The rejects.
Bossy loves Halloween candy rejects because they are so honest, and without logic. Lordy, there they are, the ones no one wants to eat, even though their brethren candies, so similar, have been scarfed.
In whatever case, at approximately 9 p.m. every night, Bossy is all, “Oh let me have at ’em.” So much for discerning.
Bossy can keep the special dark, but I want the Mr. Goodbar.
Dark chocolate rejected? I’ve never seen such a thing! It’s scandalous! An outrage!
BLASPHEMY! hershey’s special dark bars are proof that Godzilla loves us and wants us to be happy.
LERVE the dark chocolate ones; mr. goodbars are YUCK to the n-th degree!
LORD if I were there there’d be no Mr Goodbar left for Bossy to scarf.
Rejects??? Those are two of my favorites!
–>The Mr. Goodbars are the first to go in my house along with the Snickers. Y U M.
LOL… The caption: Favorite things. The picture of Hershey’s Dark chocolate and Mr. Good bar. “Oh yeahhh” I’m thinking, so to open the post to find they are NOT your favorites, but your rejects, made me laugh. Aw well…to each her own.
It’s very “Looking for Mr. Goodbar”. I’m old.
Those are rejects? Those would be the first ones I would steal!
Lordy, do I ever hate dark chocolate!
Mr Goodbar and I date outside of our respective marriages.
Special Dark is gross. It’s like the worst dark chocolate ever.
Rejects?! Those are my favorites!!
As a kid those were always the ones left behind. I was all about the Krackle bars. Nowadays, either of those could be four weeks old and stale and I’ll still have a go at ’em. But they still don’t top my list.
Gah! If you can’t get good chocolate and Hershey’s Halloween mix is all you have access to, THESE are the two to eat! Thank God the kids don’t realize it!
I can’t stand milk chocolate, so the plain Hershey bars would be the last ones to go. Special Dark is the absolute best!
Oh, I will be more than happy to take those Special Dark bars off your hands. But please keep Mr. Goodbar away.
Evidently we are polar opposites in the cholocate candy bar department.
Oh, on the topic of favorite things. On the menu tonight at Ducks Mahal is bossy’s favorite – Beef Burgundy.
I’ll be happy to divvy up those Special Darks with the few commenters that want them. I reject all the others in the bowl. So there.
Not only do I love the Special Darks but they’re my kids’ favorites, too! I have to set aside my own private stash right when I open the bag. My poor kids think that Hershey has gotten stingy with the special darks in the mix!
Those are the ones leftover for me, too. The Krackles are always the first to go.
Why doesn’t anyone favor Mr. Goodbar’s? Lucky for me.
Give me the Mr Goodbar! LOVE EM!
You have effin’ CHOCOLATE left? What is WRONG with you people?
Dark chocolate is practically medicine for god’s sake, it’s so good for you. And peanuts are an excellent source of protein.
Rejects? Looks like LUNCH.
Dark chocolate is the first to go in our house and Mr. Goodbar the last.
But in general, I agree with The Crazy Mom, up there at comment 25. Sadly, our chocolate is gone.
Next Halloween, come over here and take whatever you want, just leave the Special Darks. MMMMMMmmmmmm.