The first thing you should know is Bossy stayed home on Halloween in order to slurp bowl after bowl after sister mercy bowl of soup, and to answer the door when the kids in the neighborhood came Trick-or-Treating, even if kids no longer say Trick-or-Treat but rather just ring the doorbell and stand there fashioning blank stares and outstretched arms.
The next thing you should know is Bossy only answered the door once, choosing to send peons in her stead. And the next thing you should know is Bossy woke up very late this morning and is therefore still foggy and typing things like Peons in her stead.
Next: Bossy didn’t even actually see this kid’s costume, which her husband later described, and so obviously Bossy didn’t take a photo of the kid’s costume either. But Bossy wants to tell you about it anyway.
Shall we?
First we’ll need a kid. So Bossy googled kid images:
No, this image won’t do at all. He was nothing like this. Bossy returned to her Google image search:
Not bad, but the kid wasn’t a girl. The search for kid continued:
This clearly wasn’t working out. So Bossy tried an image search using the word boy instead:
Nope. Back to Google:
This is perfect! If Bossy was looking for a kid from the civil war! Which she is not! She needs to find a regular kid.
OK, fine. Bossy will use this image:
So there the kid stood, in his jeans and his t-shirt and his bored expression, hand held out for candy. So, Crackhead Bossy, what was so special about this kid’s Halloween costume, you may ask?
It was the sign around his neck:
What was the best costume you saw?
AWESOME!! I would have given the kid my whole bowl of candy.
–>I may have to steal that idea. Meanwhile, we had a 180 lb dog pulling a homemade cart with our cooler in it around our neighborhood. (Pictures up soon on the blog.)
The kid in the Billy Mays costume, hands down.
The best costume was our family get up of Patrick as Max and the two of us as Wild Things. But the most creative and requiring little effort was a woman who put across her FACE the word BOOK.
That costume rocks! I have to admit, I think my own kid’s costume was the best I saw. (Payne Stewart)
We have taken to staring blankly back at the kids who don’t say trick-or-treat. They figure it out pretty quickly. (My husband is less subtle. He’s been known to say “Did you want something? Candy? Isn’t there something you’re supposed to say first?”)
That’s great! I saw some great kids’ costumes this year. Some of the memorable ones were were candy corn, a skunk (my kid), and a sumo wrestler.
My oldest went as an iPod a couple of years ago – that was a really great one.
The second grade girl who wore a St. Louis Cardinals jersey along with a cardinal’s mitre.
We had a headless horseman. Real horse, real man, no head.
–>The pictures of the dog and the cart are up now. Enjoy!
Full chicken costume with a Jay Cutler #6 Denver bronco jersey on top. Cutler’s name had “cry baby” stuck over it!
Hilarious for all us Bronco fans!
How old was this kid?!
I saw the Facebook costume on The Office Halloween episode. Clever, but probably not an original.
My favorite was a group dressed as the entire Mario Kart racing team – including a guy as the “final lap” cloud.
Too many in NYC to mention. One guy was the pile of money from GEICO. Another was a pig with Swine Flu. Two friends at a party I was at were two boxes of Franzia wine, one red, one white. The boxes had working spigots and dispensed wine.
Because I have the napping down, I wanted to go as Stella, but I’m definitely not as tall and svelte so I had to scrap that idea.
Great costume idea – and low cost!
My two were a random Jedi and a Spider Queen. I was just the “mom who went with them because their dad who usually does it was in NY for a football game for the weekend.”
BTW, which costume did Bossy’s daughter finally choose? We want pictures!
We had a kid in an odd-shaped box covered in silver wrapping paper. When we asked if he was a rocket, he said with great disgust, “NO! I’m a quartz crystal!” He was about 6.
The kid who was dressed as a whoopie cushion. Made my whole night.
Entirely dressed in black, stamp on shoulder: blackmail
I partied with people who work in the health care industry – a guy came as a mammogram machine! I don’t have a website, but I’ve got a picture of Madonna (think pointy silver bra) getting a mammogram!
Lots of “Flashdance”/80’s girls in bright spandex with headbands and leg warmers…
four teenage boys in wrestling singlets and wigs. 40 degrees and no coats. They got extra candy for making me laugh.
Best I saw was a MOM: she secured a zebra-striped snuggie around her and painted EXCELLENT stripes all over her face. Best detail: her long hair went back and up sort of like a french braid but it ended in a series of knobbly things that, as I think about it, looked more giraffe-ish than zebra-mane-ish. We weren’t being too zoologically correct so I really liked it.
And then there was the Jack Sparrow family complete with hot mama with high heeled boots and pirate-ess miniskirt, and father Jack with dreads who committed all the way to really great eye liner. The two little pirates with them? An excuse to get dolled up like this, I’d say.
Didn’t the ” on strike” motif get mentioned in last Tuesday’s suggestion list?
Danged on cybersitter, wiped out the key word. But you know what I mean as far as what’s on strike…
It wasn’t the most creative costume ever but I was partial to a little 3-year-old UPS driver who showed up. He cracked me up!
And Bossy gets mad bonus points for her use of Google.
My 16-year old son Jack put on a box. Obviously, he was a “Jack in a box”. A bunch of his friends went trick or treating. One of his friends had a thrown together costume on. He asked one woman who opened her door to guess what he was. Her reply, “clearly, too old to be trick or treating”. He replied, “ouch” and backed away.
My friend’s dad dressed up as Michael Phelps. He wore a speedo and carried around a bong.
My neighbor bought an ugly over-sized men’s coat, shorts, dress shirt and tie from Goodwill. He toasted bread and sewed to jacket. He made a sign that stuck from his had that said “toast of the town”. The funniest part-when the German shepherd decided toast was good!
Rob Thomas dressed as Michael Jackson. No lie…had the glove and the sparkly socks on too!
skinny little boy in a cannibal outfit = bare chest, grass skirt, flipflops, necklace of bones (chicken bones…I hope), scruffy hair and pretend stubble on his face. REALLY funny!
None of the costumes were really original. We did have a batch (litter?) of little girls (around 6 years old) dressed as kitty cats. So cute.
Love the Kid Rock/Jesus photo : ).
Best Homemade- toss up between the two girls as Lucy & Ethel and the girls who were cans of Faygo Pop (different flavors of course..)
While I didn’t see these costumes in person, I think they deserve as much cyber recognition as possible! If my daughter told me she wanted to be Pegasus for Halloween, I couldn’t have pulled it off, no matter how much time I had to plan & sew.
I didn’t do much door-answering since I was on teen party patrol. My least favorite costumes? The trio of sophomore girls dressed as Moulin Rouge dancers.
The web server….cocktail outfit carrying a tray of martini glasses with spider webs inside!
My nephew dressed as a homeless person with a trench coat on and over his shoulder a bag of wine, a sleeping bag, a clear bag of recyclable cans and a sign that read ” Please give money, I am saving for University”. Funny thing is he is 17 and in grade 12
(Wore it to school, not trick or treating!)
10 year old dressed as santa claus handing out candy canes and wishing everyone a merry christmas.
The little boy dressed in the Wall-E costume he made himself and making little Wall-E noises as he drove himself around the park! So cute!
I think the first photo is a russian boy called Jambik. He was in a sad documentary which aired here in Oz a week or two ago. Not a good story.
None. The road I live on is too scarwee. It’s too far and too dark and filled with too many real wild animal sounds and real ghosts sounds of lost souls whispering in the trees and who wants scarwee on Halloween? That’s the reason I bought this house, to avoid Halloween. So, I hate the candy. I made soup too, an Italian Lentil soup. Tonight’s menu you ask? An Italian dish from Ferrara, Italy called Hamim. It’s actually and Italian Jewish dish with pieces of brisket and special boiled meatballs, cannellini beans which is really a white kidney bean guys like us not from Italy, boiled eggs and Swiss chard.
That is brilliant.
There weren’t any super-clever costumes on this side of the pond, but I do have to pay compliments (homage) to one of my friend’s undergarments, because she was working some amazing cleavage in the witch’s dress that she wore. I can’t imagine the contraption that would have to be built to make my boobs look like that from the top (though I hear such a thing exists and it was used on Julia Roberts in Erin Brokovich).
Love it! And these comments are awesome too.
My favorite was one of DuckyBoy’s teachers, she was Madeline from the “12 little girls in 2 straight lines” books. Nobody knew who she was though — nor did they get my Laura Ingalls costume … clearly our NYC kids are not reading at grade level!!
I also saw a great idea in a Louis Sachar book — the mean teacher was wearing a button that said, “This IS my costume.” I might try to make Husband do that next year.
My favorite was the kid who came to the door dressed like a little rocker with a rainbow mohawk wig, i looked up, and his parents AND grandparents were waiting on my sidewalk, also wearing rainbow mohawk wigs!
And a completely adorable two year old just about got all my candy when she toddled up to the door wearing a ladybug costume complete with a headband with two antennae, and said in a quiet little voice, “twick aw tweet”. I melted.
That’s awesome. My neighbor has a Shaggy wig and owns a Great Dane, so… Scooby and Shaggy. But Shaggy is a grown-up. One Halloween, two young teens showed up at my door wearing sweats (like basketball warmup suits) and holding plain pillowcases. “Trick or treat,” they said. “Oh! So, what’s your costume?” I asked. “Uh…. I’m an athlete,” one grunted. “Oh, cool! So, what sport?” I asked. (I couldn’t help myself.) “uuuhhh… basketball.” He said. “Oh, COOL, so, which player are you??” And they glared at me as if to say, LADY, GIMME SOME DAMN CANDY. So I did. But seriously. Play along! It’s freakin’ Halloween!
The best costume I saw was the best because of the baby inside of it. He was a little tot in a stroller in a sort of froggy onesie with his face painted green. Typical baby as animal, except…on one of his toes, you could see a bit of green, and we realized that it was green because he’d been trying to suck his toes and his facepaint had gotten onto it. Baby SUCKING his TOES. While DRESSED as a FROG.:facepillow:: You’ll have to excuse me, my ovaries are imploding.