Meet Bossy’s new cat! Almost.
It all began innocently enough one day a few weeks ago, when Bossy spied a white cat outside her dining room window.
Fast forward a few days when this very cat found its way up on Bossy’s front porch. The first thing Bossy did was notice its little tag on its little collar, so she phoned the little number. And when she says she phoned the number she means she made her husband do it.
And guess what? The number was disconnected, and there was no other information on the cat’s collar, except a name: Snow Flake.
The next thing Bossy did was fall in love fetch the cat some milk in a saucer because that’s what people do in the movies, kind of like how people in the movies boil water at the sight of a pregnant woman.
The next thing Bossy did was rename the cat Honky and try to figure out where it was going to sleep. And then the cat wandered happily away and Bossy thought that was that.
Until the next day, when the cat returned. This time Honky née Snow Flake wandered into the backyard where Bossy was busy cursing gardening. Once again, Bossy fetched a saucer of milk for her new cat:
And Honky née Snow Flake wasn’t a bit discouraged by the site of a field mouse dressed as a Mack truck:
Not so of Stella when she saw the cat:
And then Bossy asked around the neighborhood and she found out her cat isn’t Honky née Snow Flake at all, but rather Snow Flake née Honky née Snow Flake because Snow Flake never was a stray and in fact has a nice home up the street, and a very exciting life visiting various neighbors who all love her.
No one was more relieved than Stella — and this is about the time Bossy remembered that her nice friends at Bit O Luv had provided Bossy’s Mack Truck née field mouse with several different kinds of dog treats to sample.
Bit O Luv is a cool innovative company that believes in using high quality ingredients good enough for people but formulated for dogs. Frankly, Stella thinks acorn shells and carpet lint are formulated for dogs, but she does seem particular smitten with the Bit O Luv treats in flavors such as roasted chicken, smokehouse, and bistro beef.
Bossy is thrilled to tell you her nice friends at Bit O Luv would like to give ten Bossy readers a bag of these dog treats to sample yourself! Or rather, for your dogs to sample themselves! Even though they are good enough for people! Bossy is going to stop typing now!
Simply leave a comment below, one per person please, and Bossy will employ her friend the Random Number Generator to select the ten winners. Come to think of it, these treats would make a decent stocking stuffer for someone you know with a dog.
Ah wouldn’t this be a nice change of pace from Rooney’s usual snack of *my favorite pair of shoes.*
If I win this it’s for Dinkie.
Olive the black standard poodle would love a Bit ‘O Love! Come on RNG!
No dog for me, but MIL and SIL both have ’em! Thanks Bossy! Go #3!
My win would go to Kona “Super Dog”
my rescued lab would love these. She is skittish and needs lots of kindness.
I LOVE neighbor cats who come calling. All of the lovin’, none of the allergens in my house. (I don’t have a dog either, so no need to enter me for the puppy treats.)
Bruno would love to test those treats!
I think you need a cat. And, I need these treats.
Levi would love this! Do they have a ‘Week-Old-Trash’ flavor?
I bet by ancient girl would love some new treats when she’s recovering from her orthopedic surgery.
awesome, these will be for my sister’s furbabies if i win! they eat everything. they tried to eat a dirty diaper once. these treats sound much better.
Hendrix is keeping his paws crossed for some treats!
oh my, my pup Eli would love those (but yes, he does also love carpet lint and acorn shells, and so i suppose his palate isn’t so, well, discriminating . . .)
Wait . . . what does this have to do with Bossy’s son?
I have a Boston Terrier named Charlie who would LOVE to try these!
Lily and Dallas would love these treats.
Oh, you’re lucky Stella likes acorn shells and lint (my Golden loves acorns also), my beagle mix is obsessed w/the cat’s litter box – ok, interject a collective eewwwwwwwww! here.
My Bailey would love these! Oh, she’d love carpet lint, too, but she’d love these more!
Mona Lisa, Boo and Savannah would love to share these! Even though they love the abundance of acorns mother nature provides on our back porch!
“Shaft” would have been a neat name for that beautiful cat!
Don’t have a dog myself but I do have the fortune to dog sit for an ADORABLE lab mix named Ridley. She would love these in her Kong.
–>My two labs would love them plus our friend’s dog who most recently seen pulling the cart on Halloween. It’s a whole lot of dog going on in our neighborhood. ha!
My big ridiculous ball of (arm) pit bull love would probably be overjoyed to have treats. She spends most of her time grooming our cat, so real food might be nice.
Husband has threatened on more than one occasion to re-name the Shih Tzus “Hoover” and “Kirby”.
If Stella likes them I know my Carson the yellow lab would love ’em!
I used to eat “Milkbones” as a kid…and loved them, can’t imagine what these delicacies would taste like….
Bobo and Meja Sweet would LOVE these.
Oh NOOOO! How is it just THIS day I see this post. I just posted a similar cat situation.. woe is me…!!!!!
Kim’s dogs- Deadline, Jopi and Suzie Q would LOVE to try these new treats. Maybe then they would stop eating sticks and bugs.
Ponch, Gus and Buster would be happy to test drive those treats!
My doggies always need a good Bit O Luv. Hope I win!
My doggie would love a bit o
Oh, those would be nice for “Santa” to leave.
Poor Stella! Our ratties would be just as indignant at the presence of a Honky on our steps. And just as thrilled as she to have bit ‘o luv people-food snacks rather than their normal snackiness, er, tissues retrieved from the trash can.
The Smooch pooch would be ALL over these, doing who-knows-what kind of tricks to get her some.
My 10 year old adopted mutt would love to fight over these with my 4 month old adopted mutt!!
By the way…after adopting the 4 month old mutt it was revealed to us he MAY be mixed with Great Dane.
Rosie would love a bit o love.
My black lab Sofi would love them!
Sophie Beagle has to put up with 2 6-month-old “Snowflakes” (if snowflakes came in orange tabby) right up in her floppy ears, all day, every day. They aren’t allowed to wander around visiting the neighbors, as their predecessor disappeared doing just that, so instead they try to get her to play kitten games. And walk all over my computer. But that’s for a different giveaway.
She needs some bits o’ luv.
When I put the dogs in the pasture at night (they sleep out there to keep coyotes away from the sheep), I grab whatever stale crackers or moldy bread is around. Lately, they’ve been getting persimmons from our tree, because there’s a big bowl of them in the kitchen that we never get around to eating, somehow.
My dogs aren’t very picky, is what I’m saying, but it would make ME feel better to give them some real dog treats for a change. Instead of our random free, but redneck, treats.
… no cats.
I think Stella needs a cat type companion,
Bossy should go adoptt a cat
Does Bit O Luv make cat flavored treats?
Buster is drooling for these treats!
Well, usually I enter these giveaways for me, but today I’ll enter for the dog.
Banky will be pleased if he wins.
Delilah and Bonny would love some treats please Bossy!
Theo craves pieces of broccoli stem. I don’ t know if savory meat bits would agree with him.
Martha Stewart (the redbone/beagle) would love these!
Bossy the treats are great, but the cat must go !!!
McBain would love them!
Our lab mixed breed, Rose would love these!
So do you have a cat named SnowFlake now or not? Does it eat dog treats?
My dog would eat the dog treats.
And if my dog doesn’t learn how to not eat furniture and shoes and bar at 3 a.m., I’ll trade it for the cat and eat the dog treats myself.
the end.
Awww, sweet little neighborhood cat! We have one here, that a friend of mine attempted to adopt – the kitty walked 4 miles back to this neighborhood to continue going from house to house! She doesn’t have an official owner, she just gets fed and sheltered when she wants, where she wants.
I think my sweet giant dog, Jack, would enjoy those treats. Oh! I think he heard me type that – he came running into the room!
Deuce (the boxer) would enjoy these. Of that I am certain. Then again, she has been known to eat her own poo.
Pick me pick me! I’ve got a lab, labs love to eat. It’s meant to be.
And way to go snowflake for working the neighborhood.
Petunia would love some extra doggie snax, even though she ate *half a cake* last night from the garbage can. Thank you!
Cool! Thank you, Bossy. My girls Holy, Angel, and Noelle would love to taste test these.
Snowflake is Puurrr-ty!
Livvie and Meka are spoiled enough, but I would be happy to spoil them even more.
Tuck’s always game to try out new treats, except they have to be grain-free and have nothing in them that comes from cows, because he’s allergic to those. I love him to bits and pieces, but he really does have some issues.
I have a daughter, my sister has two dogs. Clearly my furry niece and nephew need these treats.
My Big Russ would LOVE a bag of treats!
Oh, pleasepleaseplease pick me Random Number guesser! Pick me!
Aw… my dog is in poor health, won’t be here much longer. She’d LOVE these.
Hopefully random number generator is swayed by pity for a sick sheltie mix named Merlin.
Pretty cat…as far as cats go! (Not much of a cat person) But Stella……that Stella, she’s a beauty!
My dog would LURVE a new kind of treat to try. Coincidentally, my dog is named Bossy. I think Random Number Generator will find this fact amusing.
My little fat bulldog would loooovvve some of these!
I love Stella’s Jack Benny face and thoughts. Although I’m more used to seeing it on my husband’s face when bringing home yet another lost soul.
Thanks for the contest, I’ve got 3 dogs of my own that would never turn down a treat! Have a great weekend!
I was with ya up until you were giving away dog treats. if the giveaway had been the cat, then I would have been in.
the great getzby doesn’t know what he’s missing.
Our girls, Dora & Bella, are Wheaten Terriers…they love treats!
It makes me sad when people let their cats outside, I see so much kitty roadkill….and deal with so many baby kittens from pet overpopulations! AGH!
Snowflake’s story reminded me of a friend’s dog who grew increasingly fatter, despite the rather strict diet she was on. Turned out that on her morning constitutional she was going from neighbor to neighbor and had convinced each she needed pancakes with syrup.
Arlo the dachshund really needs a Bit O Luv, since the whole family is so smitten with Digby the new doxie pup.
My ancient hounds (ages 16 and 13) might even stir from their hours-long naps for a snack like that.
Stella’s Jack Benny Face is priceless! And my Lizzie would LOVE some of those treats!
There must not be coyotes in Bossy’s neck of the woods b/c Snowflake/Honky wouldn’t have lasted long around my neighborhood. I have a very nice German Shepherd who would love a bit o luv from Santa this year!
Bella the Greyhound would love some treats! She got bitten by another dog this week and has to wear a very embarrassing lamp shade on her head until she heals. The treats might make the indignity of it all more bearable.
Coco the Beagle Dog and her playmate, Blue Bloy the Italian Retarded Greyhound says, COUNT US IN!
My mini dachsund Frank would love these, I’m sure of it.
I’m laughing too hard to comment properly, but if I win the dog treats, you can drop them off at the Well-Read House, because we ain’t got no dawg.
Ha, I thought you were giving away a cat!
I’ll take one of those doggie treats for the pups that wander around my dog-friendly office.
Maybe it would help my hopeless golden pass her CGC next week?
Did you know that milk’s not actually good for cats? Probably a little now and then doesn’t hurt though.
My cat is a bit of a neighborhood slut like that. I think he’s got at least two or three other homes. The nice cat lady behind us actually called one night to let me know he was having a sleep-over.
I have a new friend with two brand new baby weiner dogs that would love to try Bit O Luv!
Me, me me! Pick me!
And wouldn’t it be so convenient to just walk those Bit O Loves around the corner on one of what’s-her-name’s walks?
Glad Snow Flake is fine and her family, the Flakes, just forgot to update the phone number on her tag.
If I win this, I think my husband might cave and let me get a dog. Please?
Do they come in crumpled-up tissue flavor? If so, Heidi would love them!
My Jasper looks like Snowflake would look — if she weighed 85 pounds. That doesn’t mean it’s time to lay off the treats, does it?
I didn’t think so either.
You would so make Clyde’s Christmas if our # were picked.
Rosie would love some treats!
Murphy the Mastiff loves all treats!
Whisky would follow me to hell and back for a dog treat!
Martha would love some treats that are good enough for me, but formulated for her.
Even though they don’t have “my own butt” flavor, I’m sure that Sparky the Wonder Dog would find them quite tasty!
My always hungry black lab Chevy would love those treats!!!! I see you still have a screen on your porch!? Guarantee it would be gone if there was a cat outside our house!!!
Harley and Chopper will both “Sit” and “Shake” for one of those bags o love.
Hey! I have a white cat that looks just like that! And I am also the lady who takes in pets so now I have 4 cats and one sweet puppy who deserves treats after living with those crazy fur balls! Love the post. Made me giggle.
My Dog Henry would love those treats!
I obtained (rescued) a new Doberman puppy and she is eating us out of house and home. Free snacks might just save me from having to join the poverty post.
My Bailey is all about the treats!
I would give the treats to my sister’s 2 rescue dogs for festivus.
ny cat kids, steven and meredith, would turn their noses up at d-o-g treats! smart kids!
I have a precious orange tabby for a neighbor, we call her “yellow kitty”. very original I know, she oftens finds it necessary to walk by me with her nose in the air and completely ignore me. I know she justs loves me too pieces but can’t show it! I’d love some snacks for our puppy Gilley too
Dog treats! We could always use more of those!
Your a funny gal, bossy..what bowl will you use for the gin now, pet owner?
Sweet! Treats for my Buddy-boy!! <3
Abbie and Cooper are drooling already! Count us in before they flood the place.
God this post is so funny! And well, yeah, my dog Snowy would love a new kind of treat…thanks for the chance!
Oh boy, would JJ love a Bit O Luv!!! Pretty please random winner picker?
Those look like something Choxie would adore!
Rascal the chocolate labradoodle aka my only son would be most pleased to win these!
My two hounds from hell would lurv some treats!
Moki would like a bag, please. I’m so glad the cat story has a happy ending. I do not like cats, but I am pleased when they have homes and love and all that crap.
What about Stelllllaaaaaa? Does she want you to give away those treats? Hmmm?
I’m entering on behalf of my two 4-legged boys.
On behalf of Moose the Bugg who would loves treats…and acorns.
You’re right on about the stocking stuffers! These days, I think I have to buy as many doggie xmas gifts as people ones.
Stella is so beautiful…makes me want a Great Dane!
Oh, tell the Random Number Generator I’ll lift my shirt for it if it picks me (or rather, if it picks Rufus…)
I remember once reading an article that stated that there were X number of cats in the UK and Y number of owners. X was a much smaller number than Y, because those crafty cats were double dipping.
I know one deranged beast (Lexi) and one absolute angel (Pieter) who would LOVE to try these tasty morsels!!
I have always wanted a great dane, Yours is so beautiful.
Instead, i have a chihuahua. Who thinks she’s a german shepherd.
Coltrane (Golden) 130 pounds, but think’s he’s a Yorkie and lets Marley (4 year old) ride him like a horse.
Zoot (Rescue Mutt) who has a beautiful ruff, like a lion, but is timid, like the Cowardly Lion from Wizard of Oz.
my pups would love to be able to sample a bag.
ip of the day: Never, ever feed a stray cat. NEVER. BEcause if they are that friendly they ain’t strays and they’ll keep coming back…And that would be bad because HELLO GIANT DOG.
Also, cats should be indoors. Period.
I like the name Honky better than Snowflake!
My Schipperke, Freya, would love some new cookies!
Hope I win!
We have a white cat named Shrimpycat (dumb, I know) and one of my friends calls her Honky. Of course if we were to win some treats, it would be for our crazy Irish Wolfhound mix named Rudy, who we call Polly Walnuts because he cracks open the walnut shells and eats the walnuts inside.
Harley the German Shepherd/Yellow Lab cross would love to represent Southern Minnesota in the Bit O Luv Focus Group.
My sweet terrier beagle mix Ellie would love to test the treats!
My girl Olive never does get her fill O Luv. And she does have a few good tricks she’ll do for treats.
Karma say “woof.”
I have a furry grandogger….and I can’t believe I’m entering a contest to win dog treats for a granddog! Ummm, actually…we just spent a week in Texas BABYSITTING the granddog! Grandparents will do anything.
We had a white cat named Wilbur for 17 years! His nickname was Honky Cat
Now we have Pugs, one of them eats poo if he finds some, my daughter calls them Scooby snacks. Ew. So yeah, we’d love to win some real treats for sure!
Please no milk for Snowflake. It hurts their tummies.
Thank you
Cute kitty! I’m glad you aren’t giving her away. No dog here. ;(
Navarre, my pony sized German Shepherd, would love to sample some new treats.
These are so cute!! I love the pics of Stella and the cat.
I love the picture of Stella and Snow Flake looking at each other through the door! Goldee would LOVE to sample some new treats Thanks!
Yep, most cats are actually lactose intolerant. I fed my cat milk once and she threw it up on me.
The stray cat I took in now eats our dog’s food, despite us giving him the best cat food around. So, my dog could really use these treats!
Love the twinkle lights on the bar btw.
Such a pretty kitty. The dog cracks me up.
My Rosie and Chloe the rental dog would love a treat.
now that cat will love you
My sweet Mimi would love those treats!
Shiner the mutant weenie dog loves treats!
Virgil, Homer and Zeke would love these!
I would love to stuff my stocking with your dog treats…. Bossy is not the only one who needs to stop typing and start sleeping.
Tess the boxer would simply LURVE some new treats….and Tess’ favorite playmate in the whole world, Mady (her 11-year-old bestest friend), would LURVE to feed them to her…
Our dog Riley would LOVE so new tasty treats! Thanks for the giveaway!
I know quite a few pups who would love some treats!
Amelia has a sweet little Scottie dog who would love some treats!
I thought Lola was the only dog raiding the litter box for KitKat bars. If it will make it easier for you, just send the treats in the same package as the lemon super collider thingy. .
This soon-to-be empty-nester is taking the plunge and getting a puppy soon! What a great welcome present!
I have two dogs that fill my empty next now. An English bulldog, Phoebe and a Jack Russell Mutt, Zoe. They would love to sample some new tasty, good enough for people, treats.
My 2 year old lab/boxer would love those treats!
We give Chance (as in Sheriff John T. Chance) graham crackers that have sat around open too long as a treat. He’d be real uptown if he got bistro beef dog treats!
Bossy, should have asked for names of dogs or something like that? And do we get to see the after picture of her new bob?
Brady gets cheerios now. He might like a change of pace.
I sure wish my cats would go off to visit the neighbors every once in a while….
I don’t even own a dog, but must enter (I’ll give it to my friends with dogs!)
What… no “cat chasing the dog” photos? You could put your pale American version of my “Black Dane versus black cat fiasco”?
Your cat looks lovely and sweet and gentle – mine is half-wild and leaves scars when she sits on your lap. Story of my life!

I’m in…. or rather my 4 dogs…
My dog would have run and hide at the sight of a cat in such close proximity. None of that serious face stuff.
Aw, hell. His Highness Mr. Rufus A. Pants wants a bit of this. We’re in.
Mickey Pickle says to ask Stella if she’s ever tried maple tree products: the helicopter-ish seeds with wings are in season and tasty right now, but the Best is the spring offering of the same trees: those dangly green flower clusters must be mighty wonderful. Mickey Pickle snarfs up as many fallen clusters as possible on every walk in the spring.
Mr Pickle would condescend to eat something not so directly from Nature, as the graphics on the bags charm him. He does go to work at the graphic design office every day, after all…
[From Reeb to Bossy: nice lighting and detail on the cat closeups. Honky looks great with face in cobalt blue bowls. And what a perfect name.]
Wow, look at all the people that want a little bit o’ love. Well, me too.
They’d probably give our wussy dog diarrhea, but what the heck. Throw our names into the hat!
awwww, i so wished Snow Flake would stay with you!
Stella would eat my dachshund Calvin nee’ appetizer in 2.4 seconds flat.
My Marley dog would love those!! She’s got a half black and half white face and she’s white with black spots.
Dominic the Bulldog would love a snack.
You make me laugh out loud.
I am sure my dog would love these treats. He pretty much eats anything, currently he is devouring a sock. I love the package of the treats, so different!
Bossy I would so take that cute kittie, SnowFlake, White Honkey whatever…………………..
Tough times in our neck of the woods, always happy ti have a new , happy face!
What a funny story. Little Petey the wonder dog probably would eat those Bit O Luvs..I would if they taste like Bit O Honey!
my doggies would love a bit o luv
ScootieDog would woof these down for sure! And I love the Bit O Luv illustrations~~ the teeth! : )
Riley the Big Black Dog would love some special treats in her stocking.
Our dog’s name is Elvis. No, really. We inherited him from my MIL, who was, of course, a big fan of Elvis Presley. Elvis the dog loves treats of any kind and would love to win this!
So…..does this mean you’re getting a cat?
OG has 3 cats who would very likely eat the dog treats. SnowFlake would be very welcome here.
no dogs in this household; please don’t pick me! just wanted to share that i snickered quietly at the post until i saw the photo with the caption about your jethro backyard and i couldn’t hold the squee and it scared my husband and he thinks i’m a lunatic but oh, sweet sister bossy, i love this site.
My old Gus would love this stuff. Might be a bit high flaluting for him but he’ll take it.
I have 10, yes, ten, cats. Four are litter mates, two are their siblings, and rosie picked us one day as a stray kitten, and tabitha is my hubs oldest from new orleans, and then Peter and Scout are rescue brothers. Oh, and CiCi lives upstairs with my tenants/daughter and bf, and a gorgeous, huge, hairy, collie Max. I’m exhausted, and I didn’t even mention the bf’s ferrets. Oh, and I rescued two lost dogs last week from the dangers of 95 ….. ME.
My dogs, Bo and Luke (I know!) would love these. Luke especially, since right now his favorite things to eat are books and papers. Beagles are dumb. Just sayin’.
My dog Cooper uses treat like those in his Leftover Dumpster Mexican Food Lying In The Street casserole.
My girls would love these. Now what about your son? I love the pic of Stella giving you the you are out of your mind look.
My yellow lab Nell will sit up for a treat but will chase a cat…or a squirrel…or a stick…well, you get the picture.
My dog needs these so she will forgive me for the bath I just gave her.
My great dane–Duke–would love some treats!
I did the same to our next door neighbors cat when we first moved in here 11 years ago
Thought he was a stray as he always slept on our front porch. Turns out he had always hung out there as the house had been empty a few years.
The animal freak that I am kept feeding him lunch meat and leaving a bowl of water out there. Ready to adopt until I realized where the little actor cat lived!
Great cat, passed away 2 years ago.
I know two very good dogs who like treats (really, very, very good dogs).
I had a Snow Flake but her name was Blanche. Can always feed my friend’s dog.
I share my home with exactly two hundred and thirty-seven pounds o’ canine. It comes in the form of three different bodies. WE NEED US SOME LUV BITS!!
Arf Arf Arf !!!!
And Honky? Harf Harf Harf!
My dogs, Mildew and Yogurt, would LOVE these! And then they would nap.
I’m laughing my butt off at re-naming the cat Honkey. I was thinking, “let me guess, it’s name will have something to do with snow. Obvious much?” Honkey is so much better!
PS- I just showed the picture to my son and asked what he’d name the cat. I was hoping he’d say Whitey, but no such luck. If we had that cat his name would be Bingo.
oooh my monkey dog would love that! and my monkey baby would love to fee him.
come on random number generator!
ooooh, bunkerella would love these!
Bandit the neighborhood cat comes to call and Jenny, our Border Terrier goes nuts. She and her best friend Reggie (nee Veggie), a mini Schnauzer recently treed Bandit. I came to the rescue and all it right with the world.
Bossy is so funny. Love my dogs and really looking for a healthy, tasty treat for my three best friends.
I know my little Elsie would luv it.
we don’t give our dogs treats, we let them sleep on our beds, dig out of the trash, feed them from the table instead. but i’d take a bag a treats for my kids…just kidding.
The beast would love some new treats…thanks.
Darnit! I was hoping you would get to keep Honky. Note to file: cow’s milk is baaaaaad for kitty bellies. Don’t believe the cartoons. Also, mice don’t actually have a little archway in the baseboard that leads to a furnished mouse house inside the walls.
I-ummm, I mean RubyAnn-my Pug-never win anything! Today is my lucky day!
my dog penny wants these treats!!
Bella and Buddy would love some new treats. Buddy will eat just about anything, and Bella only buries the stuff she steals from me…thus the pack of instant oatmeal in the palm tree and 1/2 baguette in the couch cushions…
will the Random Number Generator consider readers living north of the border?
because if so, I’d like to participate, please. My Gloden Retriever puppy would surely appreciate those treats, since he appreciates everything, including cat food, soap, dirty underwear, plastic containers, baseboard mouldings, kitchen chairs, goose poo, etc…
My Larry thinks that Stella is “Oh so sexy!!” He’s volunteering to be her “knight in furry armor”!
My Leo luvs treats.
Mabel The Wonder dog could use some Bit O Luv. As could we all.
I don’t need any bit o luv…well, mainly because we don’t have a dog. We don’t even have a cat at the moment. Our neighborhood roamer finally settled at our house and after years and years she disappeared. We have not been able to find anything about her. We were sad as everything. The reason I thought of the treats was for my cousin who has a gigantor dog…I think it is a bloodhound that she loves so much. My cousin doesn’t make a lot of money working very hard and if she happened to be chosen by the random number generator it would be nice for her hound to have something good to eat…like that treat.
Our Great Pyrenees, Aggie, would love a bag of treats. After all, she is a hard working dog, protecting our goat herd from coyotes.
Mags, the new golden retriever puppy, loves Bossy.
awww, Honkey nee Snow Flake looks just like my first kitty, Muffin.
My “neice” Sugarbear only likes me when I have treats or tennis balls, so…
I have two basset’s that LOVE gourmet treats. because country dogs know their treats.
I have three bits of love here that would love some of those bits!
My German Shepherd puppy, Roman, would love some of these treats! Thanks for sharing, Stella!
Dog treats? *squeal*
My very own great dane, Gerti, and her pit bull sister, Stella, would love to sample some delicious treats. Perhaps this time they will actually taste them instead of just inhaling.
Our little Ringo would like to try some.
Hunter the boxer would loved to swallow these whole. And maybe give the kids’ stuff animals and the sons slippers a break for awhile.
We had a white cat that looked just like Snow Flake and our creative minds named him – Thomas.
Dell the lab loves new treats!
This is a comment. Honestly.
Lola would love free dog treats.
I don’t normally splurge on organic dog treats, but I would if Stella was my dog.