On Friday, Bossy and her friend Martha went to a free concert at noon, this time to see Train.
Meet Virginia, Drops of Jupiter, Calling All Angels — oh yes you do know who they are, even though Bossy had never heard of the band name Train in her entire life, so when she first visited their MySpace page containing these hits, she was all, “They must be a cover band.”
They were terribly cliche, and yet the lead singer, Patrick Monahan, won Bossy over in the end by singing and hamming his way through a malady that seemed more desperate than the Swine Flu.
–>I love Train’s music too. I’m glad you got on board. (I know, bad joke…)
I can’t believe you didn’t know of them yet, I lurve their music!! I saw them live for the first time a few years ago and if they ever come back to Atlanta I will definitely go again. Did they do Black Dog by Led Zeppelin? Best cover ever!!
I love Train. Just got their new CD.. Me likey.
I don’t love Train either, but the lead singer reminds me of an old musician boyfriend. So I look at him.
I have always loved Train, especially the song, “Meet Virginia.”
I loved Train when they were kind of big because of Meet Virginia and my husband will never let me forget it. Whatever.
Ouch, Bossy that hurt! Poor Pat. Cliche??? Really?
I recently saw him in MAUI. (I know. I’m showing off but I WILL never get a free “business trip” to Hawaii again and I must say what I must say.) I found him to be a talented singer with perfect pitch, great energy and a hell of a way with the the ladies…I mean crowd.