went wrong at once. Soon as I get off the phone with you, I have to call the power company.”
Blackoutz are annoying…well except if it’s in reference to Britney Spears’ piece o’ garbage fifth album that I lurrrve a little too much. <3
Dogs are smart, I think it was less the ‘eeps’ and more the fact the dogworld takes strange solace in the oven clock…research hasn’t concluded why and if they can tell time, but prelim data suggests when it goes off…it’s a call to arms for them.
Dude, you gotta keep the laptop charged. That way you can watch 1/3 of a movie before the battery dies. It’s something.
It never fails at our house, someone will ask me if it’s ok to flush the toilet while the lights are out. Um, we’re on city water and no pumps are involved, so yeah. Every time.
Oh, and I also go from room to room thinking I can do things, forgetting it all runs on electricity.
And? And? Power outages ALWAYS happen when every rechargeable battery has been nearly drained.
I love power cuts… it’s a total excuse to go to bed early.and hide under the duvet… plus, candlelight = good for the wrinkles. They should sell it in a jar.
“One fell swoop” was first used by Shakespeare.
And I didn’t even need Google to know that!
We had a power outage once here because of an ice storm. It is amazing how much we rely on electricity. And electricity comes in real handy in an ice storm when you need…heat!!!
Seriously, I do the exact same thing every single time the power goes out.
That poor dog, worried about his care and upkeep…
I’m the same way when the electricity goes down! There is an adjustment time which is realllllly frustrating! “doh”!
Pictures taken because that little piece of technology still worked. It is a Bossy control thing maybe. Glad it didn’t last long.
We do get used to having the “current” on all the time, don’t we?
Having spent MANY evenings without power here in lovely electrically unstable Kampala I can safely say that candles are very romantic. It might be frustrating but we all talk until we get all cross and just fall asleep.